Std Containers across Shared Object Boundaries (GCC)
I'm trying to track down a bug in my project which uses standard containers across shared objects. The program fails in std::_Rb_tree_decrement() after a call to std::map<std::string, std::list<boost::shared_ptr<...>>>::operator[]. I am using gcc version 4.0.3 and have added the -pthread and -shared-libgcc flags in order to make the executable and shared object use the same heap, but the program still fails. Am I missing a compiler/linker flag or do I need to override ::new and ::delete or provide a custom allocator?
Moved to Unix forum.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan
In general, STL containers across DLL boundaries Just Don't Work. The main reason is that C++ template instantiation is incompatible with how dynamic symbol resolution works in all common operating systems. Any small difference in the headers used when object A was compiled, and object B was compiled, will lead to a binary incompatibility.
Pass a pure virtual interface across, instead. Or do what Microsoft did: define a whole new runtime and ABI (the .NET / CLR environment).
Pass a pure virtual interface across, instead. Or do what Microsoft did: define a whole new runtime and ABI (the .NET / CLR environment).
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
On which OS are your running this?
Under a POSIX OS, such as Linux, there is only a single free store in a process. In other words, a DSO (shared library) will always use the same free store (aka 'heap') as the rest of the program. There is no problem with object allocation across DSO boundaries. If there appears to be such a problem, it's probably a bug in your code and no compiler or liner swtches will solve that problem.
If this is on Windows under Cygwin (why else the -pthread?) then all bets are off.
Under a POSIX OS, such as Linux, there is only a single free store in a process. In other words, a DSO (shared library) will always use the same free store (aka 'heap') as the rest of the program. There is no problem with object allocation across DSO boundaries. If there appears to be such a problem, it's probably a bug in your code and no compiler or liner swtches will solve that problem.
If this is on Windows under Cygwin (why else the -pthread?) then all bets are off.
Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer
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