For the past little while I've been trying to include a realistic physical reaction when two entities in my game engine collide with each other. In other words, I want my cars to crash properly.
Currently, upon a collision, each entity updates its physical state like so:
AccelX = (AccelX + cos(col_angle));
AccelY = (AccelY - sin(col_angle));
Vx = col_vx;
Vy = col_vy;
Where Vx,y = velocity of the entity
col_angle = angle of colided entity
col_vx,y = velocity of colided entity
I arrived at this method after a week of testing and tweaking, and it seems to be the one that works the best. However, the two entities have a bad habit of becoming "stuck" in each other and this obviously is not a feature I want in the finished game!
Keep in mind that this is a result of someone with a grade 11 education in physics, so my background isn't that great. Oh, and also keep in mind that this is a 2D over head style action game, as I know it makes a difference in the physics.
If there's any information that I left out that would be crucial to the solution, please say so 
Thanks in advance,