
Ummm ok.....

Started by November 28, 1999 05:09 PM
7 comments, last by Tyler4000 25 years, 3 months ago
It depends on what you're going to do, but I would start with C++.
Now what about the 3D rendering part?
For C++, I would start with C++, for graphics, that is a tough one.. maybe a graphic program (for free of course), as for 3d rendering software, I hear that has a hundred of so 3d studio max packages going for $1.50!

My real advice, would be to learn how to program. Then learn how to make 2d graphics, study a couple years of math, then learn a 3d software package.

William Reiach - Human Extrodinaire

Marlene and Me

I'd flip the order around: Study math while programming, then learn how to do 3D graphics, then 2D graphics. 3D graphics are in many ways easier than 2D because you don't actually "draw" anything, and it handles animation for you.

- Splat

I wouldnt say that 3d is better to start with first, its a lot more involved than simply drawing a series of bitmaps to the screen, which is all you have to do to make the simplest 2d games.

3d games require a lot more prep work getting things together, in the right formats, etc, and getting gameplay into it can be significantly harder too, as controls can be difficult to make work realistically, to make it involving.


Geoff: No no no, you've miss understood me. 3D graphics in this case is 3D rendered graphics (as in 3D Studio Max). Part of the original question was in reference to 3D rendering.

3D realtime graphics are far too involved for a beginner programmer. Lots of overhead, advanced math, tricky speed problems, optimization, storage formats, utilities, and finally gameplay. Whereas 2D is just blitting. And blitting. Then gameplay.

- Splat

I'd work on just learning how to program, don't even worry about graphics or games. In the beginning you have to do stupid text only examples to get the hang of things.

To goof around with games, you should check out the MOD scene. It's basically people using level editors to design new levels for pre-existing games with level editors. Very little programming at all.

Obviously, this site is programming-centric(is that a word?), but I think anyone who's been around a while has used Game Construction Kits/ level editors to make goofy little games that never saw the light of day. It does take years to get pure at programming, at least with level editors you get a chance to see if you're really interested in building games without investing those years. They also give you a good sense of how professional games are set up and make you think about what you would need to program to get anything done.

There's also probably more job openings in design these days too

-the logistical one-
A few Q's, what should I start with, C++ or graphic's? And what is a good 3D Rendering software, for free?
As for cheap 3D renderer, POV-Ray is free.

--If Train A leave San Francisco at 8:30am EST travelling 25mph and Train B leaves Chicago at 1:30pm MST travelling at 40mph, and they're 3000 miles apart when they start, what is the capital of Bulgaria?

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