
Game Themes

Started by December 10, 2006 06:17 PM
1 comment, last by ishpeck 18 years, 2 months ago
(This is a re-post of an extremely old post of mine. I've just got out of a busy rut of mine, and have finally gotten a re-kindled interested/curiosity in the subject once more. The original post and further discussion can be found here: I am still looking for any feedbacks/new ideas anyone may have. I have re-posted the first post for those who don't care about the further discussion already taken place. Hello, I am currently putting together a design for an MMORPG (Please don't complain at me about how impossible it is...) and I am stuck between 2 ideas, I've listed a features/basic concept list below, I will divide them into 2 different posts. Please, just give me your feedback on which you'd prefer to play, as well as any ideas you may have to further add-on to it, or ways to solve the negatives about it. I apolgize at the differences between the two writings of the concept, both were written at a different time, I believe that the Sci-Fi is more of a detailed and almost gives more of a tilt towards it, but please do not take the writing into account. Sci-Fi Concept The setting of “Revelation” is in a future sci-fi world, in which technology has advanced so a human being can now merge his D.N.A and mind to a spacecraft (The story will revolve around this). This means that once that the stronger and smarter the human, the greater the spacecraft. This is how the system in “Revelation” works, because the human is merged with the spacecraft, each kill scored by the spacecraft basically gives the human experience, as your spacecraft kills, your human levels up. Spell and skills work in the same way as experience. Because your human is merged, he is trained special skills from trainers around the galaxy, and then can use them from his ship. If it’s hard to imagine the ship casting a spell that slows movement speed or something like that, “Revelation” will use beams to show the skills, so basically your just buying a new weapon for your ship that performs that spell or skill. Combat is handed by selecting a target, then selecting which the weapons you wish to fire on it by just clicking the icon on the main interface. (If you’ve played EVE online, it’s much similar to this) Movement is not done by double clicking, you can either use the W, A, S, D or the Arrow keys to move, you can also set keys to increase your speed, by setting your maximum speed, it means that’s the speed you will go when you fully press the W or Up key for an extended period of time, there will also be a brake button for quick stopping, and a warp button to go long distances. “Revelation” will also feature races and classes. Races make a small difference and only include racial traits or abilities and have a minor say in starting attributes. Classes are the core of your character. Typical classes will be used such as warrior, mage, priest (New names of course), meaning that the warrior will learn skills related to damage or armor, and will have accelerated combat skills, while the priest may obtain skills that heal other ships or give extra buffs. This opens up a much larger range of possibilities than a normal MMORPG. It means that not only can you purchase equipment for your character to make him stronger; you can also purchase new ships and equipment for those ships. All equipment for your character will be done by programs, only one program can occupy a body part at a time; for convenience the program’s icon will still show a visual representation of the part of the body it goes on. (If it is a chest armor program, it will look like some type of shirt.) You can also buy new weapons for your ship, which can all be used at the same time if you have the proper skills. If you decide to buy a new ship, you can also salvage the equipment such as the shields and weapons and sell the remainder of a ship, or you can choose to sell the ship with all the equipped items you put on it for a greater price. There are different sizes of ships, as well as different builds. Some ships may be naturally faster or stronger than other builds. You can also buy larger ships in which people can mount their smaller ships onto; their armor is combined with you as well as your shields, but they still shoot their own weapons, or they can choose to mount one of your “player-mounted” turrets, which pack an extra punch. These large ships are great for large raids or sieges, where if your ship is large enough, you can mount 20 ships to your giant ship, all moving together, but you can choose your own targets. You do not necessarily have to be on a person’s ship to become in his party, you may also just form parties and play together normally. “Revelation” will also contain an extensive crafting system like any other MMORPG. Most materials will be gathered from asteroids or desolate planets. Using your crafting skills, you can craft new programs or even ships! There is also a player housing system, except this is done by large “yacht-like” ships. Once buying or crafting one, you can park multiple ships inside it, rest, create merchants to sell your items, and more. One of the biggest features “Revelation” will contain is the fantasy MMORPG equivalent to RvR combat. This will be handled by capture able space stations. Once capturing a space station, if the player is own the side that owns it, he can then use its merchants or facilities. Positives - Unique idea - Multiple combinations of ships and characters make many possibilities for builds - Ability to be creative with races, classes, and items Negatives - Lack of variety in environments: It's space... you can't tell the difference if your in the zone "Retoria" and "Morklai" (Made up names) - Combat system, I'm sure I can come up with some idea of this, but for now, I can't think of a way to make it exciting without having it twitched-based, which is impossible for an MMORPG. Thank you!
If you are going to do a Science fiction, base it on other science fictions. Don't base science fiction on fantasy fiction. The genres do not mix well. At all. Ever

There are plenty of neat tricks you can pull in Science fiction that don't involve anything from RPG fantasy. Use those if you can't come up with anything on your own. Why do you want to have Fantasy classes in SF?
Original post by NIm
If you are going to do a Science fiction, base it on other science fictions. Don't base science fiction on fantasy fiction. The genres do not mix well. At all. Ever

I disagree. Warhammer 40k and that infamous George Lucas atrocity are examples of how they can mix just fine.

-----------------"Building a game is the fine art of crafting an elegant, sophisticated machine and then carefully calculating exactly how to throw explosive, tar-covered wrenches into the machine to botch-up the works."

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