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Reading Linux Partition on windows?

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8 comments, last by Spyder 23 years, 4 months ago
Is there a program that can handle this? And hopefully write...
Try explore2fs although its not stable. Get it at freshmeat.
Hello from my world
Yea, it gave me write errors! And the help files that come with it state that its unstable. So what do ppl do that have linux and windows on the same machine? Do they ftp the files up and down when they want to share them?? There must be other solutions......
They boot Linux and mount -rw -t vfat /dev/hd** /mnt/fat-* and then transfer those files they need to have or there Windows/Linux partition to its proper place. Cause Linux can mount fat partitions (and a whole lot of others filesystems too), I wonder why MS won't let you mount ext2 partitions?

You only need the -rw and -t vfat if the partition isn't in your fstab (/etc/fstab). Which would also be a good place to add the line:
/dev/hd** /.../my_mount_point vfat defaults 1 1
Which would basically tell your system to mount /dev/hd** read-write on /.../my_mount_point each time you boot Linux.

Sourcecode is free speech!

"This album was written, recorded and edited at Gröndal, Stockholm in the year of 2000. At this point in time money still ruled the world. Capitalistic thoughts were wide spread. From the sky filled with the fumes of a billionarie's cigar to the deepest abyss drenched in nuclear waste. A rich kid was a happy kid, oh..dirty, filthy times. Let this be a reminder."
- Fireside, taken from back of the Elite album

Edited by - staffan on February 27, 2001 5:43:03 PM
bzzt, pro linux anti windows garbage

I have a package for win2000 that reads at least (never tested write) ext2 partitions as if they were FAT/NTFS drives. I belive in fact it was crafted from the Linux source itself.

So your crap about M$ "not allowing" me to mount ext2fs is, in fact, shit.

Well that is good to hear but it still surprises me they won't include support for it in Windows itself (cause I suppose you were referring to a 3rd party package, correct me if I got it wrong).

I'm not going to deny that I'm a fan of Linux (or any free UNIX) and that I dislike Microsoft. But the real issue is that I'm a open-source supporter. Open-source is the way to go in my opinion - IMO open-source and flexible software are two tightly coupled words. And Microsoft is, yes you guessed it, very closed source and closed just in generally. And the whole FUD tatic, and their marketing and tricks..well that just makes me even more determined and angry.

Goto www.opensource.org and look for Halloween I and II.

Oh and if you're going to be rude, at least use your username or post your name and/or email and the end of your message.

"This album was written, recorded and edited at Gröndal, Stockholm in the year of 2000. At this point in time money still ruled the world. Capitalistic thoughts were wide spread. From the sky filled with the fumes of a billionarie's cigar to the deepest abyss drenched in nuclear waste. A rich kid was a happy kid, oh..dirty, filthy times. Let this be a reminder."
- Fireside, taken from back of the Elite album

Edited by - staffan on February 27, 2001 7:39:08 PM
They won''t include it, because it''d violate whatever opensource licence its under. Plus the linux community would barrage them with "you stole our sourcecode!" type insults. That and the fact that very few people actually need it.

Yes it is a 3rd party (but free) product -http://www.chat.ru/~ashedel/ext2fsnt/
Umm AP...

First of all, ext2 is fairly well documented on the net. It shouldn''t be too hard to write your own implementation based on this. The source inside the linux kernel and in the FS tools like fsck is copylefted, yes, but not the standard itself.

Second, well who needs it? I guess about everybody with a dual-boot machine = loads of people, though admittedly only a small percentage of Windows users. But then - they implemented VFAT in Linux.

Third, do you think it would really hurt M$ to release an "only ever open-source app" in the time of their existence Looked at it objectively, no (because the code would be mostly Linux kernel based anyway). But I guess MS do think it would, and that''s one of the reasons many open-source people hate them.

The main reason they haven''t, and will never, include support for ext2 is that this would be support for an OS that could endanger their monopoly. Have you ever read the Halloween documents at opensource.org? I don''t think they''re talking about ext2 in there, but you''ll get an idea of their "marketing" strategies and internal thinking.


Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!
Sanity is the trademark of a weak mind.
Widelands - laid back, free software strategy
If you seriously think linux is going to outdo Win on the desktop, no chance. How dyou think Joe Public is gonna react when he finds out he has to compile 90% of his apps/drivers/etc from source ?

And as for the server market, before you think im anti-UNIX.... BSD pisses all over it.

I am a games developer myself... from what i see of the "zealots" as i call them, it doesnt inspire me to develop our products for the linux platform itself.... we''d only get millions of spam emails requesting we opensource our games anyway...

Live in the real world for a change. Windows is not the best operating system on the earth and neither is Linux, but what Win does have in its favour is IHV support, ease of use, and standardisation... unlike linux.
This right here is a troll, but i''m responding anyway, if a bit tersely.

First, Joe K Lunchpale doesn''t have to compile anything. If you''d installed Debian, you''d know this. apt-get install package. It''s that easy. And if typing isn''t your friend, there are front-ends.

Windows is standardized? What? Since when? Linux is far more standardized, and when it does change, you can find out exactly what changed and how. Now ask people who are trying to write compatability for dot doc files, or Windows networking.

And you won''t hear be saying that Linux will take over Windows or anything like that, and if you want to discuss such things, do it on topic on a different thread.


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