
Photoshop Shortcuts, Tips, and Macros

Started by October 12, 2006 08:40 AM
7 comments, last by marshmonkey 18 years, 2 months ago
I wanted to share and see what shortcuts, macros, and other little tricks people use to get their Photoshop work done. I'm sure I've forgotten some things I use, and don't know many of the best tricks, so add to this list! Keyboard Shortcuts/Mouse Combos: (with some of the tools first) V - Selection Tool C - Crop M - Hand F - Toggles between standard/fullscreen modes B - Brush H - Regtangular/Elliptical/etc Tool T - Type Tool (text) E - Eraser L - Lasso Z - Zoom U - Shape Tool (Rectangle, Ellipse, etc) G - Fill/Fill Gradient Tool J - Color Replace/Patch/Healing Brush R - Blur/Smudge/Sharpen I - Eyedropper W - Magic Wand K - Slick Tool S - Clone/Pattern Stamp O - Dodge/Burn/Sponge P - Pen Q - Quick Mask Mode (applies, but does not save your mask) Shift+Ctrl+M - Open file in ImageReady D - Reset FGround/BGround Colors to White/Black X - Switch FGround/BGround Colors With Zoom Tool, Alt+Click - Zoom Out With Brush, Eraser, Blur, etc - Right click on your image for some tool properties With Brush or Fill Tool, Alt+Click - Eyedropper With Brush Tool, Ctrl+Click - Selection Tool With Eyedropper, Alt+Click - Select for Background Color With Hand Tool, Ctrl+Click - Zoom In With Hand Tool, Alt+Click - Zoom Out With Shape Tool, Alt+Click - Create shape from center point (can combine with Ctrl function) With Shape Tool, Ctrl+Click - Create symmetrical shape (square, circle) Ctrl+F - Apply Last Filter Alt+Mouse on Levels Adjustment Layer Sliders - Shows the darkest and lightest parts of the image (useful for setting your levels with the Black/White eyedroppers in photos) Macros: Base Photo Editing Macro (a quick way to start off your editing) - Make Levels Adjustment Layer (and auto adjusts) - Make Hue/Saturation Layer, +10 Saturation - Unsharp Mask, 50%, 1 pixel, 0 Threshold Resize With Script (very useful with batch processing) - Run Script - Save - Close
// =====================================================
//    Photoshop CS javascript Utility Script
//    Rags Gardner
//    javascript main() starts here
//    Alter only the following lines.
// =====================================================
// Application "Landscape" Size Target Values Here:
var newDocWidth = 9;             // The long side
var newDocHeight = 6;            // The short side
var newDocUnits = Units.INCHES;  // INCHES or PIXELS
var newDocAdjust = "none";       // crop, expand, or none
var scriptName = "Size6x9.js";   // this script name
// =====================================================

// =====================================================
// This script is intended for PS batch resizing
// Set units to inches for printing or pixels for web
// Specify the target dimensions in landscape orientation
// Adjustment defaults if the aspect ration changes:
// none:   just resize maintaining original aspect ratio
// crop:   center trim the side that is too long
// expand: edge fill the side that is too short
// =====================================================

// ===================================
//  Global Application Variables
// ===================================
var initRulerUnits = app.preferences.rulerUnits;
var initDisplayDialogs = app.DisplayDialogs;
var reSampleMethod = ResampleMethod.BICUBICSMOOTHER;
var docLandscape = true;
var newDocLarger = true;
var forPrint = false;
var oldDocWidth = 1;
var oldDocHeight = 1;
var docPixResolution = 1;
var tmpDocWidth  = 1;
var smallDocScale  = 1;
var largeDocScale  = 1;
var newDocScaleH = 1;
var newDocScaleW = 1;

// ===================================
//  Main
// ===================================
if (documents.length == 0 || ! validateDefaults() ) {
  alert(scriptName + ' There is no active document or defaults are invalid: target size(' 
         + newDocWidth + ',' + newDocHeight + ',' + newDocUnits 
         + ') Aspect Adjust=' + newDocAdjust);
} else {
   //  Initialize Values & Orientation
   app.preferences.rulerUnits = Units.PIXELS;
   app.DisplayDialogs = DialogModes.NO;
   var docRef = app.activeDocument;
   oldDocWidth = docRef.width.value;
   oldDocHeight = docRef.height.value;
   if (oldDocHeight > oldDocWidth) {
       docLandscape = false; // Portrait, swap dimensions
       tmpDocWidth  = newDocWidth;
       newDocWidth = newDocHeight;
       newDocHeight = tmpDocWidth;
   if (newDocUnits == Units.INCHES)
      forPrint = true;  // assume printing if inches
   docPixResolution = docRef.resolution;
   if (forPrint && (docPixResolution == 72 || docPixResolution == 96)) {
      docPixResolution = 72;     // JPG, adjust to print resolution

   // ===================================
   //  Run the Function()
   // ===================================
   doIt();  // run the function

   // Restore document settings
   app.preferences.rulerUnits = initRulerUnits;
   app.DisplayDialogs = initDisplayDialogs;
   docRef.resolution = docPixResolution;
} // end main

// ======================================
// function doIt(){
// ======================================
function doIt() {

   // CS2 Requires Resize based on Pixels
   if (newDocUnits == Units.INCHES) {
      newDocWidth *= docPixResolution;
      newDocHeight *= docPixResolution;
   // does it need to be resmapled ?
   newDocScaleW = newDocWidth / oldDocWidth;
   newDocScaleH = newDocHeight / oldDocHeight;
   if (newDocScaleH < 1 || newDocScaleW < 1) { // size reduction?
       newDocLarger = false;
       reSampleMethod = ResampleMethod.BICUBICSHARPER;
   // scaling up or down ?
   if (newDocScaleH > newDocScaleW) {
      largeDocScale  = newDocScaleH;
      smallDocScale  = newDocScaleW;
   } else {
      smallDocScale  = newDocScaleH;
      largeDocScale  = newDocScaleW;
   // diagnostics
   if (1 == 0) {
      alert(scriptName + ' ' + (docLandscape ? "Landscape":"Portrait") + ', ' + newDocAdjust
                       + ', PPI(' + docPixResolution + ') ' 
                       + app.preferences.rulerUnits + ', ' + reSampleMethod
                       + '\n Sizes(W: I' + oldDocWidth + ', T' + newDocWidth 
                       + ', H: I' + oldDocHeight + ', T' + newDocHeight
                       + '), Scale '  + (newDocLarger ? "up":"down")
                       + ': S(' + smallDocScale + '), L(' + largeDocScale + ')');
   // does it need to be resmapled?
   if (smallDocScale != 1 || largeDocScale != 1) {
      if (newDocAdjust == "crop")
         docRef.resizeImage(oldDocWidth * largeDocScale,
                            oldDocHeight * largeDocScale, 
                            docPixResolution, reSampleMethod);
      else   // expand or none
         docRef.resizeImage(oldDocWidth * smallDocScale,
                            oldDocHeight * smallDocScale, 
                            docPixResolution, reSampleMethod);
   // set canvas size ?
   if (newDocAdjust != "none")   // crop or expand
      docRef.resizeCanvas(newDocWidth, newDocHeight, AnchorPosition.MIDDLECENTER);

// ======================================
// function validateDefaults(){
// ======================================
function validateDefaults() {
   var retVal = true;
   if (! (newDocAdjust == "crop" || newDocAdjust == "expand" || newDocAdjust == "none"))
      retVal = false;
   if (newDocWidth < 2 || newDocHeight < 2)
      retVal = false;
   if (newDocWidth < newDocHeight)
      retVal = false;
   if (! (newDocUnits == Units.INCHES || newDocUnits == Units.PIXELS))
      retVal = false;
   return retVal;
Random Stuff: When you have a photo or image that's slightly rotated, you don't have to use guesswork to fix it. Pull out your measure tool (under your eyedropper) and click/drag on two points that should be horizontal or vertical. Then, look at the "A:" number in your properties toolbar: it will tell you what angle your measure tool is at. Simply rotate canvas by that amount. Then crop as needed. Note: This works perfectly (level is 0 degrees) if you drag from left to right. If you go from top to bottom, level is -90 degrees, right to left is 180 degrees, and bottom to top is 90 degrees. Right click a layer and choose layer properties. You can change the color of your layer in the layers tab (useful for quickly finding the one you need, especially when you have too many masks and effects to read the layer name). Need a perfect curved line? Set your brush tool to the size and shape you want. Get out your pen tool (P) and set it to "Paths" in the properties toolbar. Click, click/drag to make a curved line or two, then right-click the path, choose Stroke Path, choose Brush, and hit okay. You can delete the path now, if you like. A few requests... When you have a selection made, how do you increase or decrease its size by one pixel? When you have a certain tool selected (such as the eyedropper) and want to use another tool in the same list (such as the measure tool) Does anyone have a decent save macro? How do you apply a mask to a shape layer without doing weird things or rasterizing it?
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
I rarely even venture into the menu anymore because I know almost all of the shortcuts... Anyway, some important ones you left out:

Ctrl+A - Select All
Ctrl+D - Deselect
Shift+Ctrl+I - Invert Selection
Alt+Ctrl+D - Feather Selection

Ctrl+C - Copy
Ctrl+V - Paste
Shift+Ctrl+C - Copy Merged

Ctrl+E - Merge Down
Ctrl+T - Free Transform
Ctrl+J - Duplicate Layer

Alt+Ctrl+F - Open last filter dialogue
(Add Alt to any Filter or Adjustment to open it with your last settings.)
All the Image Adjustment shortcuts are listed right next to their name so I won't list them.

Right and Left Bracket- increase/decrease brush size

The best thing you can do to learn shortcuts, is both observe what is in Photoshop, and get the 'Down and Dirty Photoshop Tips and Tricks' books (starting with 6).
Original post by Avatar God
When you have a selection made, how do you increase or decrease its size by one pixel?

I have 'expand selection' set to CTRL-'q', then you just enter the number of pixels to expand and hit enter.

Original post by slowpid
Original post by Avatar God
When you have a selection made, how do you increase or decrease its size by one pixel?
I have 'expand selection' set to CTRL-'q', then you just enter the number of pixels to expand and hit enter.
Is there a place you go to set special functions like that?
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
yes, go to edit and go down to near the bottom where it says "keyboard shortcuts', you will find 'expand' and 'contract' selection under the tab 'select'. Here you can set all your hotkeys.
Oh, that's amazing. I'll need to look into what all I can set!
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
As an aside, how many of you have tried teaching Photoshop to a friend, enemy, or girlfriend, only to completely lose them by excessively using shortcuts without realizing it? It's painful, man, painful.

Kult House - Fresh Production Media

Oh, I've done that before. I've even written out the shortcuts before, and that sometimes works and sometimes just fails miserably [smile].

I did manage to talk my dad through an entire video capture/edit/production process, which was pretty cool. I was in another state and nowhere near a computer, so I had to do it by memory. "Press v, /, space to check the video, c, click to cut, v, click on the left edge of the little bar thingy, drag it left until it snaps here, then press m, drag a box around the two bar thingies, move them to the right...". Way cool.
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
here is one that confused me for the longest time: I would be working and all of a sudden my brush cursor would just disappear, and there was no way I could get it back! What was happening: capslock toggles the brush shape cursor graphic. Why you would ever want to turn it off I don't understand but it's nice to know if your cursor ever disappears.
devbump - user submitted game development news and resources. A digg-clone for game developers!

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