
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 11 months ago
Out of curiousity, and perhaps to give other some ideas, I figured I'd ask what 'route' they're planning on going with their 4E5 entry. Easiest way to explain is by example, so I'll start ;) Language(s): C# Dimenions: Some 3d elements, all rendered in 3d, but with a lot done in 2d Rendering: Managed Direct3d Input: Managed DirectInput Sound: FMod (assuming its okay again this year ;) UI: Homebrew, since I couldn't find anything acceptable for MDX/C#
"Game Programming" in an of itself does not exist. We learn to program and then use that knowledge to make games.
Name: War of Attrition
Genre: RTS

Language: C++
Dimenions: Entirely 2D
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: SDL
Sound: Either OpenAL or SDL_Mixer
UI: MUI v1.0 (Mushu's UI)
Name: Liberation, or perhaps Liberation of Europe
Genre: RTS
Language: C++
Dimensions: 3D, but with restrictions to camera movement
Rendering: Nebula Device 2 (Direct3D)
Input: Nebula Device 2 (DirectInput)
Sound: Nebula Device 2 (ogg-vorbis)
UI: Nebula Device 2 (CEGUI)

(With Nebula Device 2 I might also use Mangalore, the game framework for Nebula)

EDIT: Well, I guess I'll also fill out the one provided by Avatar.
Graphics: Procedurally generated, Photoshop (for clothes)
Modeling: Procedurally generated
Music: None, unless I find some free music I can use
Sound Editing: No idea yet
Video Editing (if needed): Homebrew
Snacking: N/A (diet)

[Edited by - CTar on June 5, 2006 12:24:13 PM]
Name: Undecided. I'm thinking War of the Seas.
Genre: A mix of several: overhead exploration, maze, and Mario-esque sidescroller.

Language: C#
Dimensions: 2D, although some special effects will be 3D.
Rendering: Managed DirectX
Input: Managed DirectX and, if time permits, XInput.
Sound: FMOD
UI: Homebrew
Well, I feel sad that this is all about programming, so I'll throw in a twist.

Graphics: Photoshop
Modeling: 3D Studio Max 7, Milkshape 3D
Music: Reason (edit: or better yet, someone else's!)
Sound Editing: Audition
Video Editing (if needed): Premiere Pro, After Effects
Snacking: Graham Crackers
gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Name: haven't a clue yet
Genre: sidesrolling shooter
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: 2d
Rendering: SDL
Input: SDL
Sound: FMod or SDL_Mixer
UI: Crappy...whoops I mean, I'll use my own :)
Name: Project HYDROGEN (codename)
Genre: RTS/Diablo-style RPG hybrid
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: 2d
Rendering: SDL
Input: SDL
Sound: SDL_Mixer
UI: Homebrew

[Edited by - Oberon_Command on June 7, 2006 11:56:17 AM]
I'm still working with evolving ideas so I don't have an exact project to actually decide technologies on.

Language(s): Likely MASM (Microsoft Assembler) though C# is a possiblity
Dimenions: Likely 2D, though may use 3D constructed objects, or feature 2D perspective drawing
Rendering: Unknown. May be DirectDraw 7, Direct3D 9, OpenGL or even GDI for specific reasons
Input: Likely DirectInput 7 or 9, or plain windows input.
Sound: Unknown, options likely the same as input.
UI: Homebrew
Name: YA3
Genre: FPS

Language(s): C++
Dimenions: 3D with 2D hud and gui
Rendering: Direct3D9
Input: DirectInput
Sound: DirectSound

if (*pYou == ASSHOLE) { pYou->Die(); delete pYou; };
Name: Liberty (Working Title)
Genre: Top-Down Shooter
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: Top-down shooter, although with a slight rotation to give perspective. Everything in 3D.
Rendering: Ogre3D
Input: Not sure yet
Sound: FMOD

Graphics: Photoshop
Modeling: 3D Studio Max 7, Milkshape 3D
Music: Not sure yet
Sound Editing: Not sure yet
Video Editing (if needed): Not sure yet
Snacking: Hershey's Chocolate and Mountain Dew
Mike Popoloski | Journal | SlimDX

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