
C++ Workshop - Project 1

Started by August 16, 2006 05:41 PM
193 comments, last by me_minus 15 years, 3 months ago
Yes! Everyone, please feel free to post source code. Cheating at programming by stealing a 'correct answer' is more like plagarising an essay than copying math answers - it's really really easy to spot, so don't be afraid of it.

In that spirit, here is my implementation. It does exactly as the spec orders (and nothing more), except for a few minor things. I did warn you previously that it wasn't C++ - in fact, I don't even know if a C++ compiler will compile this at all. In short, if your code looks like mine, YOU FAIL.

#include <conio.h>#include <windows.h>#include <assert.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#define bool int#define true 1#define false 0void random_seed(unsigned int seed) { 	srand(seed);}int random_range(int min, int max) { 	return min + (rand() % (max - min));}int roll(int ndice, int nsides){	int i = 0;	int r = 0;	for (i = 0; i < ndice; ++i) r += random_range(1,nsides);	return r;}int strength_modifier(int strength){	return (strength - 10) / 2;}int dexterity_modifier(int dexterity){	return strength_modifier(dexterity);}int constitution_modifier(int constitution){	return strength_modifier(constitution);}#define BLACK 0#define BLUE 1#define GREEN 2#define CYAN 3#define RED 4#define MAGENTA 5#define BROWN 6#define LIGHTGREY 7#define DARKGREY 8#define LIGHTBLUE 9#define LIGHTGREEN 10#define LIGHTCYAN 11#define LIGHTRED 12#define LIGHTMAGENTA 13#define YELLOW 14#define WHITE 15void set_color(unsigned int font_color, unsigned int background_color){	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) , (background_color << 4) | font_color );}void press_any_key(){	printf("Press any key to continue...\n");	_getch();}char input(){	char input = _getch();	_putch(input); _putch('\n');	return input;}void output_hr(){	printf("==============================\n");}void error(const char* message){	set_color(LIGHTRED,BLACK);	printf("Error : %s\n", message);}void invalid_input(){	error("Invalid input. Please try again.");}bool boolean_prompt(){	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		printf(" (y)es, (n)o : ");		switch (input())		{		case 'y' : return true;		case 'n' : return false;		default : return false;		}	}}typedef struct{	char* name;	int attack_dice_number;	int attack_dice_sides;	float cost;		int critical_min;	int critical_repeat;} Weapon;Weapon weapon_table[] = { 	{"Unarmed Strike",	1, 2, 1,		20, 2},	{"Brass Knuckles",	1, 4, 1,		20, 2},	{"Dagger",			1, 4, 2,		19, 2},	{"Mace",			1, 6, 5,		20, 2},	{"Handaxe",			1, 6, 6,		20, 3},		{"Shortsword",		1, 6, 6.5,		19, 2},	{"Scimitar",		1, 6, 7,		18, 2},	{"Morningstar",		1, 8, 8,		20, 2},		{"Spear",			1, 8, 9,		20, 3},		{"Longsword",		1, 8, 9.5,		19, 2},	{"Greatclub",		1, 10, 11,		20, 2},		{"Halberd",			1, 10, 12,		20, 3},	{"Bastard Sword",	1, 10, 12.5,	19, 2},	{"Greataxe",		1, 12, 16.0,	20, 3},	{"Greatsword",		2, 6, 20,		19, 2}};#define max_weapon 14typedef struct{	char* name;	int armor_class;	int max_dex_mod;	float cost;} Armor;Armor armor_table[] = {	{"Unarmored",			0, 255, 0},					{"Padded Armor",		1, 8, 5},		{"Leather Armor",		2, 6, 10},		{"Hide Armor",			3, 4, 15},		{"Studded Leather",		3, 5, 25},	{"Scale Mail",			4, 3, 50},		{"Chain Shirt",			4, 4, 100},			{"Chainmail",			5, 2, 150},			{"Breastplate",			5, 3, 200},		{"Splint Mail",			6, 0, 225},		{"Banded Mail",			6, 1, 250},		{"Half-Plate",			7, 0, 600},		{"Full Plate",			8, 1, 1000}};#define max_armor 12typedef struct{	char name[20];	int strength;	int dexterity;	int constitution;	int level;	int experience;	float gold;	int weapon;	int armor;	int max_hit_points;} Character;void name_character(Character* character){	int pos = 0;	char input = '\0';	bool done = false;	do	{		memset(character->name,'\0',20);		pos = 0;		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		printf("Enter character name : ");		do		{			input = _getch();			_putch(input);			if (input != '\r') character->name[pos] = input;			pos += 1;		} while(input != '\r' && pos < 19);		_putch('\n');		printf("Is that the name you want? ");		done = boolean_prompt();	} while (!done);}	unsigned char roll_stat(){	return random_range(8,20);}void roll_stats(Character* character){	bool done = false;	do 	{		character->strength = roll_stat();		character->dexterity = roll_stat();		character->constitution = roll_stat();		output_hr();		printf("Strength     : %d\n",character->strength);		printf("Dexterity    : %d\n",character->dexterity);		printf("Constitution : %d\n",character->constitution);		output_hr();		printf("Keep these stats? ");		done = boolean_prompt();	} while (!done);}	void create_player(Character* player){	bool player_named = false;	bool stats_rolled = false;	player->level = 1;	player->experience = 0;	player->gold = 0;	player->armor = 0;	player->weapon = 0;	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		output_hr();		printf("Create Character\n");		output_hr();		printf("Menu Options:\n");		printf("a. Name Character\n");		printf("b. Roll for Stats\n");		printf("r. Return to previous menu\n");		output_hr();		printf("Choice : ");		switch (input())		{		case 'a' : 			name_character(player);			player_named = true;			break;		case 'b' :			roll_stats(player);			player->max_hit_points = 10 + constitution_modifier(player->constitution);			stats_rolled = true;			break;		case 'r' : 			if (!player_named)			{				error("You havn't named your player.");				break;			}			if (!stats_rolled)			{				error("You havn't rolled any stats.");				break;			}			return;		default :			invalid_input();		}	}}void purchase_armor(Character* character){	char identifier = 0;	char selection = 0;	int i = 0;	if (character->armor == max_armor)	{		printf("You already have the best armor.\n");		press_any_key();	}	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		output_hr();		printf("Armor available\n");		output_hr();		printf("a : No selection. Go back.\n");		identifier = 'b';		for (i = character->armor + 1; i <= max_armor; ++i, ++identifier)		{			_putch(identifier); 			printf(" : %s - %f gold\n",, armor_table.cost);		}		output_hr();		printf("Choice : ");		selection = input();		if (selection == 'a')		{			printf("Return? Are you sure? ");			if (boolean_prompt()) return;			else continue;		}		selection -= 'b';		selection += character->armor;		selection += 1;		if (character->gold < armor_table[selection].cost) 		{			error("You can't afford that.");			continue;		}		printf("You selected %s. Is that what you want? ", armor_table[selection].name);		if (boolean_prompt()) 		{			character->armor = selection;			character->gold -= armor_table[selection].cost;		}		else continue;	}}void purchase_weapon(Character* character){	char identifier = 0;	char selection = 0;	int i = 0;	if (character->weapon == max_weapon)	{		printf("You already have the best weapon.\n");		press_any_key();	}	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		output_hr();		printf("Weapons available\n");		output_hr();		printf("a : No selection. Go back.\n");		identifier = 'b';		for (i = character->weapon + 1; i <= max_weapon; ++i, ++identifier)		{			_putch(identifier); 			printf(" : %s - %f gold\n",, weapon_table.cost);		}		output_hr();		printf("Choice : ");		selection = input();		if (selection == 'a')		{			printf("Return? Are you sure? ");			if (boolean_prompt()) return;			else continue;		}		selection -= 'b';		selection += character->weapon;		selection += 1;		if (character->gold < weapon_table[selection].cost) 		{			error("You can't afford that.");			continue;		}		printf("You selected %s. Is that what you want? ", weapon_table[selection].name);		if (boolean_prompt()) 		{			character->weapon = selection;			character->gold -= weapon_table[selection].cost;		}		else continue;	}}void purchase_equipment(Character* character){	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		output_hr();		printf("Purchase Equipment\n");		output_hr();		printf("Menu Options:\n");		printf("a. Purchase Armor\n");		printf("b. Purchase Weapon\n");		printf("r. Return to previous menu\n");		output_hr();		printf("Choice : \n");		switch (input())		{		case 'a' : 			purchase_armor(character);			break;		case 'b' : 			purchase_weapon(character);			break;		case 'r' : return;		default : invalid_input();		}	}}void view_stats(Character* character){	set_color(WHITE,BLACK);	output_hr();	printf(character->name); printf("\n");	printf("Level        : %d\n", character->level);	printf("Experience   : %d\n", character->experience);	printf("Gold         : %f\n", character->gold);	printf("Hit points   : %d\n", character->max_hit_points);	printf("Strength     : %d\n", character->strength);	printf("Dexterity    : %d\n", character->dexterity);	printf("Constitution : %d\n", character->constitution);	printf("Weapon       : %s\n", weapon_table[character->weapon].name);	printf("Armor        : %s\n", armor_table[character->armor].name);	output_hr();	press_any_key();}int roll_hit_points(int levels, int con_mod){	int r = 0;	int i = 0;	for (i = 0; i < levels; ++i)		r += roll(1,10) + con_mod;	return r;}int experience_table[6] = { 300, 150, 75, 35, 15, 5 };int experience_reward(int winner_level, int loser_level){	int difference = (loser_level - winner_level) * -1;	if (difference < 0) difference = 0;	if (difference > 5) difference = 5;	return experience_table[difference];}float gold_table[6] = { 25, 12, 6, 3, 1, 0.5f };float gold_reward(int winner_level, int loser_level){	int difference = (loser_level - winner_level) * -1;	if (difference < 0) difference = 0;	if (difference > 5) difference = 5;	return gold_table[difference];}int experience_required(int level){	if (level == 0) return 0;	return ( (level - 1) * 1000) + experience_required(level - 1);}bool battle(Character* character, int opponent_level){	int p_hit_points = character->max_hit_points;	int o_hit_points = roll_hit_points(opponent_level + 1,1);	int p_initiative = roll(1,20) + dexterity_modifier(character->dexterity);	int o_initiative = roll(1,20);	int p_random_part, p_attack_roll, p_damage, p_total_damage, p_armor_check;	int o_random_part, o_attack_roll, o_damage, o_total_damage, o_armor_check;	int i = 0;	float ngold;	int nexperience;	int hit_points_gained;	bool p_crit = false;	bool o_crit = false;	if (o_initiative > p_initiative) goto MID_LOOP;	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		printf("%s : %d, Level %d : %d\n", character->name, p_hit_points, opponent_level, o_hit_points);		//player strike		p_random_part = roll(1,20);		p_attack_roll = p_random_part + strength_modifier(character->strength) + character->level;		o_armor_check = 15;		p_crit = false;		if (p_attack_roll > o_armor_check)		{			//player attacks!			p_damage = roll(weapon_table[character->weapon].attack_dice_number,				weapon_table[character->weapon].attack_dice_sides) + strength_modifier(character->strength);			p_total_damage = p_damage;			if (p_random_part >= weapon_table[character->weapon].critical_min)			{				p_crit = true;				for (i = 0; i < weapon_table[character->weapon].critical_repeat; ++i)					p_total_damage += p_damage;			}			set_color(p_crit ? YELLOW : LIGHTBLUE, BLACK);			printf("%s hit Level %d opponent for %d damage!\n", character->name, opponent_level, p_total_damage);			o_hit_points -= p_total_damage;			if (o_hit_points <= 0)			{				//award experience and gold				ngold = gold_reward(character->level,opponent_level);				nexperience = experience_reward(character->level,opponent_level);				character->gold += ngold;				character->experience += nexperience;				printf("You gained %d experience and %f gold.\n", nexperience, ngold);				if (character->experience >= experience_required(character->level + 1))				{					character->level += 1;					hit_points_gained = roll_hit_points(1, constitution_modifier(character->constitution));					character->max_hit_points += hit_points_gained;					set_color(YELLOW,BLACK);					printf("LEVEL UP! Hit Points +%d.\n", hit_points_gained);				}				return true;			}		}		else		{			set_color(RED,BLACK);			printf("%s totally missed!\n", character->name);		}		Sleep(1000);MID_LOOP :		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		printf("%s : %d, Level %d : %d\n", character->name, p_hit_points, opponent_level, o_hit_points);		o_crit = false;		o_random_part = roll(1,20);		o_attack_roll = o_random_part + opponent_level;		p_armor_check = 10 + armor_table[character->armor].armor_class 			+ min( armor_table[character->armor].max_dex_mod, dexterity_modifier(character->dexterity) );		if (o_attack_roll > p_armor_check)		{			o_damage = roll(1,6+opponent_level);			o_total_damage = o_damage;			if (o_random_part == 20) 			{				o_crit = true;				o_total_damage += o_damage;			}			set_color(o_crit ? YELLOW : RED ,BLACK);			printf("Level %d hit %s for %d damage!\n",opponent_level,character->name,o_total_damage);						p_hit_points -= o_total_damage;			if (p_hit_points <= 0)			{				printf("xXxXX DEAD XXxXx\n");				return false;			}		}		else		{			set_color(LIGHTBLUE,BLACK);			printf("Level %d totally missed!\n",opponent_level);		}		Sleep(1000);	}}bool fight(Character* character, int* max_fought){	int level = 0;	char selection = 0;	char prefix = 0;	while (true)	{		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		output_hr();		printf("Fight!\n");		output_hr();		printf("a. return\n");		prefix = 'b';		for (level = 0; level <= min(*max_fought + 1, 20); ++level, ++prefix)		{			_putch(prefix);			printf(". Level %d.\n",level);		}		output_hr();		printf("Choice : ");		selection = input();		if (selection < 'a' || selection > 'b' + *max_fought) invalid_input();		else		{			if (selection == 'a') return true;			selection -= 'b';			selection = min(selection, 20);			printf("Fight? ");			if (boolean_prompt())			{				if (!battle(character, selection)) return false;				if (selection == *max_fought) (*max_fought) += 1;			}		}	}}void main_menu(){	Character player;	bool player_created = false;	int max_fought = 0;	while (true)	{		if (!player_created) max_fought = 0;		set_color(WHITE,BLACK);		output_hr();		printf("Main Menu\n");		output_hr();		printf("Menu Options:\n");		printf("a. Create Character\n");		printf("b. Purchase Equipment\n");		printf("c. View Stats\n");		printf("d. Fight!\n");		printf("q. Quit\n");		output_hr();		printf("Choice : ");		switch (input())		{		case 'a' : 			if (player_created)			{				printf("You already have a character. Really create a new one? ");				if (boolean_prompt())				{					create_player(&player);					player_created = true;				}			}			else			{				create_player(&player);				player_created = true;			}			break;		case 'b' : 			if (!player_created) error("You need to create a character first.");			else purchase_equipment(&player);			break;		case 'c' : 			if (!player_created) error("You need to create a character first.");			else view_stats(&player);			break;		case 'd' : 			if (!player_created) error("You need to create a character first.");			else player_created = fight(&player,&max_fought);			break;		case 'q' : return;		default : 			invalid_input();		}	}}int main(int argc, char* argv[]){	srand((unsigned)time(0));	main_menu();	return 0;}

Allow me to reiterate. I have given you an example of how NOT to do it. (That said, it's not ugly code. It's just C.)
I believe it is an admirable thing to know your weaknesses ChurchSkiz and seek to correct them.Oh , and good luck with that raise :)
Original post by Emmanuel Deloget
What you want are include guards (this is a google search on this subject - it will point you to many valuable informations).


Thats exactly what I need :D. Thanks!

btw. I think the tutors are doing a great job posting answers to our questions. Keep up the good work!


sometimes its "hitting for 0 damage"

is this meant to happen?
Original post by kingIZZZY

sometimes its "hitting for 0 damage"

is this meant to happen?

Ask JWalsh, the damage roll is 1 to 3 for the starting weapon and starting stats are at 8. At 8 strength your strength modifier is -1. So if you roll a 1 for damage and add your strength modifier your final output will be 0. I'm not familiar enough with D&D rules to know if minimum damage should be 1 or not.
Your starting stat should not be 8. 8 is the minimum, the absolute buttom of the barrel. No self respecting DnD player would accept a stat below 13 for any attribute!

I don't think there is even a rule for that, as it's not something that would ever happen in a 'real game' (ie, on a kitchen table, not in a computer) because only the most serious of players aren't tweaking their stat rolls anyway.
Original post by Emmanuel Deloget

Quite good. You can improve it by changing 3 small things:
1) weapons should be more expensive. After the first fight, I was able to pay the great sword. Needless to say, I was quite t3h rO><0rZ after that. Use a scheme which is similar to the one you used to set up the armor prices.

Anyway, well done, dude!

1, The prices are straight from D&D (some of the more expensive weapons just aren't listed). If you're looking to add more expensive weapons, try putting masterwork/magical items in:
Masterwork (+1 to hit): base price + 300gp
Magic +1 (+1 to hit, +1 damage): base price + 2000gp
Magic +2 (+2 to hit, +2 damage): base price + 8000gp
(it scales further, but I don't see anyone making 16K before beating the game.)

(I just need to get the colors working proper on my copy and then I'm done. :)
Ok, so I've come to the point where I'm creating the Fight menu. However, right now it's looking pretty horrid. It should work according to specifications when I'm done (haven't tested it yet), but the amount of code already in there is sickening. If anyone could come up with any suggestions about what I should do to limit the amount of code being used, I'd really appreciate it. I'll post the code I have so far, but due to other people trying to learn from this project, I won't post anymore. However, if people feel they need more code to be able to help me, just ask for some, and I'll PM it to you. Thanks in advance! :)

#include "stdafx.h"#include <iostream>#include "FightMenu.h"#include "Character.h"using namespace std;void FightMenu::Init(void){	FightMenu FMenu;	char choice;	switch(GlobalCharacter.Level)	{	case 1:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		break;	case 2:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		break;	case 3:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 3");		break;	case 4:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 3");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		break;	case 5:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 3");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		AddMenuElement("Level 5");		break;	case 6:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 3");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		AddMenuElement("Level 5");		AddMenuElement("Level 6");		break;	case 7:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 3");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		AddMenuElement("Level 5");		AddMenuElement("Level 6");		AddMenuElement("Level 7");		break;	case 8:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 3");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		AddMenuElement("Level 5");		AddMenuElement("Level 6");		AddMenuElement("Level 7");		AddMenuElement("Level 8");		break;	case 9:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		AddMenuElement("Level 5");		AddMenuElement("Level 6");		AddMenuElement("Level 7");		AddMenuElement("Level 8");		AddMenuElement("Level 9");		break;	case 10:		AddMenuElement("Level 1");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 2");		AddMenuElement("Level 4");		AddMenuElement("Level 5");		AddMenuElement("Level 6");		AddMenuElement("Level 7");		AddMenuElement("Level 8");		AddMenuElement("Level 9");		AddMenuElement("Level 10");		break;	}	DisplayMenu();	std::cin >> choice;	switch(choice)	{	case 1:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else		{			system("cls");			FMenu.Init();		}		break;	case 2:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 3:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 4:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;				break;	case 5:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 5)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 6:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 5)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 6)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 7:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 5)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 6)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 7)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 8:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 5)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 6)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 7)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 8)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 9:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 5)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 6)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 7)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 8)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 9)			Character Enemy;		break;	case 10:		if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 1)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 2)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 3)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 4)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 5)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 6)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 7)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 8)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 9)			Character Enemy;		else if(GlobalCharacter.Level == 10)			Character Enemy;		break;	}}
Original post by Afr0m@n
Ok, so I've come to the point where I'm creating the Fight menu. However, right now it's looking pretty horrid. It should work according to specifications when I'm done (haven't tested it yet), but the amount of code already in there is sickening. If anyone could come up with any suggestions about what I should do to limit the amount of code being used, I'd really appreciate it. I'll post the code I have so far, but due to other people trying to learn from this project, I won't post anymore. However, if people feel they need more code to be able to help me, just ask for some, and I'll PM it to you. Thanks in advance! :)

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Without digging completely into your code, I'd say you should probably rethink the way you are handling this system. At the basic level you are doing something repeatedly with static results, IE level 1...level 2...level 3...level 10..etc. These are perfect examples of when to use loops.

How about instead of

if( something1)

you changed it to
for(int index=0; index < LEVEL; index++){     AddElement(index);}

You will probably have to change your AddElement function a little but it will save you oodles of headaches down the line and is a hell of a lot easier to follow. Let your compiler do the work for you not the other way around.

Also, the code at the bottom half where you switch the choice, it looks to me like it's doing the exact same thing no matter what.

Regardless of their choice or what level your character is, it just creates an enemy character. Is there a reason why you're doing that?

Anyway congrats on the accomplishments so far.
Thanks alot! :)

I've been messing around a bit with std::stringstream, and I've found out it can be used to convert an integer to a string, so now I've made an almost working for loop;

	std::string Level = "Level: ";	std::stringstream SStream;		for(int i = 1; i <= GlobalCharacter.Level; i++)		{			SStream << i;			AddMenuElement(Level.operator +=(SStream.str()));			AddMenuElement("\n");		}

Now the problem with this is that I can't figure out how to properly clean up the stream after it has been used, so when the numbers are printed out, they're coming out like this:



I've tried to use stringstream.flush(), and stringstream.clear(), but none of them works. What should I do?

Edit: Using google, the only topic I could find here on my problem was a seemingly old one that adviced the OP to use stringstream.str("") and stringstream.clear() after each other. But that didn't work either. :
[Edited by - Afr0m@n on September 9, 2006 3:09:43 PM]

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