How to do a 3D scene?
Otherwise you'll use up all your memory in about one scene....

Anyways, probably the best way to store terrain is in a heightmap.
Basically a heightmap is an array of numbers that signify the 'Y' value, or height of a given point on the terrain.
The size of the terrain is relative to the length of a side of the triangle that makes up the terrain "mesh". You can generate the mesh at run time, and "mold" it with the heightfield values, so the map size can be extremely small since you don't store the data, you generate it.
Once you have the terrain mesh generated, you can render that, and then run through an object listing, say that contained a castle or whatever and render them.
I can explain more (since its a large subject), but here is a simple representation..
You could think of this as a 2D array (and you should), each x,y point in the heightmap, directly matches an x,y point in the resulting mesh, and the value at a given point in the array, is the y value of the matching point.
With a good editor (image editor really), you can make some great looking terrain. Here is an iamge from a heightfield editor I recently completed...
(I hope that goes through)
P 48 Automatic Terrain Generation.
Or is that a faux pas on this site?
I'll look up that Terrain article too and see if it helps.
how would you store 3d levels or scenes? a 2d array and the value would equal the height?
like that thing you drew.
how would you go about making sure another model is on a terrain with hills and slants and slopes? how would you move an object around a 3d level and check for collisions? would you do if the model is in a level object then? where can i find out about all the suff id like to know?