
Best human modeler software?

Started by December 26, 2006 09:56 AM
1 comment, last by tiles 18 years ago
I was wondering if there is software out there that lets you create a human model, customize its look, maybe some awesome UVW mapping capabilities and then let you just export your mode out to 3DS? I've tried poser but the polygon count it puts out for a model is like 40,000 with optmization. Anyone know of a good program or addon to 3d studio max for human modeling? I'm trying to model one from scratch and it is tough.
Well, there is Daz3D, but it is essentially the same as Poser, short of buying or paying someone to make you some models, your only option is to get a book [1][2][3] or training DVD[1][2] and start churning some models.
Best modeling software is the one in front of the PC with the mouse in its hand. Real Life Brain Version 1.0 :P

It takes a pretty while to learn all needed techniques and to get enough skills and experience so that the result looks useful as you have noticed. It is an artistic thing. But it is worth learning it. There is no software to create Animals or Monsters or such stuff around. So at the latest here it would be handy to know how to shape a mesh from scratch.

Have a look for human modeling tutorials. There are several good ones around. Also a good idea is to have good reference pictures and model by them.

I prefer to model from scratch. Which gives me the best control over the shape and edgeloops. But i can understand that somebody doesn't want to go this route. Shaping humans is a tough thing.

I would give Makehuman a try when you don't want to learn human modeling. Even when i am not this happy with the edgeloops of its mesh.

Good texturing and clothes and stuff is a completely different chapter though. There is no easy way.
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