
Borland C++

Started by August 29, 1999 10:17 PM
1 comment, last by NewGuy 25 years, 5 months ago
I've been using Borland v5.1 for quite awhile now( casually ).

My first question: Did you install in the default directories? ie. (drive):\bc5

If not, check the following: Goto Options -> Project . Under directories, the include and lib directories should be c:\bc5\include and c:\bc5\lib . These are the default directories. Adjust accordingly if you installed elsewhere.

Second question: What platform are you trying to build for?
Here's what I do when I start on a new program.
1. File-> New-> Project
2. Change the path, the name, etc.. whatever you name your project is what the .exe will be called.
3. Make sure the target type and platform are correct.
4. If need be, alter the other settings.
5. Click ok.

Now you have a 'project'. This will help you manage all your source files, additional .lib's, etc.. You can goto Window-> Project to change/add nodes(source files, libs, resources).

Next I go to Options->Project and set the output directories. I believe if you leave these directories blank, they default to where your project is. BUT I'd rather be safe than have make files all over my harddrive.
Also under Options->Project you can add to the source directories of libraries and include files. For example, for a typical DirectX application, my source-lib directories are : (no quotes) 'c:\bc5\include;c:\mssdk\include\borland' . Well, not really-- the mssdk directory is different at the moment. But you get the idea.. just put a semi-colon inbetween multiple directories.

As far as having to use ' int main() { return; } ', I have not experienced this. Again, make sure your 'target' is the correct platform.

If you installed directly the CD, you shouldn't be having problems. Let me know if this helps.


[This message has been edited by Sixpack (edited August 27, 1999).]

G'day, I'm using Borland C++ v5.0, and was wondering if anybody can actually get it to WORK? When compiling anything, even Borland's own include files have errors in them!!!
Also, is this a new revolution that I can no longer type void main(){ but must type int main(){ and give a return???
If anyone can get any graphics or anything to work in Borland or knows what I'm doing wrong (trying to compile in straight C), please tell me. I'm desperate!!!
Regarding main()...

void main() {	...}

is exactly the same, lexically, as
int main(int argc, char **argv) {	...	return 0;}

All programs, at least in c, are in effect the result of determining the return value of the main function over the given arguments. A return value other than zero traditionally signalled an error in execution, while a zero return meant that the program terminated naturally.

The compiler shouldn't complain about the difference between void main() and int main() unless you have enabled strict type checking in the compiler settings (Sorry, I couldn't tell you where the switch is... unless you're using gcc )

White Fire

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