
DJGPP make file setup

Started by July 17, 1999 10:22 AM
0 comments, last by 25 years, 7 months ago
Does anyone have a better doc on how to setup DJGPP make files? Any help would be great. I've read all the docs and I've gotten everything to work fine, except for make files. When I try to make a file it just tells me that I have a bad command or file name. I have checked my autoexec.bat and it is exactly as it is supposed to be. Any comments?
Go down to your local library and flick through the Unix/Linux books they have there. Most will have a small chapter on make (yes, it's the same beastie as the one included with DJGPP). If not go to and search that for some make docs.

=> Arfa <=

=> Arfa <=

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