Original post by kaydash
Well I though this was suppose to be a C++ 6.0 workshop!!!
Darn man, I have microsoft visual studio .net 2003 on my laptop. But I don't know how to use it.
Learn. It comes with excellent documentation. Or ask here for tips. Why have software install that you not only don't use, but never learn to use?
Secondly, do I need visual studio 2005 express edition?
That'd be Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. Each "Express" product is distinct, which can simplify usage significantly for people who don't need the language-integrated features or other compilers included with the full Visual Studio product.
Further, Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition is part of the Visual Studio 2005 family (it's internal version is 8.0; 6.0 is now about 11 years old, so I absolutely recommend that you do not use it), which means it contains the latest versions of Microsoft's optimizing C++ compiler, with better performance and standards adherence.
Third, Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition is free. Totally, completely free, in perpetuity - that is, forever. If you can't afford to spend money on development tools as yet, that makes it a sweet deal. Also, if you acquired previous versions of Visual Studio products through less-than-ethical means, you can right those wrongs by replacing those versions (which you don't use, anwyay) with the Express product.
Lastly, don't you think it's odd that you're including dos.h in a console-mode Windows program? Shouldn't that tell you something? (Either your compiler is crap or your code is. This workshop is a chance for you to learn about modern tools and programming practices. Take full advantage of it.)
Good luck!