
I don't even know what to classify this as...

Started by February 12, 2006 01:12 PM
12 comments, last by BTownTKD 19 years ago
I made this in my beginning days of fruityloops, when I had first learned how to use the "chord" generator... I really like it and it has stood up the test of time -- 2 years after I made it, I still like it more than some of my other songs. The problem is, I don't know how to classify the genre! It has elements of orchestrated music, elemtnes of techno, elements of rock, elements of fantasy... well, you guys decide (and any criticism or praises would be much appreciated as well) fun with minor chords.mp3 Also, if you guys could give my other songs some comments, I would really be indebted to you all: My first musical posting on gamedev
Deep Blue Wave - Brian's Dev Blog.
Hmmm.. other doesn't really describe the sound very much, though... ther are so many genres, it seems as though at least one would describe this particular song :-p

But none exist, I guess...
Deep Blue Wave - Brian's Dev Blog.
I don't know either, but I love it. Do you have any other songs besides those in your first thread?
when you do something right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all.
Tons. Thanks for the feedback! I'll post some more here soon.

Is there a better place than to host mp3 files?
Deep Blue Wave - Brian's Dev Blog.
Places to host MP3 files. gives you four songs gives you 10 songs gives you I believe 8 songs.

They're free and they all offer both downloading and streaming versions of files you upload.

As for you the piece itself, it does go between a few genres but never really breaks out of general electronica. What's nice is you don't offer standard rhythms really throughout the whole piece, that made it interesting to me.

What could make it more interesting is to play with a lot of major chords in there as well. I heard a few but not very many. The point being, sometimes making a whole song out of one theme (like minor chords) is like highlighting a whole page instead of just the few choice phrases. Hearing some major or augmented progressions here and there will remind the listener just how diminished the piece is.

Mix wise it's a little thuddy, with some muddy reverb. Ask yourself, which instrument dominates below 500kHz(the buzz drone?) , which one shines above 1K(the guitar?)? Then boost and attenuate everything else. This will bring focus to the piece. (as for muddy reverbs, try filtering out everything below 500k in reverbs for most musical purposes. Helps lose the washout you can get with some reverb schemes.)

Your first piece in your earlier post is kind of the same deal, however I liked the Arctic4 version rather than the newest version. It simply had more dynamics, fatter synths and a sense of progression to it. I can see you splicing them together to make one longer version, perhaps write a new interlude to stitch em together, but that could work!

And you want to classify your music? Well I guess that helps if you pop it in a catalogue for people to peruse and possibly buy from, but until then leave it as is. It really is just electronica, a general term for sure but I feel that's where it sits most comfortably. When I think of "electronica" I assume it can be derived from any style of music but emulated with mostly electronics. For instance, a polka band covering a Metallica song isn't considered Metal, it's still Polka.) So because you have a lot of diffent elements of genres, it's still being played through the electronica format.

There are hybrids to be sure, not to bring up Metallica again, but when they teamed up with the San Francisco Symphony to mix metal with orchestral they did create something new. (not really, tons of bands had done this before, but it was a high profile one I thought most people could relate to...sheesh) so that music would typically be harder to classify. (Half of the season ticket holders left at intermission and half of my old Metallica-lovin friends hated the album) But I digress...I don't even like Metallica much anymore...

I'm sure we can have a grand old debate on how to classify certain kinds of music, but I don't see much use for it...and it shouldn't be your only problem!

I could only listen to it briefly, cause I'm in my school's library. But it seems like you're using a chord progression which is a little cliche. No matter though, because the rhythm and instrument choice are nice. Plus, if you can overlay a more complex melody, it could definetely be a full song.

Yeah, classified as electronica because of instrument choice. Nice riff there.
-Vincent Rubinetti
Quote: gives you 10 songs

What utter nonsense, my good man. Why, I have nigh on 50 track on my Soundclick page! :D AFAIK you get an unlimited number of uploads.
there you go then...

feel better?

I do! I'm going to upload more songs there!

Not just my songs! EVERYONE'S SONGS!!! Just find songs at random!

Now that I'm done with that, what is the limit there, is it storage based? Off the top of my head 10 songs sounded normal.

Hmm...says on their site they have no limit on storage...SUPER NEATO!!!
Storage-wise, there is no limit. That's what gives SC an advantage over similar sites. For free accounts, there's a limit on size (10 MB max... paying accouts get 40MB max). But hell, I've only written one song that's over 10 MB as an mp3, so that's not a big deal for me.

Free accounts are also restricted to 128 kbps bitrate or lower. But once again, not a huge deal.

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