Ok ... I think my previous post has valid content by itself ... but after reading the article I feel the need to say this.
Do not take my post as a rebuttal to the article .. it is not .. the article is good and well thought out ... my post is more of a seprate statement about the problem or seeking to create something truely 'original'. I think he has a point in stressing the value of dropping use of the "overdone" ... which bores and insults your players. I also think it is worthwhile to step back and look at the point of making your game ... what do you want to give your players ... thrills? thought? story? truth? ... these are valid questions ... and all answers can be right - the market will decide (if nobody likes the feeling of being punched in the stomach .. they won't buy your force feedback abdominal smasher 2000

... and if your point is not to simulate the real world ... i agree with adams .. forgoe the gimicks entirely.
But he shouldn't have put a picure of the fly fishing rod in his article ... at a recent vegas convention I saw a rock climbing wall which took it's input from a computer to simulate a semi-real mountain .. who doesn't think this idea is great ... instead of having to spend thousands of dollard traveling to real mountains and falling to an early death ... I can get half way there paying a few dollors an hour at a local arcade ... if only I can get over my embarrasment at my own ineptitude.
He is right that 95% of all game developers should not be thinking in terms of technical details .. but there are exceptions .. some games exist solely due to technology ... like baseball is played in areas with large fields ... but basketball is played in cities without much space ... without thinking about the box ... someone would suggest that baseball, being america's game, should be played by everyone ... but FOOTBALL ... now there's a game making use of technology (without pads it'd just be another form of boxing / hockey).
I think the thing to get out of Adam's eshewing of technology for it's own sake is this ... a creative mind can make compelling games from far less than we currently have availible (think about soccer ... just a ball and some rules) .. so he's suggesting to forget tech and just make games ... I think I'll follow him in this ... I was thinking over the classic games ... and only a few were at the limits of available technology. I do remember that Populous was just about one of the funnest games I ever played ... and even though it did make use of advanced tech for the time ... I think the creator could have made the game with 50% the tech he had available and still made it fun.
Edited by - Xai on February 19, 2001 3:22:23 PM