well, you just ran into the #1 classic C error that alot of people make. Basically, you're indexing past the end of your array. Consider this :
you told VC++ to make 100 instances of your structure. Ok, it did that.
Now look at your for loop. You count from 0 to 100, inclusive. Well, if you count from 1 to 100, you get, 100. But counting from **0**, you get 101. (try counting to 10 on your fingers starting at 1 and 0 to verify this.) So you're indexing 1 past the end of your allocated space.
To fix this, change your loop to :
for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
myStructs.member1 = 0;<BR> myStructs.member2 = 0;<BR>}<P>basically, just remember : when starting at 0 you always want to have the stop condition be 1 less than the number of members you have allocated.<P>– Remnant