Sending two-dimensional arrays to a function
Like this : void foo(sometype **data);
if you want to send a regular multi-dimensional array to a function, in the function prototype/declaration, you have to state the size for every dimension except the first.
for example
say you have this array:
// ...
int array[10][20];
// ...
to have a function take such an array, you would declare it like this
int Function( int data[][20] )
// ... whatever
i hope that helps some...
Here is a simple way to dynamically use a multi-dimensional 2D array.
code:// defines#define MAX_COLS 128#define MAX_ROWS 128// structstypedef struct _TILE { INT width; INt height;} TILE, *TILE_PTR, **TILE_PTR_PTR;// globalsTILE_PTR_PTR tilemap;
code:// functionsvoidCreate_TileMap() { INT i=0; tilemap = new TILE_PTR[MAX_COLS]; for (i=0; i < MAX_COLS; i++) tilemap = new TILE[MAX_ROWS];<P>}<BR></pre><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">code:</font><HR><pre><BR>void<BR>Destroy_TileMap() {<P> INT i=0;<P> if(tilemap != NULL) {<BR> for (i=0; i < MAX_COLS; i++)<BR> delete[] tilemap;<BR> delete[] tilemap;<P> tilemap = NULL;<BR> }<BR>}<BR></pre><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR>Here's an sample function to show how the whole 2d array is passed.<BR>I don't pass my 2d array anyway, since it is globally defined.<BR>But here is how I would do it:<P><BR><BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">code:</font><HR><pre><BR>void <BR>Test_Func1(TILE_PTR_PTR tilemap) {<P> INT x,y;<P> if(tilemap == NULL)<BR> return;<P> // This method of tranversing a 2d array is wrong, btw,<BR> // but I do it anyway. This is not linear, so it is not the <BR> // fastest way to do it.<P> for(INT y=0; y < MAX_ROWS; y++) {<BR> for(INT x=0; x < MAX_COLS; x++) {<P> tilemap[x][y].width = 32;<BR> tilemap[x][y].height = 32;<P> }<BR> }<P>}<BR></pre><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P> <BR>Here's an sample function to show how one member of the 2d array is passed<BR>from calling it like this:<P> Test_Func2( &(tilemap[0][0]) );<P><BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">code:</font><HR><pre><BR>void <BR>Test_Func2(TILE_PTR tile_ptr) {<P> if(tile_ptr == NULL)<BR> return;<P> tile_ptr->width = 32;<BR> tile_ptr->height = 32;<BR>}<BR></pre><HR></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR> If anything looks wrong, UBB might have eaten my code up.<P>Reaver<p>[This message has been edited by Reaver (edited October 29, 1999).]
In reality
int myArray[20][30];
Just does
myArray = malloc(sizeof(int) * 20 * 30);
And calling
returns a pointer
(int*) myArray + (13*30) + 14;
Knowing this, when you pass myArray into a function
DoStuffToMyArray(int* array,int numObjects)
int i;
for(i=0;i < numObjects;i++)
array = 1;<BR> }<BR>}<BR>with the call<P>DoStuffToMyArray(myArray,20*30);<P>It will go through the whole array using a single index 'i' from the base pointer 'array'<P>You also don't have to use &myArray[0][0]<BR>because myArray is an equivilant pointer to that anyway.<BR><p>[This message has been edited by MikeD (edited October 29, 1999).]
I just want to add that I use different methods to access my
my 2D array, and passing &(tilemap[31][23]) for example as a
function's parameter is easy for me because I just want to work
on this particular tilemap member. Usually you don't see this
syntax anywhere, I just have it stored away in a pointer variable
when I need this data.
I would also recommend that anyone who doesn't know how big
their array data will eventually become, to dynamically allocate
their arrays because it will save you a lot of unnecessary headaches
when you run out of stack memory space and your program starts crashing.
I also like to keep them global, so you don't have to pass them
as parameters, but that's my preference.
And the reason why I have my 2d array like tilemap[COLS][ROWS] or
tilemap[x][y] is that my tiles start at the upper left corner, and go
left to right across the screen, then down. This is how I visualize
my tiles and why I don't traverse them linearly.
This code is possible:
void readGrid(grid[44][44]);
int dog[44][44];
void readGrid(grid[44][44])
for(int i;i<78;++i)
for(int j;j<78;++j)
grid[j]=1;<BR> }<BR> }<BR>}<P>readGrid(dog);<P>///////////////////////////////////<P>But how do I do the same thing with a function that can accept any size array?<BR>For instance, if I have a different array, maybe called fox[43][22], would it be possible for me to send that array to the exact same function? If so, how?