
C++ & perl & HTML

Started by September 05, 1999 02:49 PM
-1 comments, last by CJ 25 years, 6 months ago
Hi there. Again I came with a question, and I'm seeking for a satisfying answer.
Like everybody here knows, there are perl scripts on the internet, which sends back HTML-information. And by use of those HTML-information you can give information to the perl file and get other information back. Now....there's a nice chatroom which uses a perl-script. But I hate using the interface. So, I was thinking about making a C++ program, which sends information to the perl-script located somewhere on the internet. And receives the information the perl-file sends back. That information, can then be written to a file.....or remains in memory, while the program looks for the information he's looking for (ie, the part where the chat starts) and stores the sentences said by the people in the chatroom, in a static textbox.
Then, after reading all those messages....I can click on a button which has certain values. Post, Reload and 1 on 1 (for private messages). That has to be included in the program too.....sending certain values and receives the file with the changed values......and so on.
Are there any useful functions in the Visual C++ language? or in java?
can anybody help me a little with get the html file, and to send values and receive the changed thing. please? I'm kinda desperate.

Maybe it's useful to see how the HTML file looks like.

L.A. Live Chatroom# of mesgs10203040NewPeople Reload< !--:935827407:-->< !--begin--> < !--:935827407:-->< !--CJ; yes, it's you and me-->CJ; yes, it's you and me 01:03:27 < !--:935827401:-->< !--jonny_girl-->jonny_girl   < !--:935827399:-->< !--terence and phillip-->terence and phillip 01:03:19 < !--:935827396:-->< !--M. Foley-->M. Foley 01:03:16 < !--:935827394:-->< !--pancho-->pancho 01:03:14 < !--:935827385:-->< !--Breath-->Breath 01:03:05 < !--:935827384:-->< !--Lockies-->Lockies 01:03:04 < !--:935827380:-->< !--chickybabe-->chickybabe 01:03:00 < !--:935827378:-->< !--SaTaNsWhOrE-->SaTaNsWhOrE 01:02:58 < !--:935827378:-->< !--BuTteRflY-->BuTteRflY 01:02:58 < !--:935827376:-->< !--pain goddess-->pain goddess 01:02:56 < !--:935827375:-->< !--seth-->seth 01:02:55 < !--:935827373:-->< !--cHaRlOtTe-->cHaRlOtTe 01:02:53 < !--:935827371:-->< !--tiffany-->tiffany 01:02:51 < !--:935827367:-->< !--TINKLER-->TINKLER 01:02:47 < !--:935827365:-->< !--Princess-->Princess 01:02:45 < !--:935827356:-->< !--KingNothing™-->KingNothing™ 01:02:36 < !--:935827352:-->< !--skywalker-->skywalker 01:02:32 < !--:935827345:-->< !--Sparky-->Sparky 01:02:25 < !--:935827327:-->< !--stoned!!-->stoned!! 01:02:07Change RoomsYou are currently in:LA_LIVE_CHATPublic Rooms:LA LIVE CHAT  KORN FIELDPrivate Rooms: < !--:935827407:-->CJ; yes, it's you and me 01:03:27Buttefly: wasn't MY fault. I did everything right.....unlike she thinks. I haven't cheated on her at all....... < !--:935827401:-->jonny_girl joined the chat at 01:03:21 < !--:935827396:-->M. Foley 01:03:16tiffany-how are you? < !--:935827394:-->pancho 01:03:14LOCKIES>YES FRIDAY NIGHT SO U LIKE BASEBALL OR WHAT < !--:935827385:-->Breath 01:03:05Princess. . . < !--:935827380:-->chickybabe 01:03:00king nothing> well when I was on practical at the hospital I overdosed a patient on morphine, it was an accident, and my boyfriend broke up with me and today i had a car accident.  I'm hoping next week is a   week. That's no   about your work.  I hate it when you are understaffed.  I hope everything gets better! *s* < !--:935827378:-->SaTaNsWhOrE 01:02:58SPARKY..Are your answers always one worded???? < !--:935827375:-->seth 01:02:55satanswhore yeaa that too.. *s*but if u knew what i wuz doing u would think i'm crazy, but witch thats all so true..but i realli dont give a   bout nuthin no more.. < !--:935827361:-->Princess 01:02:41poetik will you talk to me?are you really poetik? < !--:935827356:-->KingNothing™ 01:02:36char, 75 cents an hour, so thats  . < !--:935827352:-->skywalker 01:02:32chicky>> no the reason i asked you to my formal is because you're my friend and i thought you deserved a night out on the town courtesy of me. it was always gonna be as friends. yeah i told him alot about you hehehehehe he laughed when he heard the overdose story heheheheh :-) my sis doesn't really know about my feelings :-) peters cool. i went with him to usyd today< !--:935827350:-->CJ; yes, it's you and me 01:02:30Tiffany: hi my name is CJ  ...*bows*< !--:935827345:-->Sparky 01:02:25Satanwhore...Victoria< !--:935827342:-->Breath 01:02:21I believe "sex man" has returned. .*sigh*Princess. . speak to me. .< !--:935827321:-->tiffany 01:02:01hey do any body want to talk to me< !--:935827303:-->Princess 01:01:43sorry i had to leave again the computer stuffed upwill you talk to me breath!?< !--:935827295:-->Lockies 01:01:35pancho>i take it u mean the game was last nite (fri) Im in Ireland and ive started watching baseball (only live on wed + sun nites)< !--:935827294:-->BuTteRflY 01:01:34CJ, that is your  ing fault not mine.< !--:935827293:-->pain goddess 01:01:33SETHi dont remember us fightingi do howver remember yo ignoring me, never knew for what reasondo u know why?< !--:935827292:-->cHaRlOtTe 01:01:32by cj *HUGS*< !--:935827282:-->Breath 01:01:22ch*ckyb*be. . why hello. .

Dance with me......

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