A* Path Finding
I am trying to implement a* plan finding having a bit of trouble here a few questions:-
1.Is the best method to use a link list.
2.In books and on web sites it says about having 2 lists one for open nodes and one for closed nodes. What is the diffarence between them?
3.There is breath search and depth search which should be used?
Thanks for any help
Quote: Original post by jammy5202
I am trying to implement a* plan finding having a bit of trouble here a few questions:-
1.Is the best method to use a link list.
No, I think a priority queue is better.
Quote: 2.In books and on web sites it says about having 2 lists one for open nodes and one for closed nodes. What is the diffarence between them?
The open list is the set of nodes that you have seen but you still haven't expanded. The close list is the set of nodes that you have already expanded, so you don't want to consider again.
Quote: 3.There is breath search and depth search which should be used?
Neither. Breath-first search, depth-first search and A* are different ways of searching a graph. If you are implementing A*, you don't need to use any of the other two.
EDIT: This article in Wikipedia seems to do a good job of explaining A*.
Quote: Original post by jammy5202
I am trying to implement a* plan finding having a bit of trouble here a few questions:-
1.Is the best method to use a link list.
2.In books and on web sites it says about having 2 lists one for open nodes and one for closed nodes. What is the diffarence between them?
3.There is breath search and depth search which should be used?
Thanks for any help
Linked lists will do just fine as long as you doing this to learn what A* is all about. Simple static arrays are alot faster, and better if you'r planning to use A* in your game.
In almost every book/article about A* they keep the open and closed nodes in two separate lists. That is just for simplicity, and you should do more than fine with just a single list..
..but stick to using two lists until you have learnt A*.
I recommend that you read this for more information on open and closed nodes.
Read everything in the link above and you'll learn everything you need
Quote: Original post by alvaroQuote: Original post by jammy5202
I am trying to implement a* plan finding having a bit of trouble here a few questions:-
1.Is the best method to use a link list.
No, I think a priority queue is better.
Actually, an unsorted list would probably be better. According to the author's findings in GPGems2, the number of insertions vs removals was about 8 insertions and 1 removal each iteration on the A* loop.
Since the insertion time on an unsorted list is O(1) and the worst case removal from the unsorted list is O(n), you are probably better off with just an unsorted list.
maybe what you say is correct for small number of nodes, but if your search graph has millions of nodes then I bet lists would be super slow.
maybe its not too relevant for games but some applications search graphs with many more nodes.
One should do experiments with several data structures and choose the best one for his use, there is no general best solution. My philosophy: start with the simplest data structure to program and if there are performence problems experiment with others.
maybe what you say is correct for small number of nodes, but if your search graph has millions of nodes then I bet lists would be super slow.
maybe its not too relevant for games but some applications search graphs with many more nodes.
One should do experiments with several data structures and choose the best one for his use, there is no general best solution. My philosophy: start with the simplest data structure to program and if there are performence problems experiment with others.
I recommend just using two struct arrays (As opposed to linked-lists, queues, etc) until you get good at A*. You'll take a performance hit, but this shouldn't be a problem; unless your paths are quite large.
Belows is my Pathfinding code for the Procedural-C version of Fleurin (I'm currently porting it all to C#).
My arrays was an array of these structs...
My procedure to add a node.
These recursive functions counted the number of paths and recorded the path datain to the creature's pathfinding data.
And lastly, this was my procedure to generate the path.
Admittedly, this was my first attempt at A*, so its likely my C# remake will be even more simplier, but the code above works, and was fast enough for my game's purpose.
Belows is my Pathfinding code for the Procedural-C version of Fleurin (I'm currently porting it all to C#).
My arrays was an array of these structs...
/* Global Structures */struct gtAStarNode{ /* This is used by the Open/Closed lists. */ int luiHofX; /* Manhatten. */ int luiGofX; /* Distance Travelled. */ unsigned char lucDirection; /* Wheter or not the node is used or not. */ unsigned char lucUsed; /* If this node is closed, than don't apply pathfinding on it since its already been done! */ unsigned char lucClosed; /* This is used by the open list. */ unsigned short lusGridRelativeX; unsigned short lusGridRelativeY; unsigned short lusGridRealX; unsigned short lusGridRealY;};
struct gtAStarNode *gaoClosedList;struct gtAStarNode *gaoOpenList;
My procedure to add a node.
/* Helper: This helper procedure builds a node in both the open and closed lists. */void sAddNode(unsigned short lusGridRealX, unsigned short lusGridRealY,unsigned char lucDirection, int liDestinationCreature, unsigned char lucOverwrite){ int liX; unsigned short lusRelativeGridX, lusRelativeGridY; /* The first step is to make sure the path is valid.*/ if(lusGridRealX > 40000) { printf("ack"); } if((fTileConditions(lusGridRealX,lusGridRealY) == flag_Walkable && gaoMap[lusGridRealX + lusGridRealY*1500].loCreature == NULL) || lucOverwrite == 1) { /* Calculate the relativity so that the nodes can be placed in respect to the 21x17 grid. */ lusRelativeGridX = lusGridRealX - gaoObjects[liDestinationCreature].lusGridX + 10; lusRelativeGridY = lusGridRealY - gaoObjects[liDestinationCreature].lusGridY + 8; if(lusRelativeGridX > 300 || lusRelativeGridY > 300) { printf("Ahh NUTS"); } /* First step is to build the node on the closed list. */ gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lucDirection = lucDirection; switch(lucDirection) { case flag_AStarNoGo: gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX = 0; break; case flag_AStarWest: gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX = 1 + gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX+1 + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX; break; case flag_AStarEast: gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX = 1 + gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX-1 + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX; break; case flag_AStarNorth: gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX = 1 + gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + (lusRelativeGridY+1)*17].luiGofX; break; case flag_AStarSouth: gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiGofX = 1 + gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + (lusRelativeGridY-1)*17].luiGofX; break; } gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].luiHofX = abs(lusRelativeGridX - 10) + abs(lusRelativeGridY - 6); gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lusGridRelativeX = lusRelativeGridX; gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lusGridRelativeY = lusRelativeGridY; gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lusGridRealX = lusGridRealX; gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lusGridRealY = lusGridRealY; gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lucUsed = 1; /* Ok, now copy this over to the open list. */ for(liX=0;liX<21*17;liX++) if(gaoOpenList[liX].lucUsed == 0) { gaoOpenList[liX] = gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17]; gaoClosedList[lusRelativeGridX + lusRelativeGridY*17].lucClosed = 1; break; } /* All done. =) */ }}
These recursive functions counted the number of paths and recorded the path datain to the creature's pathfinding data.
/* Helper [Recursive]: This helper function counts the number of elements in a path. */void sHelperReverseMovePath(unsigned short lusGridX, unsigned short lusGridY, int liRecursionCount, int liLength, int liSourceObject){ if(liLength-liRecursionCount-1 >= 0) { if(liLength-liRecursionCount-1 < 0) printf("DAMAGE"); gaoObjects[liSourceObject].lacPathFinding[liLength-liRecursionCount-1] = gaoClosedList[lusGridX + lusGridY * 17].lucDirection; } liRecursionCount++; switch(gaoClosedList[lusGridX + lusGridY * 17].lucDirection) { case flag_AStarNoGo: return; break; case flag_AStarWest: sHelperReverseMovePath((unsigned short)(lusGridX+1), lusGridY,liRecursionCount,liLength,liSourceObject); break; case flag_AStarEast: sHelperReverseMovePath((unsigned short)(lusGridX-1), lusGridY, liRecursionCount,liLength,liSourceObject); break; case flag_AStarNorth: sHelperReverseMovePath(lusGridX, (unsigned short)(lusGridY+1), liRecursionCount,liLength,liSourceObject); break; case flag_AStarSouth: sHelperReverseMovePath(lusGridX, (unsigned short)(lusGridY-1), liRecursionCount,liLength,liSourceObject); break; }}/* Helper [Recursive]: This helper function counts the number of elements in a path. */int fHelperFindElements(unsigned short lusGridX, unsigned short lusGridY){ switch(gaoClosedList[lusGridX + lusGridY * 17].lucDirection) { case flag_AStarNoGo: return 0; break; /* Note that the directions are reversed since we are working backgrounds (See the A* descriptions if forgotten). */ case flag_AStarWest: return 1 + fHelperFindElements((unsigned short)(lusGridX+1), lusGridY); break; case flag_AStarEast: return 1 + fHelperFindElements((unsigned short)(lusGridX-1), lusGridY); break; case flag_AStarNorth: return 1 + fHelperFindElements(lusGridX, (unsigned short)(lusGridY+1)); break; case flag_AStarSouth: return 1 + fHelperFindElements(lusGridX, (unsigned short)(lusGridY-1)); break; } /* If this occurs, than there is a problem with the A* implementation. */ printf("The A* algorithm encountered an error."); return 0;}
And lastly, this was my procedure to generate the path.
/* This procedure generates the path for a monster trying to reach a grid X,Y. If it cannot generate the path, it returns zero, else it returns 1. */int fGeneratePath(int liSourceCreature, int liDestinationCreature){ int liX, liFValue,liFLocation, liRecursionCount=0, liAttempt = 0; unsigned short lusGridRealX, lusGridRealY; unsigned short lusGridRelativeX, lusGridRelativeY; /* First step is to clear the pathfinding buffers. */ memset(gaoOpenList, 0, 21*17*sizeof(struct gtAStarNode)); memset(gaoClosedList, 0, 21*17*sizeof(struct gtAStarNode)); /* Step 1: Find the spawning point relative to the destination creature: the destination is always the middle of the rectangle. */ sAddNode(gaoObjects[liSourceCreature].lusGridX, gaoObjects[liSourceCreature].lusGridY, flag_AStarNoGo, liDestinationCreature,1); /* Until we either run out of spaces, or we finally find the player, continue calculating. ;D */ while(liAttempt != 500) { liAttempt++; /* Find the lowest F value. */ liFValue = 99999; for(liX=0;liX<21*17;liX++) if(gaoOpenList[liX].lucUsed == 1 && gaoOpenList[liX].lucClosed == 0) { if(gaoOpenList[liX].luiGofX + gaoOpenList[liX].luiHofX <= liFValue) { liFValue = gaoOpenList[liX].luiGofX + gaoOpenList[liX].luiHofX; liFLocation = liX; } } else if(gaoOpenList[liX].lucUsed == 0) { break; } /* Now, lets extract the components of the location, and from it, compute the costs to go in each direction. */ lusGridRealX = gaoOpenList[liFLocation].lusGridRealX; lusGridRealY = gaoOpenList[liFLocation].lusGridRealY; lusGridRelativeX = gaoOpenList[liFLocation].lusGridRelativeX; lusGridRelativeY = gaoOpenList[liFLocation].lusGridRelativeY; gaoOpenList[liFLocation].lucClosed = 1; if(lusGridRealX >40000 || lusGridRealY > 40000) { printf("Ahh hell"); } /* Build four more adjacent paths (If there is room) */ if(lusGridRelativeX-1 >= 0 && gaoClosedList[lusGridRelativeX-1 + lusGridRelativeY*17].lucClosed == 0) { if(lusGridRelativeX-1 == 10 && lusGridRelativeY == 8) {sAddNode((short)(lusGridRealX-1),lusGridRealY,flag_AStarWest,liDestinationCreature,1);} else {sAddNode((short)(lusGridRealX-1),lusGridRealY,flag_AStarWest,liDestinationCreature,0);} } if(lusGridRelativeX+1 < 21 && gaoClosedList[lusGridRelativeX+1 + lusGridRelativeY*17].lucClosed == 0) { if(lusGridRelativeX+1 == 10 && lusGridRelativeY == 8) {sAddNode((short)(lusGridRealX+1),lusGridRealY,flag_AStarEast,liDestinationCreature,1);} else {sAddNode((short)(lusGridRealX+1),lusGridRealY,flag_AStarEast,liDestinationCreature,0);} } if(lusGridRelativeY-1 >= 0 && gaoClosedList[lusGridRelativeX + (lusGridRelativeY-1)*17].lucClosed == 0) { if(lusGridRelativeX == 10 && lusGridRelativeY-1 == 8) {sAddNode(lusGridRealX,(short)(lusGridRealY-1),flag_AStarNorth,liDestinationCreature,1);} else {sAddNode(lusGridRealX,(short)(lusGridRealY-1),flag_AStarNorth,liDestinationCreature,0);} } if(lusGridRelativeY+1 < 17 && gaoClosedList[lusGridRelativeX + (lusGridRelativeY+1)*17].lucClosed == 0) { if(lusGridRelativeX == 10 && lusGridRelativeY+1 == 8) {sAddNode(lusGridRealX,(short)(lusGridRealY+1),flag_AStarSouth,liDestinationCreature,1);} else {sAddNode(lusGridRealX,(short)(lusGridRealY+1),flag_AStarSouth,liDestinationCreature,0);} } /* If the destination node has been written to, than we KNOW the pathfinding is completed. */ if(gaoClosedList[10+8*17].lucClosed == 1) { /* Ok, because the list is backwards (Hehehe), we gotta know a few things. First of all, if we know the number of elements that composes the list, we can place the path into the creature's path list without the need of a buffer (This is a good idea), so lets do that. */ sHelperReverseMovePath(10,8,0,fHelperFindElements(10,8),liSourceCreature); return 1; } /* Instead of letting this thing search continously, lets check if we're all out of spots. */ else if(gaoOpenList[17*21-1].lucClosed == 1) { /* Well, this is a sad day for this monster. It cannot find his player. =( */ printf("Unable to find a path. \n"); return 0; } } /* Step 4, work backwords and get the path to the user. */ return 0;}
Admittedly, this was my first attempt at A*, so its likely my C# remake will be even more simplier, but the code above works, and was fast enough for my game's purpose.
Quote: Original post by Nit
Actually, an unsorted list would probably be better. According to the author's findings in GPGems2, the number of insertions vs removals was about 8 insertions and 1 removal each iteration on the A* loop.
Since the insertion time on an unsorted list is O(1) and the worst case removal from the unsorted list is O(n), you are probably better off with just an unsorted list.
That is why you shouldn't use anything else but a simple array (int nodeIndex[NUMBER_OF_NODES]). Why insert and remove things from that list when you are much better off reusing the memory? That combined with a binary heap and you have a realy good and fast pathfinder.
if someone is interested here is some code I wrote when I was learning A*.
#ifndef PATHFINDING_H_INCLUDED#define PATHFINDING_H_INCLUDEDnamespace AI{ public ref struct Waypoint { inline Waypoint () : x(0), y(0) {} inline Waypoint ( Waypoint^ point ) : x(point->x), y(point->y) {} inline Waypoint ( unsigned int x, unsigned int y ) : x(x), y(y) { } Waypoint^ operator = ( Waypoint^ point ) { x = point->x; y = point->y; return this; } unsigned int x; unsigned int y; }; ref struct PathNode { inline PathNode () : walkable (1), list (0) { } char walkable; unsigned int movementcost; unsigned int estimatecost; unsigned int totalcost; unsigned int parent; unsigned int list; }; ref class PathMap; public ref class PathFinder { public: inline PathFinder () : pathmap(nullptr) { waypoints = nullptr; } inline PathFinder ( PathMap^ map ) : pathmap(map) { waypoints = nullptr; } void LoadWaypoints( array<Waypoint^>^ points ) { waypoints = points; } void SelectMap ( PathMap^ map ) { pathmap = map; } bool FindPath ( Waypoint^ a, Waypoint^ b ); void SetWaypoint ( unsigned int i, Waypoint point ) { if ( !waypoints ) return; waypoints->x = point.x; waypoints->y = point.y; } Waypoint^ GetWaypoint ( unsigned int i ) { if ( waypoints == nullptr ) // this line causes the app to stall sometimes?!?!? stupid MSVS 2005 .net crap return nullptr; if ( i > waypoints->Length ) return nullptr; return waypoints; } unsigned int NumWaypoints () { return waypoints->Length; } private: PathMap^ pathmap; array<Waypoint^>^ waypoints; }; public ref class PathMap { public: inline PathMap ( unsigned int width, unsigned int height ) : width (width), height (height), open (0), closed (width*height) { unsigned int size = width * height; map = gcnew array<PathNode^>(size); list = gcnew array<int>(size+1); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i ) map = gcnew PathNode(); } void GetDimensions ( unsigned int^ w, unsigned int^ h ) { if ( w ) *w = width; if ( h ) *h = height; } void SetNodeBlock ( unsigned int x, unsigned int y, bool large ) { if ( x >= width || y >= height ) return; map[x + y * width]->walkable = large ? 0: 2; } void SetNodeWalkable ( unsigned int x, unsigned int y ) { map[x + y * width]->walkable = 1; } bool FindPath ( PathFinder^ pathfinder, Waypoint^ a, Waypoint^ b ) { if ( !pathfinder ) return false; //unsigned int node = 0; unsigned int x; unsigned int y; unsigned int cost; finder = pathfinder; start = a->x + a->y * width; target = b->x + b->y * width; if ( start < 0 || start >= width*height ) return false; if ( target < 0 || target >= width*height ) return false; if ( map[target]->walkable == 0 ) return false; AddToOpenList(start); do { current = list[1]; // are we adjacent to our target cost = GetMovementCost(current, target); if ( cost != 100 ) { x = current % width; y = (current-x) / width; unsigned int tx = target % width; unsigned int ty = (target-tx) / width; x = x > tx ? x-tx: tx-x; y = y > ty ? y-ty: ty-y; if ( x*x + y*y <= 2 ) { if ( cost == 10 ) return SetFinderPath(); // may not be able to move diagonally else { int delta = target - current; if ( delta > 0 ) { if ( map[target-width]->walkable >= 1 ) { if ( delta > width ) { if ( map[target-1]->walkable >= 1 ) return SetFinderPath(); } else { if ( map[target+1]->walkable >= 1 ) return SetFinderPath(); } } } else { if ( map[target+width]->walkable >= 1 ) { if ( delta > -width ) { if ( map[target-1]->walkable >= 1 ) return SetFinderPath(); } else { if ( map[target+1]->walkable >= 1 ) return SetFinderPath(); } } } } } } x = current % width; y = (current-x) / width; if ( x == 0 ) { AddToOpenList(current + 1); if ( y > 0 ) { AddToOpenList(current - width); if ( map[current - width]->walkable >= 1 ) if ( map[current + 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current - width + 1); } if ( y < height-1 ) { AddToOpenList(current + width); if ( map[current + width]->walkable >= 1 ) if ( map[current + 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current + width + 1); } } else if ( x == width-1 ) { AddToOpenList(current - 1); if ( y > 0 ) { AddToOpenList(current - width); if ( map[current - width]->walkable >= 1 ) if ( map[current - 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current - width - 1); } if ( y < height-1 ) { AddToOpenList(current + width); if ( map[current + width]->walkable >= 1 ) if ( map[current - 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current + width - 1); } } else { AddToOpenList(current + 1); AddToOpenList(current - 1); if ( y > 0 ) { AddToOpenList(current - width); if ( map[current - width]->walkable >= 1 ) { if ( map[current - 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current - width - 1); if ( map[current + 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current - width + 1); } } if ( y < height-1 ) { AddToOpenList(current + width); if ( map[current + width]->walkable >= 1 ) { if ( map[current - 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current + width - 1); if ( map[current + 1]->walkable >= 1 ) AddToOpenList(current + width + 1); } } } RemoveFromOpenList(current); AddToClosedList(current); } while ( open > 0 ); CleanUpClosedList(); return false; } void Randomize () { } void ProcessIslands () { } void Save ( System::String^ file ) { } void Load ( System::String^ file ) { } private: void AddToOpenList ( unsigned int node ) { if ( node < 0 || node >= width*height ) return; if ( map[node]->walkable == 0 || map[node]->walkable == 2 ) return; if ( map[node]->list > 0 ) { if ( map[node]->list < open ) { unsigned int movementcost = map[current]->movementcost + GetMovementCost(current, node); if ( movementcost < map[node]->movementcost ) { map[node]->movementcost = movementcost; map[node]->totalcost = map[node]->estimatecost + movementcost; map[node]->parent = current; unsigned int i = map[node]->list; unsigned int j = i / 2; while ( true ) { if ( map[list]->totalcost < map[list[j]]->totalcost ) { // swap list index map[list]->list ^= map[list[j]]->list; map[list[j]]->list ^= map[list]->list; map[list]->list ^= map[list[j]]->list; // swap positions in list list ^= list[j]; list[j] ^= list; list ^= list[j]; // are we at the top of the list? if ( j == 1 ) break; i = j; j = j / 2; } else break; } } } return; } open++; list[open] = node; map[node]->list = open; if ( open == 1 ) { // start node has itself as parent map[node]->parent = node; map[node]->movementcost = 0; map[node]->estimatecost = 0; map[node]->totalcost = 0; } else { map[node]->parent = current; map[node]->movementcost = map[current]->movementcost + GetMovementCost(current, node); map[node]->estimatecost = GetEstimatedRemainingCost(node, target); map[node]->totalcost = map[node]->movementcost + map[node]->estimatecost; unsigned int i = open; unsigned int j = open / 2; while ( true ) { if ( map[list]->totalcost < map[list[j]]->totalcost ) { // swap list index map[list]->list ^= map[list[j]]->list; map[list[j]]->list ^= map[list]->list; map[list]->list ^= map[list[j]]->list; // swap positions in list list ^= list[j]; list[j] ^= list; list ^= list[j]; // are we at the top of the list? if ( j == 1 ) break; i = j; j = j / 2; } else break; } } } void RemoveFromOpenList ( unsigned int node ) { if ( map[node]->list == 0 || map[node]->list > open ) return; unsigned int i = map[node]->list; unsigned int j = i; unsigned int k; // move the last node to the empty spot list = list[open]; map[list]->list = i; open--; while ( true ) { i = j; k = 2*i; if ( k+1 <= open ) { if ( map[list]->totalcost > map[list[k]]->totalcost ) j = k; if ( map[list[j]]->totalcost > map[list[k+1]]->totalcost ) j = k+1; } else if ( k <= open ) { if ( map[list]->totalcost > map[list[k]]->totalcost ) j = k; } if ( i != j ) { // swap list index map[list]->list ^= map[list[j]]->list; map[list[j]]->list ^= map[list]->list; map[list]->list ^= map[list[j]]->list; // swap positions in list list ^= list[j]; list[j] ^= list; list ^= list[j]; } else break; } } void AddToClosedList ( unsigned int node ) { map[node]->list = closed; list[closed] = node; closed--; } void CleanUpOpenList () { for ( unsigned int i=0; i<=open; ++i ) map[list]->list = 0; open = 0; } void CleanUpClosedList () { unsigned int size = width * height; for ( unsigned int i=closed; i<=size; ++i ) map[list]->list = 0; closed = width * height; } unsigned int CountStepsToTarget () { unsigned int steps = 0; unsigned int node = target; while ( node != start ) { node = map[node]->parent; steps++; } return steps; } unsigned int GetMovementCost ( unsigned int from, unsigned int to ) { unsigned int d = from > to ? from-to: to-from; if ( d == 1 || d == width ) return 10; if ( d == width-1 || d == width+1 ) return 14; // from-node and to-node are not adjacent return 100; } unsigned int GetEstimatedRemainingCost ( unsigned int from, unsigned int to ) { unsigned int x1 = from % width; unsigned int y1 = (from-x1) / width; unsigned int x2 = to % width; unsigned int y2 = (to-x2) / width; x1 = x1 > x2 ? x1-x2: x2-x1; y1 = y1 > y2 ? y1-y2: y2-y1; return (x1 < y1 ? 14 * x1 + 10 * (y1-x1): 14 * y1 + 10 * (x1-y1)); } bool SetFinderPath () { RemoveFromOpenList(current); AddToClosedList(current); AddToClosedList(target); map[target]->parent = current; current = target; CleanUpOpenList(); unsigned int x; unsigned int y; unsigned int size = CountStepsToTarget(); array<Waypoint^>^ points = gcnew array<Waypoint^>(size); for ( unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i ) { x = current % width; y = (current-x) / width; points[size-(i+1)] = gcnew Waypoint(x,y); current = map[current]->parent; } finder->LoadWaypoints(points); CleanUpClosedList(); finder = nullptr; return true; } unsigned int width; unsigned int height; array<PathNode^>^ map; unsigned int start; unsigned int target; unsigned int current; unsigned int open; unsigned int closed; array<int>^ list; PathFinder^ finder; }; bool PathFinder::FindPath ( Waypoint^ a, Waypoint^ b ) { if ( !pathmap ) return false; return pathmap->FindPath(this, a,b); }} // AI#endif
I never finished this code because I got fed up with managed c++.
btw managed c++ realy sucks, go native =)
I have choose to use a binary heap to store the information as at the moment the game grid is only 50 x 50 but in the actual game it will be bigger thanks for all the help.
I used an array of lists, indexed by using a hash based on my current node's position. I did not use a standard list, but instead wrote my own so that a node maintained it's own prev and next pointers, and could remove itself in O(1). In addition, I made an array of flags so I could quickly tell if a node was in the open or closed list without having to search for it. Finally, I generated a short list (10 to 20 nodes) of the best nodes. This let me quickly find the best node (O(1)) without having to search through the entire open list.
Quote: Original post by Zoma
I did not use a standard list, but instead wrote my own so that a node maintained it's own prev and next pointers, and could remove itself in O(1). In addition, I made an array of flags so I could quickly tell if a node was in the open or closed list without having to search for it.
This comes close to what I did :-)
But beware, custom ADTs are eeeevil, reinventing the wheel and whatnot *gg*
I personally prefer O(1) to O(log n), though ;-)
- unshaven
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