
3D formats

Started by September 29, 1999 12:34 AM
3 comments, last by 25 years, 5 months ago
You should have a look at:
When you want to use those files in your 3d-engine, better write an own converter or exporter, because most of the files are unusable for games.

.max : It's completely undocumented and varies from version the version, it also changes with the plugins you use and there's much useless data stored in.

.ase : Easy to read file, but too hugh for games, you'll need hours to read all your 3d data from an .ase-file.

.3ds : Easy to read, too, and well documented, could be a suggestion for games, but not as usable as for example an own file format. There are many sources for reading them available.

So you see, many file formats are unusable for games, all file formats for the modellers have big disadvantages when using them in games. Maybe this hasn't got to do with what you want, if not, forget it.


Skullpture Entertainment

Graphix Coding @Skullpture Entertainment
Thanks for links and for comments, I think so too, but I'm writting an application that must read many 3D formats and convert them in internal format, as needed. So I'll grateful if anybody tell me where I can find libraries or DLLs or descr.
I'm interesting in formats of files representing 3D scenes and objects, such as *.x, *.dxf, *.3DS, *.LW, *.MDL and so on.
Does anyone have descriptions or libraries to handle such files?
Dont forget to add Caligari TrueSpace file formats *.cob and *.scn

You can get the documentation at:

Its a very easy file format to write an importer for.

I also agree with NuFan about creating your own file formats. This would let you keep only the information you need and allow you to add your own specific info.

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