Argc is the number of arguments that argv is holding. Argv[0] is the name and path of the program. Argv[1] is the first parameter, Argv[2] is the second, et cetera. For example, if I typed this into the DOS prompt:
C:\Some Folder\ABC\>abc -1 -2
The program abc would have:
Argc = 3
Argv[0] = "C:\Some Folder\ABC\abc.exe"
Argv[1] = "-1"
Argv[2] = "-2"
Get it?
They have a lot of examples on their site, but I haven't personally used the SDL, I based my engine off of Nehe's Tutorial 1 code (I rearranged it, put it in multiple files) then went off in my own direction (made it into my own engine, only using his first tutorial, but more my own code now).
"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --
Things People Said by - Null and Void on March 8, 2001 9:51:14 PM