
Suggesting the Unholy: Rails

Started by February 21, 2001 04:18 PM
25 comments, last by Wavinator 24 years ago
Original post by Ketchaval

What about using a degree of "artificial intelligence" to have the computer come up with the available options. Thus this would allow for situations that hadn''t been scripted to be generated on the fly.

Right. Just what I was thinking.


1 problem with "scripted" sequences with several action choices would be that the player wouldn''t be sure if the "implementation" of the action would be good. Ie. Climb to top of wall, would it do this in a safe way? avoiding fields of enemy gun-fire?

The player must trust the computer/game to be fair.

I think something like this would be built in to the game and understandable in terms of the rules. This then gets communicated via the interface. The effect would be similar to a GM saying, "If you take the wall, you''ll be exposed to lots of gunfire but get there faster. If you take the valley, it''ll take longer, and you may get ambushed... etc." Then you make your selection.

The results then factor in the appropriate attributes of the character, and the sequence runs until the next interesting character choice. Since it''s scripted, you wouldn''t be worrying about the computer doing the right thing anyway. If you''re fated to be shot (because of a bad "roll of the die" or plot necessity) then you get shot. Likewise, if your stats say you''re a lucky hero and olympic champion, the enemy misses.

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I''ve been getting involved in this because I''m interesting in role playing, I''m a programmer over a designer, but I enjoy playing RPGs.


Yeah, I think that scripted sequences are probably too inflexible if you want a high amount of detail in the actions,
hence, there will be a need to do stuff more on-the-fly.

Going back to the ''interesting actions'' proposition, I''d like to discuss it a little further.
Lets take firing a bow for example, a player may find it mundane to repeatedly click on a target until they are dead, likewise, it may bore them to only click on it once and have the game repeatedly fire until it is dead.

At the other end of the scale, the player would probably get extremely fustrated if every time he wanted to shoot, he had to raise the bow, knock the arrow, aim the sight and draw to an appropriate amount before releasing. All the while trying to do it as fast as possible because he''s getting his assed kicked by a bunch of skeletons or whatever...

Somewhere in between that is what you may want to achieve, going back to the bow, an ''interesting action'' for the player might be to choose which arrow they are firing before attacking, or between shots or something.

When I thought of that example it seemed quite good, having written it out it loses it''s punch.

But hopefully you can see the point, if I had picked an example that could have been extended further it might have helped...


Original post by Mezz

What you also need to consider is how you are going to entertain the player whilst these tasks are being accomplished.
I mean, if a player clicked on the tree for five hours previously, now he/she only has to do it once.
What is the player going to do for the other 4hr 59 mins?

I like this question because it fully exposes the flaw of "role-playing" in your traditional CRPG: That the action doesn''t reinforce the role, and we end doing chores instead of adventuring.

My philosophy would be to include only the choices that are interesting and abstract the results of the rest. What do the do for the other 4hrs and 59 minutes? Well, what the heck else is there in the game that''s interesting to do?!?!?!

I see a CRPG where the actual adventure itself, in all its bends and turns, reversals and surprises, journeying and challenges is more friggin'' interesting than chopping down trees!!!!!!!!! (Sorry, this oversight in CRPGs makes me crazy )

So if we''re not slogging, then maybe we could be: talking to NPCs, exploring local lore & history, solving mysteries, building relationships, reputation, and social standing, figuring out puzzles, struggling with danger, discovering intrigue, being betrayed, setting up conspiracies, etc., etc., etc., etc, etc.

Surely this things are more interesting that hacking up the forest?

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--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...

Original post by Mezz

What you also need to consider is how you are going to entertain the player whilst these tasks are being accomplished.
I mean, if a player clicked on the tree for five hours previously, now he/she only has to do it once.
What is the player going to do for the other 4hr 59 mins?

To build upon what Wav said, if this is a single player game, the game could have X hours pass. Then the trade-off would be that there are only so many hours to use doing things. So, assuming events and quests are time-intensive you may not have that much time to spend doing things like chopping at trees, but perhaps you really need some firewood. So you''d have to make that higher-level decision.

Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself.
What a plight we who try to make a story-based game have...writers of conventional media have words, we have but binary numbers
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Original post by Mezz

Going back to the ''interesting actions'' proposition, I''d like to discuss it a little further.
Lets take firing a bow for example, a player may find it mundane to repeatedly click on a target until they are dead, likewise, it may bore them to only click on it once and have the game repeatedly fire until it is dead.

At the other end of the scale, the player would probably get extremely fustrated if every time he wanted to shoot, he had to raise the bow, knock the arrow, aim the sight and draw to an appropriate amount before releasing. All the while trying to do it as fast as possible because he''s getting his assed kicked by a bunch of skeletons or whatever...

Somewhere in between that is what you may want to achieve, going back to the bow, an ''interesting action'' for the player might be to choose which arrow they are firing before attacking, or between shots or something.

We''re on the same wavelength, I think. In suggesting this, I''m assuming that mowing down skeleton after skeleton isn''t the entirety of the "role-playing" experience. We probably want to role-play heros, not pest exterminators. That is, the game isn''t powered by repetitive combat.

If this is the case, then you''ve got to look at what''s interesting for the role. Think in terms of what Half-Life did with it''s scripted sequences, then consider tying the decisions you can make to the kind of character you are.

How granular you get is up to you, and yeah, I''d agree the whole "knocking the bow, etc., etc" is waaaay too granular. But so might the actual clicking on target after target.

Look at how movies and TV handle combat with hoards. I''m tending toward more object based solutions to problems we present the player with, which are executed as a scripted sequence that''s based on their character. Luke Skywalker, for example, blasts the door to head off an army of storm troopers. We don''t see him slog his way through trooper after trooper. (This also has the side benefit of a different type of gameplay, because now each and every interaction is much more meaningful)

Another example (more woodchopping): Let''s say we''re castaways that need to build a boat in a CRPG. Which is more compelling and makes us feel like we''re playing a role:

1) A game where you have chop down each tree, fashion each planck, nail them together, etc., etc, all the while killing and endless and repetitive number of tigers, gorillas, and rats?

2) A game with specific challenges that represent greater success: the macro choices of risking a deeper search in the forest for better wood, figuring out how to haul it back, figuring out how to stay alive in the blazing sun, finding an antidote to the poison you''ve swallowed, etc, etc

Traditional CRPGs would give us the former because it''s nice and uniform. It emphasizes repetition of known skills that the player has had to practice and experiment with.
We''re not adventurers, we''re task doers.

I''d favor the second because it has a wider variety of circumstances appropriate to the role of being a cast-away. How the scripted sequences play out would emphasize the role, and I think be more interesting than endless clicking once you figured out the appropriate rate and type of choice presentation. (not too few, or it becomes watching a movie)

And as for the Diablo game, which is more interesting: endlessly clicking on wave after wave of skeletons, or an adventure process where the combat is scripted / automated enough to include:

-action oriented inter-NPC dialog (arguments, story, emotional outbursts that show character); can you hold your team together?

-cinematic events (a running retreat where the archer trips and falls, losing her bow, gets slashed by a skeleton''s sword, and is rescued by the strongman who has to carry her over his shoulder); how do you respond, do you slow the team down, etc.?

-special moves (a desperation shot that riccochets the arrow off the orc''s helmet and hits the vat of oil), and -role-appropriate strategizing (where you''re thinking about the story / situation, and the next move that''s appropriate for your character, rather than clearing a level and reaching a boss); do you recognize opportunity in time? Are you skilled enough to do it?

Sorry this is so long, but it''s such a contrary idea (even for me!!!! ) that explanation seems necessary.

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--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
How would you implement this sequencing?

Would you come upon a juncture where a decision needs to be made, and have a diologue tree pop up with a selection of choices?

Or would there be a graphical option that may mimic the actions you want to take(via an animation)?

Or maybe you''ll have scripted events for given situations, that are triggered by eggs?

Just curious...
Original post by Wavinator

And as for the Diablo game, which is more interesting: endlessly clicking on wave after wave of skeletons, or an adventure process where the combat is scripted / automated enough to include:

-action oriented inter-NPC dialog (arguments, story, emotional outbursts that show character); can you hold your team together?

-cinematic events (a running retreat where the archer trips and falls, losing her bow, gets slashed by a skeleton''s sword, and is rescued by the strongman who has to carry her over his shoulder); how do you respond, do you slow the team down, etc.?

I think that even ignoring the choices aspect, some of these things could be incorporated. But with choices they could be made more meaningful. (???)

Ie. Consider a game like Zelda. The boss encounters consist of several "waves" / sections, there will be a large enemy creature, which will have a specific weakness.. which will be hinted at in some way. When the player finds this weak stop, they can eventually damage the creature.. bits may fall off. At this point the creature will get angry. It may dissappear off screen for a while. It''s method of attack will change.. usually becoming more intense, and requiring different tactics to hit the weakspot/ there will be a different weak-spot.
So whenever you had hurt a creature enough, you could incorporate a NPC-speech sequence (buddy-movie style)... OR give the player more CHOICES! Do they run away from the creature? Or attack head on. etc.

I like the idea of greater success, although this can be abused (and has been) so you get the situation where the ''greater success'' happens to be more experience because you''ve just bashed up 500 monsters in a level 900 dungeon all by yourself.

However, if the game isn''t based around this kind of advancement then you have a winner.

Going deeper, you could reward the player more for the better ways they do something.

As an example, say you have to rid some town of a big monster in the sewers (how cheesy a plot is that )

but anyway...

The designer could think of several ways to let the player accomplish that task...

1) Standard way - go down with a sword and hack the shit out whatever comes your way until you get to the boss guy, kill him, get reward, done.
To make this step seem less enticing, make the sewers really big and annoyingly laid out or something.

2) Secondary standard way - enlist the help of NPC''s to come into your ''party'' continue in the ilk of step 1.

3) The ingenious step - you muddle round the town a bit and find out there are some chemists, you get some ingredients etc. etc.. to cut it short you end up nerve gassing the sewers and killing the bad guys that way.

However, even after all this, you are still, in effect, a pest controller.

So, is it that we need to base our games more on high-level decisions, or on a different system of progression.

Well, both really. Although it should be noted that it is very hard to take all violence out of an RPG...

Original post by Tyrian

How would you implement this sequencing?

Would you come upon a juncture where a decision needs to be made, and have a diologue tree pop up with a selection of choices?

Or would there be a graphical option that may mimic the actions you want to take(via an animation)?

Or maybe you''ll have scripted events for given situations, that are triggered by eggs?

I see something like being driven by objects you can select on the screen or the ability to right-click & perform event appropriate actions. You''d be doing this without the game pausing. Because they''re scripted sequences that take a few seconds (or more) to carry out, you have time to select... uh, in theory, anyway

The post on stacking actions may help here. I see this as being less chaotic than the freeform actions you''d normally get. Meaning, in Diablo you''d have wave after randomly distributed wave of monsters coming at you. In something like this, it would be somewhat more orderly. Waves of monsters would be part of the scripted sequence, and the click action you could perform (on them, or near them) would be appropriate to the event.

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Original post by Ketchaval

So whenever you had hurt a creature enough, you could incorporate a NPC-speech sequence (buddy-movie style)... OR give the player more CHOICES! Do they run away from the creature? Or attack head on. etc.

Right. Though, some choices you''d probably get, regardless (like running away).

It makes me think of the need to come up with a "Universal Combat Simulator" that has general combat responses generic to most situations, regardless of the type of combat. Hmmm... New post?

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