
Two questions

Started by November 03, 1999 01:24 AM
4 comments, last by Qoy 25 years, 4 months ago
1) Yes, that's true what you're saying, but you have to change something in your DirectX code. I've got a special renderfunction which starts with the following code.

if (FrontBuffer->IsLost() == DDERR_SURFACELOST)

Maybe that's your problem. I also use the WM_ACTIVEAPP stuff, but see what you need and change the appropriate stuff

2) No idea.......

PS. No idea....

Dance with me......

Well question 1's already been answered, Question 2 confuses the hell out of me. But I can say that the new Lamothe book you asked about is probably the best Game Programming book I've ever seen, and I own alot of them. Definately worth the money even if you only use it for the physics, math, and AI info it contains.
Joseph FernaldSoftware EngineerRed Storm Entertainment.------------------------The opinions expressed are that of the person postingand not that of Red Storm Entertainment.
I had the problem you mentioned (number 2). I tried a lot of things to fix it, and in the end, the only thing that worked was deleting all the old project files and making a new one (you don't need to delete the .cpp and .h files, but pretty much everything else). If there is a more elegant solution, I'd love to hear it.

And I agree with eva. I'd read WGPFD, and I'll admit, much of the info in the new one is redundant and is targeted more at beginners, but there are some nuggets in there (since he goes into much greater depth than in WGPFD), and the later chapters are new material.

CJ covered your first question. What he suggested will fix it.

Hey. As a matter of fact, I just discovered the making new project files thing today Thanks for the help though.
So for question number 1, I should put in a handler for WM_ACTIVATEAPP, and in it, check every surface for surface->IsLost(), and if it is, then call surface->Restore()? Then, I gathered from the SDK documentation that I also have to reload all the graphics on all the surfaces. Is this true, or should just restoring them work?
Hello, I have two questions.
1) I notice that whenever I try to minimize the DirectX programs I make, they crash when I try to restore them again. Is there something I have to do when the window is restored or minimized to avoid this?
2) I just got a new computer, and on my old one, in the VC++ code editor, the feature that shows you the parameters for functions while you are typing worked for all the CRT functions, and the Win32 SDK functions, as well as the functions just in my code. Now, that feature only works for the functions in my code when I'm editing plain Win32 Applications (my games) but it still works for the other functions when I'm editing MFC applications. The old computer had Windows 95, and this one has Windows 98, does that have something to do with it? Is there something I have to do to make this work with functions from the SDK and from the Run time library?
Any help is appreciated!
Jonathan Little

PS: Is this new book, Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus, a good buy if you've already read Windows Game Programming for Dummies, or is it only good for complete beginners? I mean, does it offer anything new or just another tutorial?


Yup, DirectX is only restoring the surfaces that are in your chain, like primary buffer, back buffer, other offscreen buffers, etc. You have to explicitly reload bitmaps into those surfaces. See ya!

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