
C++ Workshop - Project 1

Started by August 16, 2006 05:41 PM
193 comments, last by me_minus 15 years, 3 months ago
Looks like an excellent project proposal. A lot of features that can be used in quite a few games. Thanks for the work!
"A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." ~Mark Twain
Original post by jwalsh

1. Yes. Color the output. They learned how in a previous exercise.

Can anyone point me to that excercise? I'm having trouble finding it. Thanks
I was thinking of following along even though I don't have the book. One question I have, do you recommend storing the items and monsters in a text file and importing them into the game or is everything stored inside the code itself in a vector/array?

Great idea on the workshop, if people stick with it I think they are really going to be surprised at how much they learn.
Also, to me this seems like a big project (makes Pong look small and easy), so how do I start? What you gave us is kind of like a design document, right? Should I figure out the game states and what classes I use first? Should I just try to get the combat working first or should I try to get the main menus up first?

You are faced with the choice between top-down and bottom-up design. You have a choice to start with either to top of the system - the main menu - or the very bottom of the system - the combat. It doesn't really matter where you start. The finer points of system design are a bit outside the scope of this workshop, yeah?

For those who don't have the book; for text color you need to use conio.h. You can find out more about it on MSDN.
Wow this is a really cool project. I havent been participating in the workshop but I would definatly like to try out this project.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
I'm definetely in on the project ;) Just started a few mins ago (already had a silly semi-colon mistake too! :( Great start eh?)

*Edit* Woot, just got my menu system up and running :) Next up is the Character and Monster classes. :) I may end up doing that later tonight or tomorrow though... Oh well, decent progress for only like an hour of work.

[Edited by - Iced_Eagle on August 19, 2006 4:01:02 PM]
Great start is right. All I've got left to do is the actual combat. Except I'm writing it in vanilla C. This way, I can post code without worrying about students stealing it. If their code looks like mine, they fail the project. Genius, eh?
How can I manipulate my text so that it looks neat during runtime? I need more than just \t and \n. I would like to know how to:

- Clear the screen (\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ thanx!)
- Place a particular character or string (or white-space) at a particular point in the screen (for example: row 2 column 47 print "Strength: 30")
- The above obviously should allow me to REplace characters/strings at will (for example: row 2 column 58 print "35" when strength increases)

With this power, I could think of many more games which could be made...
Check this out then. Clicky
(Last post was mine, dunno why it signed out of my account)

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