
What would be the best way to do this.....

Started by November 29, 1999 08:35 PM
2 comments, last by Ratman 25 years, 3 months ago
i know the book is really dated, but this topic is covered in the book "spells of fury". not sure if it's still worth it's price (it covers directX 2 i believe), but if you see it on sale for $10 or a friend can lend it to you, might contain some good reading material..

btw. if you do get it, the sloping tile part is located in the bubonic the warthog section.


"can't waste the day when the night brings a hearse"

"can't waste the day when the night brings a hearse"
If you head over to, you can download the complete source code for 'abuse'. I believe that you may also be able to download the original binaries as well.

Abuse is a good side scroller with nice action. I wouldn't call it the best side scroller, but it is pretty cool. Anyways, my point being, abuse has slopes in it and but researching the source code, you can learn alot about implementing them into your game.

Hope this helps!

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

Im working on a 2D side scroller, and want to have "sloped" surfaces. not curved, just like hills and ramps. I cant just use tiles, because that would give me stairs. What would be the best way to store/handle these?


I don't know how many times this has been said - just because the graphics are tiled does NOT mean you have to have a collision map of the same resolution/tile size.

You can have 32x32 tiles, and for collision checking, you can use 8x8, 4x4, 64x64, whatever. You don't even have to use tiles to check for collision detection.

I haven't read that spells of fury, but your best bet is to use a generic solid tile, and ones that allow slopes of different sizes. Generic tiles are fast checks, while a more advanced one will do pixel by pixel checking or something.

Jim Adams

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