New Image File Type Plz some one answer
December 14, 1999 11:31 PM
For my game I am making a new graphics file type. What i want to do is make a program that will convert Bmp's into the new file type so my graphics crew use programs like 3d max and such.The new file type will be in acii and the colors will be represented with pallestte entire numbers(ex- 0 = black 1= light green etc). What i want to know is is there anyway to make a program read the individual pixels of a bitmap so i can get thier color and position.
Sure, use Windows (I assume your using Windows because of your need for bmp files) or write your own. A bmp file's structure can be obtained through the help files, but basically is made up of 4 parts.
1. The file header
2. The info header
3. A palette or bit masks depending on the bit depth you are using
4. The actual bits of the bitmap
Code samples aren't too hard to find (does it look like I know where any are offhand?), either for writing your own or loading one from Windows.
Hope this didn't confuse you,
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