
How to Compile Quake for dos?

Started by December 26, 1999 09:31 PM
8 comments, last by unknownbot 25 years, 2 months ago
Where are you compiling it in. I was told that it was coded in DJGPP!

-- Paul

Yes, it was programmed in DJGPP.
Yes I am using DJGPP its just I can't figure out hwo to get the code together for compiling thats what I really need help with?


Shouldn't you just be able to put all the source and h files in a project, and compile it? You will need to run that gas2masm thing to convert all the s files into asm files I think, although you might not... With VC 6 it just converts those to asm files when you build the project, but I'm not sure how it will work with DJGPP...



I found a link at CFXWeb to a site with
Quake tutorials. Perhaps the tutorial
"Compiling DOSQuake with a free compiler: DJGPP"
could help you.

Good luck!


cool site, thanks for the link, it has good tuts. now with the source code can the game be altered? does the source code have the quake(1) engine? can stuff be added like textures, models, ai, maps, sounds, basicly mods and such alteraterations? can games be made using the quake engine if it has it?
by engine i mean the graphics engine. can i use it to make my own games?
From my understanding of the way it was released yes you can use it to make your own games,and even sell them. However all the textures,mdl's,maps,and everything else cept the code is still copyrighted,and can not be used.
I've been asking alot of people for this one because I can't figure out how to compile the quake source for dos. So if someone can help me with it or at least give me a make file I'd really appreiate it.



Thanks for having the time to give me some solutions it really helped.



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