
DirectX NT Compatibility?

Started by December 15, 1999 12:08 PM
3 comments, last by Remnant 25 years, 2 months ago
I don't know if I'm right or not, because I don't know much about DX/NT compatability, but I think I remember hearing a while back that NT was not compatible with DirectSound, but I never remember hearing anything about Ddraw or Dinput...
Good luck


DirectX 3 is only available on Windows NT 4.0. It has hardware-accelerated DDraw, but that is about it. DirectSound is always emulated, etc.

Windows 2000 (formerly NT 5) has full support for DirectX 7.

For DX3 you need WinNT4 with SP3.
Win2K ships with DirectX 7 already included, but the original DirectX detection code of Microsoft does ask if the OS is a NT and returns a maximum of DirectX3 for it, which makes it impossible for most new games to run on Win2K if they use the DX detection function that was included in the DirectX SDKs up to DXSDK6.1...
The one included in DXSDK7.0 is rewritten and detects it correctly...


Alexander Stockinger

Alexander Stockinger

I'm curious as to how compatible NT is with DirectX? I'm currently using only the DDraw and DInput areas. At first I thought that it wouldn't work at all, but then someone here said a while ago that by redefining the DirectX version number, you can generate DX3-compatible and thus NT compatible code.

Well, that worked, with one LARGE problem. Upon execution I no longer recieve a "dinput.dll not found" message. However, DI returns erroneous values. I don't mean errors : I have the program exhaustively set up to let me know if DX returns a failure on any of the calls. But as near as I can tell, the GetDeviceState() (and all the initialization and setup) calls for DI are succeeding, yet the info that GetDeviceState() is returning is bogus, usually just 0.

The same code works perfectly on all 95/98 boxes that I've been able to test on.

Any ideas?

- Remnant
- (Steve Schmitt)

- Remnant- (Steve Schmitt)
A list of games that are compatible under NT is at .

There are a couple of hacks to get around this, such as dual booting the machine to Win2K and Win98, installing under 98, then running under 2000.

Also, version information under Win2K is in My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, while under 98 it is under My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion, so you may be able to fool some games into thinking its really 98.

But not all games will work with these hacks. Some write to the registry in weird ways, probably for copy-protection. Others check files in \Windows. Some have problems with the different timer that Win2K has (5 ms versus 1 ms.)

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