
New Tutorials!

Started by February 27, 2001 02:41 PM
40 comments, last by SD 23 years, 11 months ago
Another recap in no order
1)Map viewing/loading/editing
3)Camera Moving
4)Model Loading
5)A Killer engine
6)Specific Extensions
9)Group Project

Project might be a good idea for you all..but i already am working on one, i might just be a lead coordinator or something.

To all you looking for help with camera movement...

First off, the "camera" is not really a camera.
instead of thinking, " how do i move the camera", look at it this way:
the "camera" is stationary and stuck at its position.
so, instead of moving the "camera", you need to move the landscape, objects _around_ the "camera".

im pretty sure thats all basic knowlage, but just in case :-)
I doubt that group project would work.. Nearly everyone who knows what they''re doing here are independant programmers.. The only people you''d attract from such a project would be newbies who dont know how to do things, or lamers who only want their names in the credits.. :/

ah wells..

i''d be interested in a tutorial involving terrain generation using opengl. you could explain the data structures used and tell how they are implemented and provide some source to accompany the tutorial. i have looked over some documents on terrain gereration using Lod and quadtree etc, but most are to advanced for me as im a beginner.

I also think a tutorial on loading 3dsmax files would be great as would a model viewing program each could be done seperatly as a mini series .

Well, now that we have quite a large list here, why don''t the gurus start writing some of them?
I''ve just completed a Quake2 model loader and renderer, I woudn''t mind writing a tutorial on that if enough people wanted it Although I''ve never written a tutorial before, can''t be harder than writing the code
The group project idea was tryed about 3-4 mo ago! I tryed it and no one was interested! If your interested in what the goals were...
1) Multi-platform (Win, Linux, Mac & any others)
2) OpenGL and OpenAL support (possable even D3D)
3) 3D modle loading support for a variaty of formats (dxf, ase, 3ds, lwo, etc...)
4) 2D Graphic loading for a variaty of formats (bmp, gif, jpg, tga, avi, mpg)
5) animation support
6) bsp trees
7) collision detection
8) audio file support for (wav, au, mp3)

And the entire project was going to be done into tutorials, you add a module to the project and you write a tutorial explaing how you did it. That way everyone could contribute there unigue knowledg to the project
person 1 knows how to load DXF files so they write the LoadDXF function
person 2 knows how to load 3DS files and writes the Load3DS function.
person 3 knows how to load gif files and wtites the LoadGIF function
person 4 figured out how to search the face data and optimize it into triangle strips and writes the OptimizeToStrips function.

I have a good chunk of the basic part of the program done into tutorials that explain the basics of windows programming and setting up the application class. Then theres a couple tut''s on adding the OpenGL support but I could never get anyone interested so I gave up and continued on my own.
And there was a lot more I was planning too, everyone wanted to know how to do it but no one wanted to put in the time to contribute to it. I don''t have the time right now to do it all, not unless I got like 100 people to pay me $5 a mo each to work on it then I could drop my hours at work to part time and have a lot of time to work on it. 200 people at $5 / mo and I could make this my full time job! 16/7 help line (hey, even I gotta sleep)! but that''ll never happen eather.
I continued work on the code itself and now I''ve got some kick butt stuff going that includes alot of what''s being asked for here but there are no tutorials and no code available because no one wants to help they just want the help!

Anyway, enough with my long winded response...
------------------------------Piggies, I need more piggies![pig][pig][pig][pig][pig][pig]------------------------------Do not invoke the wrath of the Irken elite. [flaming]
Some things are just not meant to be in tutorials.

A game engine tutorial is wrong in my opinion.
you will learn all the methods used in that example engine, all are probably ending up using it all the time.
doesnt give you the insight and the knowledge of engine design you need.. the topic is simply too big.

Camera control tutorial.

There is one tuturial on NeHe walks inside some boxes, take a look at that..
but really, if you think you need a camera tutorial, then you need to look some more at the basic ogl functions and _think_ .. it really isnt that hard, it can be a bit complicated math if you want full 6 degrees of freedom like you had in descent.

People gotta face it tutorials are nice, but they wont get you anywere.. you need to get behind it, to understand all the stuff, and see the big picture.
If you dont see the big picture how are you going to code good engines?
And do you really think tutorials will show you the big picture?

In my opinion, the stuff that are here at gamedev is a bit too lowlevel, sometimes i wonder why all the advanced articles are located at gamasutra???

And one last thing:
redmonkey wrote this:

personally i just need a simple tutorial on how to make my own lights, as in spot lights, but not those opengl ones, the type that you physiccly see like this

Check out your ogl programmers guide, ogl CAN do that

Edited by - ZubZorro on March 1, 2001 5:22:55 AM
Jonas Meyer
Original post by mja

2) know anything about Skeletal Animation!

Try my tutorial at

And to the Anonymous poster - you do not move the world around the camera. You move the camera. (You can do either, but it is conceptually easier to move the camera). gluLookAt is the function you are looking for.

Brett Porter
PortaLib3D : A portable 3D game/demo libary for OpenGL
~~~Cheers!Brett PorterPortaLib3D : A portable 3D game/demo libary for OpenGLCommunity Service Announcement: Read How to ask questions the smart way before posting!
To those of you looking for a camera tutorial (and those of you who think that you can only move the world):

gluLookAt is your friend I''m making a quick free-flight tutorial that demonstrates this. If you want it, email me at

I really would like to see one of skeletal animation
can can can

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