
Linux Questions

Started by August 10, 2006 11:25 AM
10 comments, last by 18 years, 1 month ago
Quote: Original post by DAharon
Better to install Windows in vmware under linux. Then there is no reboot required when/if something crashes. Just kill and restart vmware.

As a user of VMware I suggest against this. The problem occurs in the fact that VMware has little to no 3d Acceleration support (though I do believe they are working on it). Also the performance hit will be a serious issue with modern day games.
Quote: Original post by 14 year old
I have heard of a linux distro called linspire(actually my granfather uses this) and i was wondering how is this and is it worth purchasing?

Linspire (formerly Lindows) is a derivative of an early version of Xandros, which used to be Corel Linux.

I would suggest if you're interested in a Linux distro aimed at someone familiar with Windows, you stick with Xandros. It's Canadian, so it's got to be good (!), and it's recommended by Jerry Pournelle (for those old enough to remember BYTE magazine).

And, um (truth in advertizing inserted here) they pay me so I'm as biased as you can get. Don't let that stop you from evaluating it on your own terms.

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