Quote:Original post by kingIZZZY To jwalsh:
Can you please clarify exactly what do you mean by "constitution" of the character, and how does it affect the rest of the stats and the game. |
No problem. In Dungeons & Dragons, as in our little combat simulator, a character is made up of a series of attributes, referred to as Ability Scores in D&D.
They are: Stength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Feel free to add all six attributes to your Character class, or feel free to just add the first three (Strength, Dexterity, and Constituion), as those are the only 3 we will use for THIS project. Though we'll likely use the other three in the next project. =)
Each Ability score can have value in the range of 1 to 20, as in the previous exercise you had to do. For the sake of this combat simulator, however, we'll assume that all 3 scores (Str, Dex, Con) are in the range of 8-20.
Now, the score themselves mean little...What's important is the MODIFER which is computed from those scores. To compute the modifier, simply take the score, subtract 10, and then divide by 2 (truncating the fraction).
So for example if I had a strength of 15, my Strength Modifier (StrMod) would be 2. As well, if I had a Constitution of 18 my ConMod would be 4.
As for constitution, dictionary.com defines constitution as: "The physical makeup of the body, including its functions, metabolic processes, reactions to stimuli, and resistance to the attack of pathogenic organisms." In a nutshell, your character's constitution determines how "Healthy and resiliant" your character is. A person with high constitution is more likely to withstand things such as torture.
As to how the Constituion modifies the stats of the game. Just as Iced Eagle said "...Constitution grants bonus hit points at every level, making it incredibly important for anyone that is going to take damage. Which is just about everyone."
Specifically, the Constituion score determines the ConMod. And the ConMod is used to determine the character's bonus hitpoints. As I stated in my original post, whenever a character is created they are given hitpoints equal to 10 + their ConMod. Additionally, each time a character levels, they receive additional hitpoints equal to 1d10 + ConMod. This means they get hitpoints equal to a random value from 1 to 10, plus the ConMod.
So in summary:
New Character's Hiptoins: 10 + ConMod
Each Level Add Hitpoins: 1d10 + ConMod.
So my level 1 character with a constitution of 16 has 13 hitpoints. (10 + 3)
As well, if I were to level my character say 3 times, I might possibly have 37 hitpoints. (13 + 3*( 1d10 + 3))
Does this answer your question?