Game Programming Starter kit?
The thing is the kit comes with a bunch of tools and books which maybe helpfull and it also includes an engine.
the game programming kit 3.0 has little to do with games, it has 2 online books about c++, a visual c++ introductory edition, the genesis sdk and directx 6.1 sdk, also another book thats softcover that has no info whatsoever, it only talks about strategies in the game bussines. It has no documentation that teaches how to program a game. i sujest get some of the new books that have come out that are game programming oriented. the kit is good for learning visual c++ but little to do about games. it seems the rest u have to figure out for urself.
p.s. its only my opinion, if you want 2 great books on visual c++ at the price them go for it, but ull have to buy something else to teach u about game and 3d programming
3D engines are advanced programming techniques and not for the unseasoned. I would worry that it would just confuse you and discurage you from wanting to make games. There are other types of game out there then 3D shooters. I believe that 2D is where you should start out from, then work your way up... slowly.
Once you are comfortable with programming games, you can easily download a 3D game engine for free off the internet.
If you think about it, everything that you are getting in the starter kit is freely avaliable off the internet.
I think that the best thing to get for chirstmas is a book on C++ and a book on Algorithmn (with examples in C++ syntax). I believe, if you ask around here, a lot of people just might agree with me. Then again, no matter what I write, I always get flamed.
Good luck to you.
it also came with VC++ 4.0 Starter Edition or something like that.
It cost me about $50......but for the money you have a VC++ WITH help. Which was useful. Now I bought myself the official stuff.......
I don't really recommend it to people......
Dance with me......
I sounds like this pack includes some C++ compilers; first I would like to know which compilers, and what type... I mean like Delphi's compiler has been on many magazines as "free compiler", but actually you cannot sell you products if its made with this free -trial.
Another thing is that if you don't know almost anything about C / C++ programming, I would like to give some book tips (yappiii !
ALL Andrew Lamothes books (sorry if I did spell wrong.), actually I'm getting he's new book: Gurus Windows Gameprogramming tips & tricks. I have heard that this book is very nice, and I have seen "older version" (I mean DOS edition, couple of years old) and it rox
This book tells "everything" (almost from beginning, how to load image files, how to make things move, and so on, and actually newbies CAN really understand text of he's.
Also I heard that "Windows Gameprogramming for Dummies" is good book, but this "gurus tips & tricks" book includes everything and more than Dummies book.
One to recommend is "learn C++ programming in 21 days". Of course its b-shit name, but it covers very basic information about C programming.
I have been programming C for one year right now, and I have to say that I got bad start for programming... I were thinking that its very easy to tell "draw this to point x,y", but actually new developers need to get basics of C programming...
Maybe I'm just speaking very basic stuff and you guys know already little about C programming, but anyway
I wasn't planning to use the 3D engine anytime soon but I do need Visual C++ and I need to learn how to program.
If these other books you recommend come with a compiler then thats great I'll ge them!

The Game Programming Starter Kit is probably not worth the money, especially considering that many of its so-called "bonuses" can be obtained for free online (i.e. the Genesis 3D and DirectX SDKs).