
Which compilers do all of you use ???

Started by September 29, 1999 08:46 PM
19 comments, last by Rob83 25 years, 5 months ago
well which language i use DJGPP for c its free MASM for assembly its free too thats all i know or am learning to program in


I use Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Standard Edition. It has the best IDE i've seen in a compiler, and it works with just about everything. Its not free though, but you can get it pretty cheap (I found it for $50, although usually its about $100). The Proffesional Edition optimizes your code, but it costs a lot more ($200-$400).

One warning: Visual C++ only makes windows code, you can't make any DOS programs with it.

Also, the whole "visual" part is just a name, so don't let that confuse you -- Its just a C++ compiler.



If you're going to write Windows programs (I do, especially Windows games, and can afford MSVC++ (Microsoft Visual C++), you should *definitely* get it.

DirectX supports VC++ fully, and I think it comes with Borland compatible libs too, but I see a lot of gossip going around that getting DX to work on Borland takes a little messing around.

Also, Professional version is good to get since there are optimizations that got my last library a good 5 frame rates up. It however doesn't *really* make a difference, but again, that 5 fps was just what I needed to say "its good!"

Also, if you're a student, you can get a big price reduction on that, and I think at, recently saw a *WHOLE* VStudio (VB, VC++, VJ++, VInterdev, and MSDN) for $203.00 (academic version). But you need to be in USA to be able to get it--I think... And dont forget, you have to be a student to buy it! ;-)

But then again, I think MFC is sooo confusing. If you're just wanting to make plain Windows programs (Word processors, database programs, programs with a LOT of UI controls) then I think Borland Builder is better--from what I hear. I never tried it, but I can tell you that MFC is the most complicated API I ever saw. It simplifies a lot but then adds twice as much.

Good luck!
- prauppl

- prauppl
For game servers, we use ANSI C for Unix/Linux compiled with gcc.

For game clients, we currently use Delphi 4 for Windows 95/98/NT.

Samu Games

I'm using Watcom C++ 11.0 - it's best optimizing compiler, and it can compile for DOS, Win, Win NT and OS/2. The only disadvantage of it - it has ugly IDE (which i've never used, i always use a text editor from DN <- better than any IDE ).
Watcom isn't free, read more info about it at

For assmebler i'm using TASM - it's simple and good. Also, NASM very good assmebler too, and it's free.


I use Borland C++ v5.01, its a pretty good compiler with a decent IDE, It has decent libraries but I don't have a need for half of them, and I use just about any compiler for assembly, NASM, TASM and MASM. NASM is pretty cool.!

Visit -

Daemin(Dominik Grabiec)

Hmm... I dont think that Watcom sells their C++ product anymore...? Is that correct? From what I read from this URL:
- prauppl
I dunno, as i read, they tell that was their final version and they discontinue support after June 30,2000
Anyway, i bought version 11.0 and i really like it.


I've always worked with Visual C++, everywhere. At school, home and so on. Everything is opmtimized for Visual C++. Like the different SDK's, and the DDK.
If you use Borland C++ then you might have problems with getting used to the DirectX SDK, because you have to change a lot before it works. I've got no idea about Watcom C++, I've been looking everywhere, but haven't found it. *pouts*

Dance with me......

I mainly use Watcom, and I'm very happy with it. I think its hands down the best compiler for DOS, and its at least relatively good for Windows. My DOS programs run faster under Watcom than they do using DJGPP, and my Window's versions run faster under Watcom than VC4.0 (the only VC I have), but probably won't beat VC6.0. Contrary to some rumors I see, there is NOTHING special that needs to be done when using DirectX for Watcom. Just use the headers, add the libs to the link, and your done. I've heard the same of Borland, but couldn't say for sure.

Its pretty pricy though, and I'm not sure I can suggest paying $200+ for a compiler that is all but dead now. (Any chance they'll release it for free after they stop supporting it? No reason not to at that point)


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