I dont know how you set it up , and i havent reached strings since i am still at chapter 9, but your solution seems overly compicated. If i get it right you want to print "Enemy level 1" and then give extra choise as he rises up in level. would
it be simpler to write something like
for(int i=1;i<PlayerLevel;i++)
std::cout << "(" << i << ")" << "Level " << i << " enemy." << std::endl;
and the take the choise , declaring every choise bigger than playerlevel illegal
and maybe creating an enemy like like i do : Actor Enemy(choise); wicth randomly generates an enemy of that level.
Sorry if this doesnt make sense or doesnt help you or doesnt fit in your program.
Good luck with your project.
Edit: I just saw your blog and i must say I feel quite silly giving advice to you. I am temted to delete this post but i want to know if my suggestion isnt any good so i dont implement it in my project.
C++ Workshop - Project 1
AddMenuElement(Level.operator +=(SStream.str()));
Don't do that. Don't call operator+= - just use it! " Level += SStream.str() ".
I'm afraid I don't know the specifics of using stringstream (I use boost::lexical_cast for this sort of thing myself) so I can't help with the other problem. If all else fails, just move the declaration of the stringstream into the for loop.
Thanks for the replies guys! :)
And thanks to you, gparali, in particular. Your suggestion to use std::cout instead of AddMenuElement() was what I needed. :) Seems std::cout is completely comfortable with taking an int as a parameter and converting it to a string. However, AddMenuElement(), which is basically just a wrapper I've made over std::string.append(), is not.
rating++ to you guys. :)
And thanks to you, gparali, in particular. Your suggestion to use std::cout instead of AddMenuElement() was what I needed. :) Seems std::cout is completely comfortable with taking an int as a parameter and converting it to a string. However, AddMenuElement(), which is basically just a wrapper I've made over std::string.append(), is not.
rating++ to you guys. :)
AddMenuElement(Level.operator +=(SStream.str()));
Afr0m@n, when you use the operator += in that sense, the string Level is being appended by the content on the right, in this case, the integer (in string form due to the stringstream) . This is different from using the + operator which will return a combination of the strings on the left and right side of the operator, without changing the value stored in memory for the variables for either string. So, doing:
AddMenuElement(Level + (SStream.str()));
Will return the string "Level: 1" (or whatever the number is), annd the value of the variable Level will still remain unchanged, i.e "Level: " .
Now, I'm almost done with this game as well but I've noticed the algorithms don't really work as expected. 80% of my attacks are unsuccessful, and if they are, then the damage is so high (around 6-15) as compared to the defender's hitpoints around (10-15) that it takes just one or two successful attacks to kill the opponent.
--------------------------------------Amaze your friends! Astound your family! Kennify your text!
Ok here is my code for this project. I don't have masses of time at the moment to refactor it much better, so ill just post it as it is and you gurues can rip it to bits :) I tweaked a couple of the calculations a little because it seemed my player was dieing too much to the monster :). Project files/source and executable.
[Edited by - alexjp on September 11, 2006 10:24:26 AM]
#include "Equipment.h"#include "Player.h"#include "Menu.h"#include "Battle.h"#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>using std::cin;using std::cout;void init(){ // Populate the weapon, armour and monsters tables. Weapon::fillWeapInventory(); Armour::fillArmourInventory(); Monster::fillMonsterTable(); Battle::precalcXPTable();}char getInput(){ char temp; std::cout << "\nChoice: "; temp = tolower(_getch()); return temp;}int main(){ init(); Menu menusystem; PlayerCharacter player; Battle battleground; bool gameOver = false; while (!gameOver) { setColour(WHITE); menusystem.clearConsole(); menusystem.dispMainMenu(); char choice = getInput(); switch (choice) { case 'a': // Character menu char c; menusystem.clearConsole(); menusystem.dispCharacterMenu(); // Check to see if player exists. if (PlayerCharacter::playerExists(&player)) { setColour(RED); std::cout << "\nYou have already Created a player!\n"; std::cout << "\nDo you wish to continue? [y - yes, n - no] \n"; setColour(WHITE); if (getInput() == 'n') break; } do { c = getInput(); PlayerCharacter::handleChar(c,&player); } while (c != 'r'); break; case 'b': // Purchase menu. if (!(PlayerCharacter::playerExists(&player))) { std::cout << "\nPlease create a character first!\n"; system("pause"); break; } menusystem.clearConsole(); std::cout << std::endl; menusystem.dispPurchaseMenu(); c = getInput(); Item::handleInput(c); std::cout << "Choice: "; int temp; cin >> temp; if (c == 'a') player.buyArmour(temp); else if (c == 'b') player.buyWeapon(temp); system("pause"); break; case 'c': // View stats. if (!(PlayerCharacter::playerExists(&player))) { std::cout << "\nPlease create a character first!\n"; system("pause"); break; } std::cout << player; system("pause"); break; case 'd': // Fight. if (!(PlayerCharacter::playerExists(&player))) { std::cout << "Please create a character first!\n"; system("pause"); break; } do { Monster *opponent = Monster::mobsToFight(player.getLvl()); if (opponent == NULL) break; std::cout << "\nStarting HPs " << player.getName() << " " << player.getHp() << " " << opponent->getName() << " " << opponent->getHp() << "\n"; battleground.fight(&player,opponent); if (player.isAlive()) // after the fight. { // Reset hp to max. player.setInitialHP(); // Calc Experience. setColour(BLUE); int xpGain = battleground.calcXP(&player,opponent->getLvl()); player.awardXP(xpGain); std::cout << "You have been awarded " << xpGain << "xp\n"; // Award Gold. double gGain = battleground.calcGold(&player,opponent->getLvl()); player.awardGold(gGain); std::cout << "You have been awarded " << gGain << "Gold\n"; setColour(YELLOW); std::cout << "Current XP: " << player.getXp() << std::endl; std::cout << "Current Gold: " << player.getGold() << std::endl; std::cout << "XP needed to next level " << (battleground.toNextLevel(&player) - player.getXp()) << std::endl; // Check to see if player has leveled up. if (player.getXp() >= battleground.toNextLevel(&player)) { player.levelUp(); std::cout << "\nLEVEL UP! xD " << player.getLvl() << "!!"; std::cout << "\nHPS have increased to: " << player.getHp(); } } opponent->setInitialHP(); // Reset monsters hps back to normal. setColour(WHITE); system("pause"); } while (player.isAlive()); if (!player.isAlive()) { setColour(RED); std::cout << "\nYour player has died!"; } break; case 'Q': // Quit gameOver = true; break; } } return 0;}
#include "Battle.h"#include <windows.h>#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEANint Battle::xpTable[20];void setColour(unsigned int color){ SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),color );}void Battle::fight(PlayerEntity *player, PlayerEntity *opponent){ // First determine who has the initative. int pInit = player->calcInitiative(); int oInit = opponent->calcInitiative(); setColour(GREEN); if (pInit > oInit) { std::cout << player->getName() << " has the initative\n"; round(player,opponent); // Player attacks first. } else { std::cout << opponent->getName() << " has the initative\n"; round(opponent,player); // Opponent attacks first. } // Keep attacking till someone dies.}void Battle::round(PlayerEntity *p1, PlayerEntity *p2){ bool isCrit = false; int critMod = 0; int rCount = 1; do { setColour(WHITE); std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n"; std::cout << "Round: " << rCount << " " << p1->getName() << " vs " << p2->getName() << p2->getHp() << " HP left \n"; // First player attacking. // Determine the attack roll. int p1ARoll = p1->calcARoll(); if (p1->isCrit(p1ARoll,p1->getWeap()->getCritroll())) { isCrit = true; critMod = p1->getWeap()->getCritMod(); } int p1AR = p1->calcAR(p1ARoll); //int p2AR = p2->calcAR(); if (p1AR > p2->calcAC(p1)) { setColour(RED); // Attack is a sucess. int dmg = (p1->calcDmg()); if (isCrit) // Calculate dmg { for (int i = 0; i < critMod; i++) dmg += (p1->calcDmg()); std::cout << "CRITICAL STRIKE\n"; } std::cout << p1->getName() << " Swings his " << (p1->getWeap()->getName()) << " and hits for " << dmg << " dmg\n"; p2->setHP(-dmg); if (checkDead(p1,p2)) return; } else { setColour(LIGHTGREY); std::cout << p1->getName() << " Misses! \n"; } isCrit = false; // Otherwise its not and other player hits. // Second player attacking. int p2ARoll = p1->calcARoll(); if (p2->isCrit(p2ARoll,p2->getWeap()->getCritroll())) { isCrit = true; critMod = p2->getWeap()->getCritMod(); } int p2AR = p2->calcAR(p2ARoll); if (p2AR > p1->calcAC(p2)) { setColour(RED); int dmg = (p2->calcDmg()); if (isCrit) // Calculate dmg { for (int i = 0; i < critMod; i++) dmg += (p2->calcDmg()); std::cout << "CRITICAL STRIKE\n"; } std::cout << p2->getName() << " Swings his " << (p2->getWeap()->getName()) << " and hits for " << dmg << " dmg\n"; p1->setHP(-dmg); if (checkDead(p1,p2)) return; } else { setColour(LIGHTGREY); std::cout << p2->getName() << " Misses! \n"; } isCrit = false; rCount++; setColour(WHITE); std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------\n"; Sleep(1000); } while (p1->getHp() > 0 && p2->getHp() > 0); }bool Battle::checkDead(PlayerEntity *p1, PlayerEntity *p2){ if (p1->getHp() <= 0) { setColour(GREEN); std::cout << p1->getName() << " has died!\n"; p1->setDefeated(); p1->setAlive(false); setColour(WHITE); return true; } if (p2->getHp() <= 0) { setColour(GREEN); std::cout << p2->getName() << " has died!\n"; p2->setDefeated(); p2->setAlive(false); return true; } return false;}int Battle::calcXP(PlayerEntity *p1, int oLevel){ int diff = (p1->getLvl() - oLevel); if (diff == 0) return 300; else if (diff == 1) return 150; else if (diff == 2) return 75; else if (diff == 3) return 35; else if (diff == 4) return 15; else return 5;}double Battle::calcGold(PlayerEntity *p1,int oLevel){ int diff = (p1->getLvl() - oLevel); if (diff == 0) return 25; else if (diff == 1) return 12; else if (diff == 2) return 6; else if (diff == 3) return 3; else if (diff == 4) return 1; else return 0.5;}void Battle::precalcXPTable(){ xpTable[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++) { xpTable = i * 1000 + xpTable[i-1]; }}int Battle::toNextLevel(PlayerEntity *p){ return xpTable[(p->getLvl())];}
#ifndef BATTLE_H#define BATTLE_H// This class handles the fighting system.#include "Equipment.h"#include "Player.h"enum Colours { BLACK = 0,BLUE,GREEN,CYAN,RED,MAGENTA,BROWN,LIGHTGREY,DARKGRAY,LIGHTBLUE,LIGHTGREEN,LIGHTCYAN,LIGHTRED,LIGHTMAGENTA,YELLOW,WHITE };void setColour(unsigned int color);class Battle{public: void fight(PlayerEntity *player, PlayerEntity *opponent); void round(PlayerEntity *p1, PlayerEntity *p2); bool checkDead(PlayerEntity *p1, PlayerEntity *p2); void determineDamage(PlayerEntity* player); int calcXP(PlayerEntity *p1,int oLevel); double calcGold(PlayerEntity *p1,int oLevel); static void precalcXPTable(); static int xpTable[20]; static int toNextLevel(PlayerEntity *p); };#endif
#include "Equipment.h"#include <string>#include <vector>#include <iostream>// Defines needed for static members.std::vector<Weapon> Weapon::weaponInventory; std::vector<Armour> Armour::armourInventory;/////////////////////////////// Item - Base class /////////////////////////////// Item::Item(){ this->itemName = ""; this->cost = 0;}Item::Item(std::string itemName, double cost): itemName(itemName), cost(cost){}void Item::handleInput(char c){ if (c == 'a') { Armour::dispArmourInventory(); } else if (c == 'b') { Weapon::dispInventory(); }}//////////////////////////////// Weapon Class ///////////////////////////////Weapon::Weapon(): Item("",0){ this->nDice = 0; this->nSides = 0;}Weapon::Weapon(std::string itemName,double cost, int nDice, int nSides,int critRoll,int critMod): Item(itemName,cost){ this->nDice = nDice; this->nSides = nSides; this->critRoll = critRoll; this->critMod = critMod;}// Returns a pointer to a weapon the inventory.Weapon * Weapon::getWeapon(int num){ return &(weaponInventory.at(num));}void Weapon::fillWeapInventory() // Static.. { Weapon w0("Unarmed Strike",0,1,3,20,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w0); Weapon w1("Brass Knuckles",1,1,4,20,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w1); Weapon w2("Dagger",2,1,4,19,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w2); Weapon w3("Mace",5,1,6,20,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w3); Weapon w4("HandAxe",6,1,6,20,3); weaponInventory.push_back(w4); Weapon w5("Shortsword",6.5,1,6,19,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w5); Weapon w6("Scimitar",7,1,6,18,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w6); Weapon w7("Morningstar",8,1,8,20,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w7); Weapon w8("Spear",9,1,8,20,3); weaponInventory.push_back(w8); Weapon w9("Longsword",9.5,1,8,19,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w9); Weapon w10("Greatclub",11,1,10,20,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w10); Weapon w11("Halberd",12,1,10,20,3); weaponInventory.push_back(w11); Weapon w12("Bastard Sword",12.5,1,10,19,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w12); Weapon w13("Greataxe",16,1,12,20,3); weaponInventory.push_back(w13); Weapon w14("Greatsword",20,2,6,19,2); weaponInventory.push_back(w14);}void Weapon::dispInventory(){ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < weaponInventory.size(); i++) { std::cout << i << " " << weaponInventory; }}std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,Weapon& weap){ return output << weap.getName() << " " << weap.getCost() << "g" << "\n";}///////////////////// Armour Class //////////////////////////////////////Armour::Armour(): Item("",0){ this->dexModifier = 0; this->armourClass = 0;}Armour::Armour(std::string itemName, double cost, int ac, int dexMod): Item(itemName,cost){ this->armourClass = ac; this->dexModifier = dexMod;}// Return a pointer to a piece of armour in the inventory.Armour *Armour::getArmour(int num){ return &(armourInventory.at(num));}void Armour::fillArmourInventory() // This is actaully static.{ Armour a1("Unarmoured",0,0,0); armourInventory.push_back(a1); Armour a2("Padded armour",5,1,8); armourInventory.push_back(a2); Armour a3("Leather armour",10,2,6); armourInventory.push_back(a3); Armour a4("Hide armour",15,3,4); armourInventory.push_back(a4); Armour a5("Studded Leather",25,3,5); armourInventory.push_back(a5); Armour a6("Scale Mail",50,4,3); armourInventory.push_back(a6); Armour a7("Chain Shirt",100,4,4); armourInventory.push_back(a7); Armour a8("Chainmail",150,5,2); armourInventory.push_back(a8); Armour a9("Breastplate",200,5,3); armourInventory.push_back(a9); Armour a10("Splint Mail",225,6,0); armourInventory.push_back(a10); Armour a11("Banded Mail",250,6,1); armourInventory.push_back(a11); Armour a12("Half-Plate",600,7,0); armourInventory.push_back(a12); Armour a13("Full Plate",1000,8,1); armourInventory.push_back(a13);}std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output,Armour& armour){ return output << armour.getName() << " " << armour.getCost() << "g" << "\n";}void Armour::dispArmourInventory() // Tis static.{ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < armourInventory.size(); i++) { std::cout << i << " " << armourInventory; }}
// This class is used for the equipment of the character.#ifndef EQUIP_H#define EQUIP_H#include <string>#include <vector>#include <iostream>class Item{public: Item(); Item(std::string itemName, double cost); std::string getName() const { return itemName; } double getCost() const { return cost; } static void handleInput(char c);protected: std::string itemName; double cost;};class Weapon : public Item{public: friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output,Weapon& weap); Weapon(); Weapon(std::string itemName,double cost,int nDice, int nSides,int critRoll,int critMod); int getNDice() const { return nDice; } int getNSides() const { return nSides; } int getCritroll() const { return critRoll; } int getCritMod() const { return critMod; } static std::vector<Weapon> weaponInventory; static void fillWeapInventory(); static void dispInventory(); static Weapon *getWeapon(int num);private: int nDice, nSides; // d6, d12 etc.. int critRoll, critMod;};class Armour : public Item{public: friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output,Armour& armour); Armour(); Armour(std::string itemName,double cost,int ac,int dexMod); static std::vector<Armour> armourInventory; static void fillArmourInventory(); static void dispArmourInventory(); int getAC() const { return armourClass; } int getDexMod() const { return dexModifier; } static Armour *getArmour(int num);private: int armourClass; // AC. int dexModifier; // Add to max dexterity.};#endif
#ifndef PLAYER_H#define PLAYER_H#include <string>#include <vector>#include "Equipment.h"// Base classclass PlayerEntity{public: PlayerEntity(); PlayerEntity(std::string name, int level, int str, int dex, int con, int hp, Weapon *weapon = 0, Armour *armour = 0,bool defeated = false); ~PlayerEntity(); void setWeapon(Weapon* weapon); void setArmour(Armour* armour); void setName(); void rollStats(); void setHP(int HPmod); void setInitialHP(); void setDefeated(); void setAlive(bool alive); void resetToMaxHP(); void incLvl(); virtual void buyWeapon(int w) = 0; virtual void buyArmour(int a) = 0; int calcInitiative() const; int calcMod(int stat) const; int calcAR(int ARoll) const; int calcARoll() const; int calcAC(PlayerEntity* mob) const; int calcDmg() const; int roll(int nDice,int nSides) const; bool isCrit(int ARoll,int critValue) const; static int randRange(int start, int end); static void handleChar(char c,PlayerEntity* p); // Accessors std::string getName() const { return name; } int getLvl() const { return level; } int getStr() const { return str; } int getDex() const { return dex; } int getCon() const { return con; } int getHp() const { return hp; } bool isDefeated() const { return defeated; } bool isAlive() const { return alive; } Weapon* getWeap() { return weapon; } Armour* getArmour() { return armour; }private: std::string name; int level, str, dex, con, hp, maxHP; bool alive, defeated; // Pointers to items in inventory. Weapon* weapon; Armour* armour;};// A normal player character.class PlayerCharacter : public PlayerEntity{public: friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output,PlayerCharacter& player); PlayerCharacter(); ~PlayerCharacter(); PlayerCharacter(std::string name,int str,int dex,int con,int hp,double gold, double xp); void buyWeapon(int w); void buyArmour(int a); void levelUp(); double getGold() const { return gold; } double getXp() const { return xp; } void awardGold(double amount); void awardXP(int amount); static bool playerExists(PlayerCharacter *p);private: double gold, xp;};// A monster in the game.class Monster : public PlayerEntity{public: friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output,Monster& monster); Monster(); ~Monster(); Monster(std::string name,int level,int str, int dex,int con, int hp,Weapon *weapon,Armour *armour,bool defeated = false); void setMonsterHP(int hp); void setDefeated(); void buyWeapon(int w); void buyArmour(int a); static void fillMonsterTable(); static Monster *getMonster(int mob); static void dispMonsters(); static Monster *mobsToFight(int level);private: static std::vector<Monster> monsterTable; static Monster rogMonster(std::string name,int level,Weapon *weapon,Armour *armour); static int mRoll(int nDice,int nSides); static int rogHPs(int lvl,int con); // Randomly generate hps depending on lvl. bool defeated;};#endif
#include "Player.h"#include "Equipment.h"#include <iostream>#include <conio.h>#include <ctime>// Defines needed for static members.std::vector<Monster> Monster::monsterTable; // Base class.PlayerEntity::PlayerEntity(){ this->level = 1; this->str = 0; this->dex = 0; this->con = 0; this->weapon = Weapon::getWeapon(0); this->armour = Armour::getArmour(0); this->hp = 0;}PlayerEntity::PlayerEntity(std::string name, int level, int str, int dex, int con, int hp, Weapon *weapon, Armour *armour,bool defeated){ this->name = name; this->level = level; this->str = str; this->dex = dex; this->con = con; this->hp = hp; this->defeated = defeated;}PlayerEntity::~PlayerEntity(){}void PlayerEntity::setDefeated(){ this->defeated = true;}void PlayerEntity::setAlive(bool alive){ this->alive = alive;}void PlayerEntity::incLvl(){ this->level++;}void PlayerEntity::setName(){ std::string name; std::cout << "\nEnter a name: "; std::cin >> name; this->name = name;}void PlayerEntity::rollStats(){ char c; do { std::cout << "\nRolling for stats: "; this->str = randRange(8,20); std::cout << "\nStrength: " << this->str << std::endl; this->dex = randRange(8,20); std::cout << "Dexterity: " << this->dex << std::endl; this->con = randRange(8,20); std::cout << "Constitution: " << this->con << std::endl; std::cout << "\nKeep stats: y for yes, n for no\n"; std::cout << "Choice: "; c = _getch(); } while (c != 'y'); setInitialHP(); setAlive(true);}void PlayerEntity::setInitialHP(){ this->hp = 10 + calcMod(getCon());}void PlayerEntity::handleChar(char c,PlayerEntity *p){ if (c == 'a') p->setName(); else if (c == 'b') p->rollStats();}void PlayerEntity::setArmour(Armour *armour){ this->armour = armour; // Update stats.}void PlayerEntity::setWeapon(Weapon *weapon){ this->weapon = weapon;}int PlayerEntity::randRange(int start,int end) { return start + (rand() % (start - end));}// Calculate the stat modifier.int PlayerEntity::calcMod(int mod) const{ return (mod - 10) / 2;}// Calculate the initiative value.int PlayerEntity::calcInitiative() const{ return randRange(1,20) + calcMod(dex);}// Calculate the attack roll.int PlayerEntity::calcARoll() const{ int ARoll = randRange(1,20); return ARoll;}int PlayerEntity::calcAR(int ARoll) const{ return ARoll + (calcMod(str) + level);}bool PlayerEntity::isCrit(int ARoll,int critValue) const{ return ARoll >= critValue;}// Calculate the armour check.int PlayerEntity::calcAC(PlayerEntity* mob) const{ return 10 + mob->getArmour()->getAC() + calcMod(dex);}int PlayerEntity::roll(int nDice,int nSides) const{ int i = 0; int r = 0; for (i = 0; i < nDice; ++i) r += randRange(1,nSides); return r;}void PlayerEntity::setHP(int HPmod){ this->hp += HPmod;}// Calculate the damage caused.int PlayerEntity::calcDmg() const{ return roll(weapon->getNDice(),weapon->getNSides()) + calcMod(str);}/////////////////////////////////////// The player character. /////////////////////////////////////////PlayerCharacter::PlayerCharacter(){ this->gold = 0; this->xp = 0; srand((unsigned)time(0)); }PlayerCharacter::~PlayerCharacter(){}PlayerCharacter::PlayerCharacter(std::string name, int str, int dex, int con, int hp, double gold, double xp): PlayerEntity(name,0,str,dex,con,hp){ this->gold = 0; this->xp = 0;}std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, PlayerCharacter& player){ return output << "\nName: " << player.getName() << "\nLevel: " << player.getLvl() << "\nStr: " << player.getStr() << "\nCon : " << player.getCon() << "\nDex: " << player.getDex()<< "\nHP" << player.getHp() << "\nWeapon: " << *player.getWeap() << "Armour: " << *player.getArmour() << "\n";}void PlayerCharacter::buyWeapon(int w){ Weapon *temp = Weapon::getWeapon(w); int t = w; do { if (temp->getCost() > this->getGold()) { std::cout << "\nSorry you cannot afford this.\n"; } // Check to see if the weapon your buying is not the same as the one you got already. else if (temp->getName().compare(this->getWeap()->getName()) == 0) { std::cout << "You already have this weapon!\n"; } std::cout << "Current gold " << this->getGold(); std::cout << "\nPlease enter a new selection, Or enter -1 to exit\n"; std::cin >> t; if (t == -1) return; temp = Weapon::getWeapon(t); } while (t != -1 || temp->getCost() > this->getGold()); setWeapon(temp);}void PlayerCharacter::buyArmour(int a){ Armour *temp = Armour::getArmour(a); int t = a; do { if (temp->getCost() > this->getGold()) { std::cout << "\nSorry you cannot afford this.\n"; } // Check to see if the weapon your buying is not the same as the one you got already. else if (temp->getName().compare(this->getArmour()->getName()) == 0) { std::cout << "You already have this weapon!\n"; } if (temp->getCost() < this->getGold()) { std::cout << "You have purchased: " << temp->getName() << std::endl; setArmour(temp); return; } std::cout << "Current gold " << this->getGold(); std::cout << "\nPlease enter a new selection Or enter -1 to exit\n"; std::cin >> t; if (t == -1) return; temp = Armour::getArmour(t); } while (t != -1 || temp->getCost() > this->getGold()); setArmour(temp);}bool PlayerCharacter::playerExists(PlayerCharacter *p){ return p->isAlive() && p->getName() != "" && p->getCon() != 0 && p->getDex() != 0 && p->getStr() != 0;}void PlayerCharacter::levelUp(){ // Increase hps setHP(randRange(1,10) + calcMod(getCon())); // Add one to level. incLvl();}void PlayerCharacter::awardGold(double amount){ this->gold += amount;}void PlayerCharacter::awardXP(int amount){ this->xp += amount;}// Monster class.Monster::Monster(){}Monster::Monster(std::string name,int lvl,int str, int dex, int con, int hp, Weapon *weapon, Armour *armour,bool defeated): PlayerEntity(name,lvl,str,dex,con,hp,weapon,armour){ setWeapon(weapon); setArmour(armour); setMonsterHP(hp); this->defeated = defeated;}Monster::~Monster(){}void Monster::setMonsterHP(int hp){ setHP(hp);}void Monster::setDefeated(){ this->defeated = true;}std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, Monster& monster){ return output << "\nName: " << monster.getName() << "\nLevel: " << monster.getLvl() << "\nStr: " << monster.getStr() << "\nCon : " << monster.getCon() << "\nDex: " << monster.getDex() << "\nHP : " << monster.getHp() << "\n" << *(monster.getWeap()) << "Defeated: " << monster.isDefeated() << "\n";}Monster *Monster::getMonster(int mob){ return &monsterTable.at(mob);}void Monster::dispMonsters(){ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < monsterTable.size(); i++) { std::cout << monsterTable; }}void Monster::buyWeapon(int w){ setWeapon(Weapon::getWeapon(w));}void Monster::buyArmour(int a){ setArmour(Armour::getArmour(a));}// Populate a table full of 20 monsters, the max level.void Monster::fillMonsterTable(){ monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 1 Monster ",1,Weapon::getWeapon(0),Armour::getArmour(0))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 2 Monster ",2,Weapon::getWeapon(0),Armour::getArmour(0))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 3 Monster ",3,Weapon::getWeapon(1),Armour::getArmour(1))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 4 Monster ",4,Weapon::getWeapon(1),Armour::getArmour(1))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 5 Monster ",5,Weapon::getWeapon(2),Armour::getArmour(2))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 6 Monster ",6,Weapon::getWeapon(2),Armour::getArmour(2))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 7 Monster ",7,Weapon::getWeapon(3),Armour::getArmour(3))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 8 Monster ",8,Weapon::getWeapon(3),Armour::getArmour(3))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 9 Monster ",9,Weapon::getWeapon(4),Armour::getArmour(4))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 10 Monster ",10,Weapon::getWeapon(4),Armour::getArmour(4))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 11 Monster ",11,Weapon::getWeapon(5),Armour::getArmour(5))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 12 Monster ",12,Weapon::getWeapon(5),Armour::getArmour(5))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 13 Monster ",13,Weapon::getWeapon(6),Armour::getArmour(6))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 14 Monster ",14,Weapon::getWeapon(6),Armour::getArmour(6))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 15 Monster ",15,Weapon::getWeapon(7),Armour::getArmour(7))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 16 Monster ",16,Weapon::getWeapon(7),Armour::getArmour(7))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 17 Monster ",17,Weapon::getWeapon(8),Armour::getArmour(8))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 18 Monster ",18,Weapon::getWeapon(9),Armour::getArmour(9))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 19 Monster ",19,Weapon::getWeapon(10),Armour::getArmour(10))); monsterTable.push_back(rogMonster("Level 20 Monster ",20,Weapon::getWeapon(11),Armour::getArmour(11)));}// Randomly generate a monsters statistics.Monster Monster::rogMonster(std::string name, int level, Weapon *weapon, Armour *armour){ int str = randRange(8,16); int dex = randRange(8,16); int con = randRange(8,16); int hp = rogHPs(level,con); return Monster(name,level,str,dex,con,hp,weapon,armour);}int Monster::rogHPs(int lvl,int con){ int hp = 0, i = 0; for (i = 0; i < lvl; ++i) hp += mRoll(1,8) + (con-11)/2; return hp;}int Monster::mRoll(int nDice,int nSides){ int i = 0, r = 0; for (i = 0; i < nDice; ++i) r += randRange(1,nSides); return r;}// Display all the available monsters to fight.// And then return the oponent.Monster *Monster::mobsToFight(int level){ std::cout << monsterTable.at(0); // Always display first monster. for (size_t i = 1; i < monsterTable.size(); i++) { if (monsterTable.at(i-1).isDefeated()) // If the previous monster is defeated. { std::cout << "\n" << monsterTable.at(i); } } int choice = 0;loop: do { std::cout << "Please choose a level\n"; std::cout << "Choice [0 for previous menu]: "; std::cin >> choice; if (choice == 0) { Monster *nullmob = 0; return nullmob; } } while (!(choice > 0 && choice < 21)); if (choice != 1 && !(monsterTable.at(choice-2).isDefeated())) { std::cout << "You cannot fight this monster yet\n"; goto loop; // Eeek. } return &monsterTable.at(choice-1);}
#include "Menu.h"#include <iostream>using std::cout;using std::endl;// Function for displaying the main menu.void Menu::dispMainMenu(){ cout << "==============================" << endl; cout << "Main Menu" << endl; cout << "==============================" << endl; cout << "Menu Options: " << endl; cout << "a. Create Character" << endl; cout << "b. Purchase Equipment" << endl; cout << "c. View Stats" << endl; cout << "d. Fight!" << endl; cout << "Q. Quit" << endl;}// Function for displaying character options.void Menu::dispCharacterMenu(){ cout << "==============================" << endl; cout << "Create Character" << endl; cout << "==============================" << endl; cout << "Menu Options: " << endl; cout << "a. Name Character" << endl; cout << "b. Roll for Stats" << endl; cout << "R. Return to previous menu" << endl; cout << "==============================" << endl;}// Displays Purchase Options.void Menu::dispPurchaseMenu(){ cout << "==============================" << endl; cout << "Purchase Equipment" << endl; cout << "==============================" << endl; cout << "Menu Options: " << endl; cout << "a. Purchase Armor" << endl; cout << "b. Purchase Weapon" << endl; cout << "R. Return to previous menu" << endl; cout << "==============================" << endl;}// Function to clear the console.void Menu::clearConsole(){ system("cls");}
#ifndef MENU_H#define MENU_Hclass Menu{public: void getInput(); void dispMainMenu(); void dispCharacterMenu(); void dispPurchaseMenu(); void clearConsole();};#endif
[Edited by - alexjp on September 11, 2006 10:24:26 AM]
Original post by kingIZZZY
alexjp: gr8 job.
(p.s. bug, cannot quit game.)
Ah yes, I changed my input method to convert everything to lower case then forgot to change the Case statement, ty :)
Well, here is my program. I already had C++ knoledge, but I can't get the OOP,so I found these project really interesting. Here is my code, in which I like the CItemStore class, and I don't like the CArena class. It is just a big gontainer of everything, so at that point I could not get a better design... Hope time and practice gives me a better understanding of this. By the way, thanks for all the tutors for the help, that encourages us so much!
item.h --> Abstract class for items
armor.h --> Armors
weapon.h --> Weapons
store.h --> For buying items (armors and weapons)
die.h --> For simulating dice playing
menu.h --> For the menus (but them don't make decission switching)
console.h --> For managing the console (colors and input mainly)
character.h --> For the player and the enemyes
battle.h --> Battle system
arena.h --> ... huge class that has all the components of the program
Already taking a lot of space, so the whole source code and the compiled program is in here. Critics are welcomed :)
Source code
Executable for Windows
item.h --> Abstract class for items
#ifndef __ITEM__#define __ITEM__#include <string>enum tItemType{ ARMOR_TYPE = 1, WEAPON_TYPE = 2};class IItem{public:protected: std::string _sName; float _fPrice; int _nType;public: IItem (); IItem (const int &nType, const std::string &sName, const float fPrice=0); ~IItem (); void SetName (const std::string sName); const std::string &GetName () const; void SetPrice (const float &fPrice); float GetPrice () const; int GetType () const; virtual void Print () const =0;protected:};#endif
armor.h --> Armors
#ifndef __ARMOR__#define __ARMOR__#include "item.h"#include <string>class CArmor : public IItem{public: void SetArmorCheck (const int &check); void SetLimitDexterityModifier (const int &nMultiplier); int GetArmorCheck () const; int GetLimitDexterityModifier () const; void Print () const;private: int nArmorCheck; int nLimitDexterityModifier;public: CArmor (const std::string &name, const float &price=0, const int &check=0, const int &limiteDexterity=1000); ~CArmor ();private:};#endif
weapon.h --> Weapons
#ifndef __WEAPON__#define __WEAPON__#include "item.h"#include <string>class CWeapon : public IItem{public: void SetDamage (const int &nMin, const int &nMax); void SetCriticalStrikeLevel (const int &nLevel); void SetCriticalStrikeMultiplier (const int &nMultiplier); void GetDamage (int &nMin, int &nMax) const; int GetCriticalStrikeLevel () const; int GetCriticalStrikeMultiplier () const; void Print () const;private: int nDamageMin; int nDamageMax; int nCriticalStrikeLevel; int nCriticalStrikeMultiplier;public: CWeapon (const std::string &name, const float &price=1, const int &minDamage=1, const int &maxDamage=1, const int &strikeLevel=20, const int &strikeMultiplier=1); ~CWeapon ();private:};#endif
store.h --> For buying items (armors and weapons)
#ifndef __STORE__#define __STORE__#include "item.h"#include "character.h"#include <vector>class CItemStore{public:protected: std::vector <IItem*> _Items;public: CItemStore (); ~CItemStore (); void BuyItem (CCharacter &character); void SetStock (const std::vector <IItem*> &stock); const std::vector <IItem*> &GetStock () const;private: void Print (const CCharacter &character) const; int GetOption ();};#endif
die.h --> For simulating dice playing
#ifndef __DIE__ #define __DIE__class CDie{public:private:public: static unsigned long Dies (const unsigned long &nTimes=1, const unsigned long &nFaces=6, const unsigned long &nMin=1);};#endif
menu.h --> For the menus (but them don't make decission switching)
#ifndef __CMENU__#define __CMENU__#include <vector>#include <string>class CMenu{public:private: char cSeparator; unsigned int nSeparatorCount; std::string sTitle; std::vector <std::string> options;public: CMenu (); ~CMenu (); void SetOption (const unsigned long &nPos, const std::string &text); void SetOptionCount (const unsigned long &nCount); void SetTitle (const std::string &text); void SetSeparatorCharacter (const char &separator); void SetSeparatorCount (const unsigned int &nCount); int GetOption ();private: void Print () const;};#endif
console.h --> For managing the console (colors and input mainly)
#ifndef __CONSOLE__#define __CONSOLE__#include "windows.h"#include <vector>#include <string>enum tConsoleColor{ foreground_white, foreground_red, foreground_green, foreground_blue, foreground_yellow, foreground_white_low, foreground_red_low, foreground_green_low, foreground_blue_low, foreground_yellow_low};class CConsole{public:private: HANDLE _hConsole; static CConsole* _pConsole; std::vector <std::string> _vsArgs;public: static CConsole& Console (); void ClearScreen () const; void SetTextColor (const int &color) const; std::vector <std::string> GetInput (); void KeyPress () const; bool GetNumber (const std::string &sToken, int &nNumber);protected: CConsole ();};#endif
character.h --> For the player and the enemyes
#ifndef __CHARACTER__#define __CHARACTER__#include <vector>#include <string>#include "weapon.h"#include "armor.h"enum tCharacterAttributes{ character_strength, character_dexterity, character_constitution, character_intellect, character_wisdom, character_charisma, character_attributes_count};class CCharacter{public: private: std::string _sName; unsigned int _nLevel; unsigned long _nExperience; float _fGold; int _nHitPoints; std::vector <std::string> _attributes_name; std::vector <int> _attributes; CArmor _armor; CWeapon _weapon;public: CCharacter (const std::string &sName); ~CCharacter (); const std::string &GetName () const; unsigned int GetStrength () const; unsigned int GetDexterity () const; unsigned int GetConstitution () const; unsigned int GetIntellect () const; unsigned int GetWisdom () const; unsigned int GetCharisma () const; unsigned int GetLevel () const; unsigned int GetHP () const; unsigned long GetExperience() const; float GetGold () const; void SetName (const std::string &sName); void SetStrength (const unsigned int &nStrength); void SetDexterity (const unsigned int &nDexterity); void SetConstitution (const unsigned int &nConstitution); void SetIntellect (const unsigned int &nIntellect); void SetWisdom (const unsigned int &nWisdom); void SetCharisma (const unsigned int &nCharisma); void SetLevel (const unsigned int &nLevel); void SetGold (const float &fGold); void SetExperience(const unsigned long &nExperience); void SetHP (const unsigned int &nHP); void SetAttribute (const unsigned int &id, const int &nValue); int GetAttribute (const unsigned int &id) const; void SetArmor (const CArmor &armor); const CArmor &GetArmor () const; void SetWeapon (const CWeapon &weapon); const CWeapon &GetWeapon () const; void Print () const; void PrintStats () const;private:};#endif
battle.h --> Battle system
#ifndef __BATTLE__#define __BATTLE__#include "character.h"#include "armor.h"#include "weapon.h"class CBattle{public:private:public: CBattle (); bool Fight (CCharacter &player, CCharacter &enemy);private: int AttackRole (const CCharacter &character) const; bool AttackSucces (const CCharacter &character, const CArmor &armor, const CArmor &armor2, const int &attack) const; int AttackDamage (const CCharacter &character, const CWeapon &weapon); void Wait (const int &nMiliSeconds);};#endif
arena.h --> ... huge class that has all the components of the program
#ifndef __ARENA__#define __ARENA__#include <vector>#include "character.h"#include "armor.h"#include "weapon.h"#include "menu.h"#include "store.h"enum tArenaState{ arena_state_main_menu, arena_state_character_menu, arena_state_equipment_menu, arena_state_fight, arena_state_show_stats, arena_state_exit};class CArena{public:private: CMenu _mainMenu; CMenu _characterMenu; CMenu _equipmentMenu; CItemStore _armors; CItemStore _weapons; CCharacter _character; bool _bCharacter; int _nState; std::vector <int> _ExperinceLevelUpgrade;public: CArena (); ~CArena (); void Play ();private: void LoadArmor (); void LoadWeapon (); void InitializeMenus (); tArenaState StateMainMenu (); tArenaState StateEquipmentMenu (); tArenaState StateCharacterMenu (); tArenaState StateFight (); tArenaState StateShowStats (); void NameCharacter (); void RollStats (); bool Fight (const int &nEnemyLevel);};#endif
Already taking a lot of space, so the whole source code and the compiled program is in here. Critics are welcomed :)
Source code
Executable for Windows
Thought I'd join to get some routine. So, we're not expected to build up an inventory management and when the character buys a weapon/armor piece it should be replacing the existing one and not be an extra option?
Original post by Darkstrike
Thought I'd join to get some routine. So, we're not expected to build up an inventory management and when the character buys a weapon/armor piece it should be replacing the existing one and not be an extra option?
I'd advocate KISS (keep it simple, stupid) as implementing a inventory management doesn't add much to the project so far (it might change, I don't know what jwalsh is preparing for project 2). The user will probably select the more effective piece of equipement he have, that's all (but you still can do something: when the user buy a weapon, his current weapon is automatically sold for 1/4 of the item price).
-- Emmanuel D. [blog, in French] [blog, very bad googlized translation]
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