Strategy game idea.
Just for a little background as to why I want to do this. I was Dissapointed in the remake of Master of orion 2, so I see the opertunity for somthing better and more indepth. I dont really know were to begin, but I guess point form would be best. the features i would like to have in the game are as follows. -16 to 20 playable races -Playable races will have race specific abilitys -Research tree can go many diffrent ways, for example if you research a hydroponic farm you loose the ability to research soil enrichment but a hydroponic farm will lead to producing subterranian farms and soil enrichment leads to nano-farming technologys. because of this you can have a million different combonations of technologies making your civilization truly unique. -Solar systems will have up to 9 planets planets will include moons but will only be considered extra building and living space for the planet. -Solar systems will include things like nebulas, black holes and other annomolies that change things in that solarsystem. for example if you have a nebula in one of your solar systems and the technology to collect nebula gases you will receive a manufacturing bonus. -Unique Governements you will have the ability to change your government types odviously. But depending on the social sciences you research you will be able to peice together government doctrine. similar but more indepth to alpha centauri. -Also you will have leaders domestic and military leaders. such as in moo2 although when they level you will have the ability to assign there stats. except or turn it on auto. -Space and ground combat control, as well as orbital weapons. of course to avoid those who hate micromanagement there will be and auto resolve button. -Ship design will also be included as well as ground vehicle design. -More indepth Spy system. instead of just espionage and sabotage. -Building will not be restricted to just planets you will be able to contruct star bases and such neer astroid feilds and even mine them for a solar system production bonus. -More indepth exploring system. for having science vessels explore you receive a science bonus and more indepth planetary informaion. This is just an Idea of were I want to go with this game. let me know what you think. keep in mind everything I have written above is just summarized if you want a more indepth look at any one of those or me to write more things I have planned for it just let me know. feel free to post your thoughts positive or negative. (but please elaborate) thanks alot Mogmoogle
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