
Has anyone been able to use OpenGL with DJGPP?

Started by September 02, 1999 01:38 PM
2 comments, last by 25 years, 6 months ago
Why not ALLEGRO?
works fine for me!!!!!
and you get a lot more than just graphics.

Programming is an art

Programming is an art
Uhh... Fine, Aries. Everyone knows that Allegro is a great library. I think I better let you know that it doesn't do everything though. It does do very basic 3D graphics, but it's hardly a 3D API.

I know that people have managed to get OpenGL to work with DJGPP (through MESA). I haven't tried though. Try asking on comp.os.msdos.djgpp

=> Arfa <=

[This message has been edited by Arfa (edited September 02, 1999).]

=> Arfa <=
I've been looking for a way to use OpenGL whith DJGPP. I've tried to use mesa but I couldn't get it to work.

If anyone one has gotten OpenGL to work with DJGPP please let me know how to do it. Please give me as much info on how to do it as possible because i don't know much about compiling libraries or how to use makefiles.

Thank you,

I think djgpp doesn't support loading of dynamic libraries.
So you might have to compile mesa with djgpp as a static library(.a) and link it statically to your program.


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