
Multiplayer mode idea - bodyguards

Started by April 12, 2006 06:30 AM
6 comments, last by David Thompson 18 years, 9 months ago
O.K., this is my idea for the bodyguards multiplayer mode: Each player will randomly get a bodyguard. That bodyguard will be another player. A player can only have one bodyguard, and each player can guard only one other player. A bodyguard must not let his principal die. If a player is killed, his bodyguard will lose points. To prevent bodyguard abusing, players will not get points, or even loose a small amount of points, if they kill their own bodyguard. To play this mode, there must be at least 4 players. If there are only 3, a player can only kill his bodyguard or his principal. The way bodyguard can detect his principal can affect the game dynamics. If a bodyguard always knows where his principal is, even if its only the general direction, eventualy all players will go to the same place. I think it's best if a principal will be marked so his bodyguard can identify him when he see him, but you can have it the other way in your game if you want. Another way to scatter the players his to make a principal get less points for fragging when his bodyguard is around. That way, the player will have a choice - to use his bodyguard and get less points or not to use it and have more chance of getting killed. Ofcourse, the bodyguard will try to chase his principal, so this should make things interesting. Another possibility is to randomize the principal-bodyguard relations every once in a while during the game. I think this multiplayer mode will work best in a close range based multiplayer games(like Jedi Knight, or GunZ) Discuss
-----------------------------------------Everyboddy need someboddy!
This could lead to some interesting gameplay. I imagine you'd need some sort of non-lethal weapon to use on your own body guard in order to defend your principal from them.
Unfortunately, it sounds like something that would degrade into regular deathmatch with the occasional bonus point or penalty. I think you ought to solidify the concept.
____________Numbermind StudiosCurrently in hibernation.
sounds interesting, but the problem with that is i'm guessing it'd be somewhat boring and almost degrading to have to be a bodyguard.
You're looking at a wanna-be right now :P
Original post by destron
sounds interesting, but the problem with that is i'm guessing it'd be somewhat boring and almost degrading to have to be a bodyguard.

But everyone are bodyguards. Plus, you don't need to only guard someone. You also need to kill the other players.
-----------------------------------------Everyboddy need someboddy!
Have all the body guards wield wiffle bats.
The title of this thread made me think of something completely different, which sounds rather cool.

Think of a team-mode multiplayer game, where all the players are bodyguards defending their NPC employer during some scenerio. Depending on how it's developed, it could be a kinda cool team-strategy game...
-----http://alopex.liLet's Program:
I believe there was a map for Team Fortress Classic called "The Hunted", (as well as several VIP escort missions in counter-strike) that allowed one team of body guards to protect one player from the whole other team of assassins. I know this isn't the concept you are going for, but both might be worthwhile to look at for inspiration. One potential problem I can see with your solution, is that people will cluster. As more people find their "principal", it will kind of become a massive cluster of everyone guarding each other, like a pack. Well, eventually someone is going to join the crowd that someone needs to kill. As soon as someone opens fire, everyone rushes to defend their guy, thus killing another players principal, whose guard will rush to defend them.
It seems like you are creating a kind of waiting in anticipation situation, and as soon as someone opens fire, the whole crowd is wiped out in a matter of seconds.
I do however like the idea, but I think that you may need to make it more teambased than a free for all, to prevent entagling alliances.

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