
How anyone can improve at art

Started by October 02, 2006 03:48 PM
59 comments, last by Oluseyi 18 years, 4 months ago
great to see a reaction. If I have some down time at work tommorow I will write up a proposal and check it with some other staff. Im still working out the details in my head, but I think I have enough stuff to keep people busy for a while, its hard though comming up with daily excercises that will challenge people of most levels of ability.
I am almost thinking of doing this just on my own (as university eats my time, and what university doesn't, a lack of motivation does). I have been sketching in the margins of my school notes. Perhaps I can eventually convert those sketches into something half decent!
Moe, if things are done right there should be enough 'how to learn' theory in the thread that giving the breakdown at the end a quick readthrough should set you up with a nice general idea and/or direction.
Original post by slowpid
its hard though comming up with daily excercises that will challenge people of most levels of ability.

Why daily exercises? You could have a weekly exercise, so that people that have work (or school) don't have to devote a full day, but rather have a period of time to work on the project/exercise.
Also, will this be a strictly draw, post, C&C/tutorial/advice type workshop? I mean, can I simply post the stuff that I draw, and see what people think, rather than following tutorials and pre-planned "do this do that" ?
D. "Nex" ShankarRed Winter Studios
I'd also be a bit concerned with daily exercises; weekly or twice weekly woud allow a bit more flexibility and would allow more time for review (plus would be easier for you [smile]).

I'd be happy whether or not this was an exercise based activity or simply post whatever you're working on for a critique.
Maybe three or four a week. Truly its less about critique then it is about getting people doing some art every day, and getting them to do things that challenge themselves. Its also about giving them something to look back on at the end to see how much they've improved in only a month or so.
Original post by D Shankar
Original post by slowpid
its hard though comming up with daily excercises that will challenge people of most levels of ability.

Why daily exercises? You could have a weekly exercise, so that people that have work (or school) don't have to devote a full day, but rather have a period of time to work on the project/exercise.
Also, will this be a strictly draw, post, C&C/tutorial/advice type workshop? I mean, can I simply post the stuff that I draw, and see what people think, rather than following tutorials and pre-planned "do this do that" ?

This depends on the community, but why would you use our workshop to get critiques when you could be posting your stuff right now. If you dont want to be part of the experiment, of the plan or the goal, then why be there?
Sorry, I suppose I worded that post horribly.

When you wrote the daily exercises part, a few questions arose. What I meant to ask in my prev post was whether this will be a structured tutorial-based workshop? Or will it be thematic? Or just draw every day (no real "goal") and improve as we proceed?
I'm unclear as to the full project "plan and goal."

As always, I remain excited towards this project, please don't misunderstand my dumb question ;).
D. "Nex" ShankarRed Winter Studios
I'd love to be in on this. I'd need to hook up my scanner again, and my freehand art is horrible, but that's what this is about. Improving. I am learning to draw about every other day, with this art tutorial book I'm following. Not sure if I can take part in a daily art community, but as long as it's fine for me to post only three or four times a week, then I'd happily participate.
Original post by Servant of the Lord freehand art is horrible...

If you're drawing from a picture, try turning the picture upside down. You might be surprised at the results.

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