Beg Pardon? The only way a dynamic array implementation would require more memory than a linked list implementation for anything is when reallocating the buffer of the array to change its size.
In a singly-linked list, you are required to store an extra pointer with every item. With strings, assuming a pure linked list implementation, that's a pointer for every character, or a 400% increase in size (1 byte of string requiring 4 bytes of pointer) over an array of the same size?! Using a doubly-linked list (why? singly linked with pointer reversal is good enough for most applications
) will disimprove that to an 800% increase.
Using dynamic arrays, you are limited to the capacity of malloc(), which is governed by the size_t variable. Testing under linux, it worked for values up to 2147483647 before compiling with warnings... which is more space than I think most people have memory (by just a bit
As for efficiency, it really depends what you're planning on doing. Concatenating is done in constant time using linked lists, but most other operations are done in comparable (or better - substr becomes a memcpy
) time by the array. Sure, there's a slight internal memory loss just after increasing the size of the array, but with an efficient scheme this could be minimized (if it's even a problem) without needing to call realloc too often. (Again, depends on the string operations required)
I would recommend arrays, all the way!
Sorry for going on so long... I've just had this discussion too many times before :P
White Fire