FAGary http://fagary.cjb.net
Assembler Causes Crashes
however, if you compile as some sort of dos executable, then it should work fine (provided your interrupt calls are correct )<P>hope that helps!<P>~Queasy.
Now here is the problem:
In win32 or DPMI applications you can't call real-mode interrupts.
Try searching in the helpfile for something like int86x or dpmi_int.
Or use an MS-DOS realmode compiler.
No Interrupts in Win32. There are some minor exceptions ... but that is way beyond what you are trying to do.
My advice ... if you want to program for Windows ... follow my article series here on GameDev. Part 2 should be up in a few days. However, if you still want to do DOS go get the A86 assembler (freeware), or find an old version of MASM or even TASM.
- Chris
VC6 does NOT do dos apps??? WHAT!?
So is it strictly a win32 compiler? It does nt right?
//i use wc11.0 which compiles for many platforms...

my watcom stuff: http://codexorg.webjump.com
Thanx for all of your help
I will update my article then.
it's because i'm having problems with a 32bit dos app, when calling an interrupt to set the video mode (vbe 2.0). my instinct tells me it's a segment register assumed wrongly or something, which causes the interrupt to execute garbage code and soon after, crash.
the weird thing is, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't (a successful compile & link produces and executable that always works or always crashes). i've traced the crash to "int 10h" in the function that sets the video mode. and yes, the video mode is valid at the point where the interrupt is called. as i said, my instinct says it's wrongly assumed segment registers (since the interrupt executes in v86 mode, it relies on CS, DS, SS and stuff...) but how the hell do you fix this? (or even detect it)
i can send the source files if someone thinks they might know the solution or wants to investigate further (at this point, it's all or nothing, so i don't care if some of these files have code that i otherwise wouldn't give out). the compiler is watcom v11.0 and the assembler is TASM 4.1 (could just use WASM if you want). one file, vgovbe20.asm is not written by me (and it contains the mode setting code and crash, go figure)
(crash on line 593 of vgovbe20.asm)