
Projects from scratch?

Started by June 22, 2006 07:29 PM
17 comments, last by ChristianPena 18 years, 3 months ago
Just curios how many people here are planning on writing the whole project from scratch? Just Win32, DirectX and/or OpenGL APIs. I plan on doing this, if nothing else I’ll get some great experience from the project, and should be a lot of fun.
If I can make the time to make the assets, my project will be from scratch. Well, it's using a code base that I built from scratch over the last year and a half of spare time. I've been working on it for a long time with alternate agendas. This contest gives me a reason, deadline, and restrictions to put my pipe-dream pet project to a real world test...if I have time. :(

I am using Lua, Newton, DirectX, and FMOD (soon to be OpenAL).
I'm only using SDL and nothing else. At least thats what the plan is.
I had been working on an engine for about a month before the contest was announced, but everything in it is from scratch.
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
I will develop from scratch. I will do something different from my current game project so I will not use it...
I haven't really decided yet. I have been toying around with various engine designs and planned on starting a base for one this summer. If it looks like I could get it mnature enough to handle my game, then I may use it. Otherwise, I'm going to have to use a pre-existing engine, probably ogre for rendering.
Sean Henley [C++ Tutor]Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
--from scratch using SDL
I'm sort of starting from scratch. I started a couple of weeks before the contest started, but about the day before I scrapped everything and started rebuilding my code from my openGL initialization stuff.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
The code I’m using is new but the design is quite old. I’ve had this project layout kicking around in my head for years but never put enough time into it to get it to render an object or even compile in past attempts. At least this is a good chance for me to get it all down on paper once again and try to get it working.
The code for my project is "from scratch", I guess, but the idea for the game is an old one that I meant to do for last year's 4E4 but never did. I've adapted it to mesh better with this year's elements, of course, but the general idea didn't need to change, only some details.


Some clarification. The code is from scratch in that it doesn't use any middleware, however the engine was entirely written when the contest started, so I have the entire running-time of the contest to focus exclusively on gameplay. [wink]

[Edited by - nilkn on June 23, 2006 8:56:01 PM]

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