
d3d vs ogl

Started by November 19, 1999 06:31 PM
0 comments, last by darky11 25 years, 3 months ago
I posted this on a different message board as well. Sorry if u've already read this.

I'm fairly new to graphics programming and I'm wanting to get serious about it. The problem is, I don't know which to focus on: D3D or OGL. Which do u feel will have a greater impact in the future? I've heard that DX8.0 will be standard for Win2000 so it's obvious that D3D is being constantly worked on.

Thx for ur time

OGL or DX is the least of your worries - there's a lot of ground to cover before you get to that point. If you're really serious about learning, you might want to start by NOT using a 3D package but do it all on your own. I'm going to recommend Abrash' black book again (yeah I know, heard it before) - it covers the basic without using either DX or OGL, and it's a damn good book (Cut's through the BS of most other books)..



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