
Algorithms book

Started by March 14, 2001 11:27 PM
6 comments, last by Unreal 23 years, 10 months ago
Can you tell me a good book for algorithms???
"Numerical Recipies", Press. Gives C algorithms for almost anything in mathematics or engineering.
Exellent reference (even if the code sucks - it''s quite efficent, but UG-GL-LY. It''s ported from fortran and it shows - no, it screams.)

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- The disgruntled & disillusioned
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
The Art Of Computer Programming
Volumes 1-3

by Donald E. Knuth

"The bible of all fundamental algorithms and the work that taught many of today''s software developers most of what they know about computer programming."-- Byte, Sept 1995


M E R C I F U L ! ? ! ?
-=-=-=-A M I N O T M E R C I F U L ! ? ! ?
Original post by Magmai Kai Holmlor

Exellent reference (even if the code sucks - it''s quite efficent, but UG-GL-LY. It''s ported from fortran and it shows - no, it screams.)

I whole-heartedly agree. I used its FFT algorithms recently, and added code to the function so that it would decrement the pointer internally (even if it is a little less efficient). There was just no way I would force a user to do this:
fft (data-1, 400);

(for those who haven''t read it, Numerical Recipies refers to all arrays as 1-based instead of 0-based, so you pass in the pointer minus 1).

Still, the algorithms themselves do kick some major can.
I rewrote the fft algorithm so that it didnt suck (performs it out-of-place, however) - and sent it to gamedev, Dave said he''d post it in the algorithms/math section...

Magmai Kai Holmlor
- The disgruntled & disillusioned
- The trade-off between price and quality does not exist in Japan. Rather, the idea that high quality brings on cost reduction is widely accepted.-- Tajima & Matsubara
I didn''t know there was a math/algorithm section here!!! Cool!

''after three days without programming, life becomes meaningless'' -The Tao of Programming
Introduction to Algorithms, by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald R. Rivest. Damned good. Definitely a must have.

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