
Graphic Engines

Started by December 01, 1999 11:21 AM
-1 comments, last by tci 25 years, 3 months ago
I am looking for a good terrain (shareware) engine. I am trying to create a golfing game and think that the terrain on a golf course is simplistic, water, farways, tee box, greens, trees, and sand. Each hole would be its own world which mean the world is limited 600 yards max. I looked at the Genesis3D engine but I think it can only do rooms and don't think I could make a room that big (600 yards max). Is it possible?
If not what is a good engine for this type of work.

Also, I am new to graphic programming but not new to application programming. Is there a good book out there that will give me some insight into this terrain graphic world. I mean how actors, terrain, textures, z-buffers, animation and etc. works. I would like to find an engine and research the technology that the engine is using.

Can anyone help me ????

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