
Announcement: Site Status

Started by July 06, 2006 03:09 PM
55 comments, last by DrakeThe 18 years ago
Original post by BBB
We are currently writing the first lessons and deciding important aspects like coding standards, as well as updating the back-end code of the website to make future updates a more streamlined process.

well it's been almost 3 months since the annoucement, does't it realy take this long?
Sorry for the sarcasm, but with the pace like this we won't see anything new on the site, any news maybe, some new posts?
Keep your shirt on, with any luck a public beta test will begin today or tomorrow (at least this week), and from that it is not far.
Original post by Pet
well it's been almost 3 months since the annoucement, does it realy take this long?
Not a problem, personally I understand your concern and I'm sure everyone (the NeHe team included) would rather we were able to release content sooner.

However, we'd like to maintain the excellent standard that both NeHe and GameDev.Net have previously demonstrated and want to provide you with nothing short of the best material we can produce on the subject, and unfortunately that does take quite some time.

To give you an idea of what has been going on, we've had to organise the team of volunteers and have assigned roles to the members as appropriate and set up an internal development/review/release cycle to ensure our content is as ready for the public as possible. In addition, the volunteers have developed a new code-base from scratch, and have been working at a set of initial tutorials based on this new and improved code that is nearly ready for a beta release.

The back-end code of the site itself is being cleaned up (I believe this is nearly completed, although this is certainly not an official announcement to that effect), and while this won't produce any readily visible changes to users of the NeHe site it will make maintenance and future updates of the site significantly easier and could potentially lead to the easier development and deployment of further improvements in future.

Additional content and updates are coming, and we're sorry that we're unable to give more visible indications of this, but as someone with knowledge of what the development team is doing I'd ask to give them a little more patience; it's a slow process, but we'd rather take the extra time than give you an inferior product that doesn't live up to your expectations of the NeHe site.

- Jason Astle-Adams


You said a couple of days way back a month ago. I don't see any updates? Or is there a new link to the beta area?
tell you what... I'm concerned about the site right now not because I can benefit somthing from it, well... that too, but I remember back in a day I was probably one of the first persons to 'everyday-check' the site: read/write posts, learn from tutorials, write them and be concerned about Nehe's personal life, although I never met him either personally or over the phone/email. I just felt grateful someone put a pice of his life and heart in this work - alone.
Now it's a pity its like 3 monts since last news post.
Maybe I could help anyhow?
Original post by Pet
tell you what... I'm concerned about the site right now not because I can benefit somthing from it, well... that too, but I remember back in a day I was probably one of the first persons to 'everyday-check' the site: read/write posts, learn from tutorials, write them and be concerned about Nehe's personal life, although I never met him either personally or over the phone/email. I just felt grateful someone put a pice of his life and heart in this work - alone.
Now it's a pity its like 3 monts since last news post.
Maybe I could help anyhow?

I agree.

If it was still the old school site, one/two people working on it, I wouldn't have said anything. But since recently a big deal has been made that a team is working on this, and the last update was 3+ months ago....

If you guys need help?

I am not dying or refreshing it every 2 seconds, but I was curious to see the new design and code layouts FWIW.

I'm going to guess that the last three posts are all from the same person, in which case I'll say: Be a little patient. I'm sure most people want there to be updates soon.
-~-The Cow of Darkness-~-
ok... hear this why not give some of us access to the site so it develops on its own as usual, maybe some tutorias or articles will appear - and as soos as you develop new layout/content the take away it from us???

just a thought ;)
How about transforming NeHe into a public wiki. Wiki's tend to shape naturally over time. Anybody could then refresh any of the tuts as they so desire. Add content, ports, images, etc.
great - now all we can see is more ads :(

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