
An Orc's life

Started by February 23, 2006 06:54 PM
3 comments, last by Derakon 18 years, 11 months ago
Hey Guys (and girls). Im beggining to work on a demo for my all-new AI engine, and I need some creative help. Since Im lazy, I want to modify the Torque basic demo and recreate the life inside a small orc village. Ideally you will be able to walk around and observe the Orcs are they are doing their business around, maybe interact with them a little. Ive got the technical side covered (mostly), but I need help to find examples of behaviors to put into these bumbs orcs. Some are pretty obvious, sleep, stand guard, eat, etc, but I want more complex ones. For example, I want to allow the kids in the orc village to play hide and catch. So, who got some ideas of behavior you could observe in a typical and mostly peacefull orc village?
I think things involving interaction between orcs would be particularly good at showing off a good AI system, although they're harder to make. Friends meeting and chatting, people trading and haggling at a market, people conducting business are all good. If you can change the way orcs interact with others based on their relationships, that would also add a lot. Also, can the orcs talk to each other? This would add a great deal of realism, but be a lot of hard work.
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Thanks for your ideas!
Simple, text-base conversation is possible. Anything that doesnt require additional animating for an observer to understand...
Sounds like you're going for a tribal-type society. Do some research on Native Americans or the eastern nomadic tribes (Mongols, Huns, and the like); you should find lots of interesting information.

Your basic nomadic tribe is going to have several primary activities:
1) Immediate needs. Food needs to be hunted for regularly; edible plants must be gathered as well. Nomads don't farm.
2) Mid-term needs. Clothing, shelter, and equipment must be created and maintained. Shelter will be simple enough to set up and take down quickly; clothes will likely be fur- or hide-based.
3) Long-term needs. Whatever social structure the tribe has must be maintained. Children must learn skills, perform whatever rites of passage, and become adults. Adults will teach children, have new kids, grow old, and die.

The tasks a given orc does will likely be based on its age. Older ones will perform less physically-demanding tasks, like teaching, fixing tools, philosophizing, and the like. Young adults will be doing the active work. And so on.
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