
Container libs

Started by October 19, 1999 01:26 AM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 4 months ago
Well, if you're using MSVC, you will have CTypedPtrArray, CTypedPtrList, and CTypedPtrMap, which can take whatever type of data you wish them to hold. Granted, they are technically MFC, but they aren't part of the CObject heirarchy so they don't have to carry the vast overhead.

Really, though, STL isn't bad once you get used to it, and it's a good thing to know. There's an STL reference on you might want to take a look at, and see if you think it would be alright to use after all.


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Learn STL. It's worth the effort. It's high performance, more flexible than any other container library I've used, and once you get the basics down, easy to code for.

Here is a page with a bunch of links to STL tutorials:



Hi everyone. I am developing a GUI, and I need a container libraries. I don't care if they are cross platform, 'cause I only use Win32 API. STL is too damn coplex and hard to debug. Does anyone know of anything better?
As all of the other posts, I highly recommend the STL. It is actually quite easy to learn and quite consistent. The one thing you will absolutely learn to abore though is the IMPLEMENTATIONS. Very few compilers have well written implementations for all of the standard classes, and even when they work right, they will fill your screen with warnings that make it very hard to find the meaningful warnings amoung the mess.

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