
Video filtering in windows is disabled (ARGH!!! HELP!! AT MY WITS END)

Started by September 20, 1999 04:38 AM
0 comments, last by 25 years, 5 months ago
I know it's not really development related, but i figure that a game development forum would have the greatest number of people with a chance of answering.. anyway. windows stopped filtering scaled video playback on the y axis... happened when i installed an i740 graphics card.. i figured that it was an idiosynchrasy of the intel drivers... well when it starts happening with a tnt2 its time to ask questions. i've tried deleting all references to active movie and mediaplayer from the registry, reinstalling anything video for windows related. deleting suspicious ocx's... to no avail. no bilinear niceness. no anisotropic extacy. I've tried everything short of deleting windows and reinstalling. Does anyone have any suggestions?

ps if i've offended anyone by posting a windows setup question just say so, and i'll cut off my pinky fingers and puree them and mail vials of finger puree to you so that you'll be able to rest easy knowing that i am in great pain for the excess reading i forced upon you, and can no longer type easily.

Delete windows and re-install !!



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