
Cinimatics for Games

Started by January 26, 2006 03:41 PM
3 comments, last by Titntin 19 years ago
I need advice on what program do you prefer for me to use to make 3D cinimatics for a game I am developing. I am interested in XSI, of course when I get the proper money, but what is your advice on what 3D modeling program to use for cinimatics, because I don't know how to make cinimatics. So what is your advice on what should I find/purchase to get me doing 3D cinimatics for my game. XSI seems the right thing, but I want to know what is the steps involved in using it or what you prefer to make a cinimatic/cut-scene.
Well, do you need this for everything?

I mean, the models, the texturing, the animating, and the rendering?? If so, what do you have of the game yet?

Certainly 3D Studio Max and Maya would be able to make any cinematic you could possibly need, but that solution isn't going to be any less expensive. Of course, Veovis has a great thread on 2D and 3D Software that you might want to check out.

Anyways, the more information, the better!

gsgraham.comSo, no, zebras are not causing hurricanes.
Use whatever you have experience with (assuming it allows rendering). Making cinematic features requires a range of different skills in whatever package you are using. Modeling, Animating, Texturing, Lighting, Composition. So the most important factor in the decision has to be, what package are you or your artist(s) most comfortable with?

Either way it takes a huge amount of talent and experience to make any decent cinematic. You're not looking at a one or two month turn around unless you already have the required skills and a good knowledge of whichever tool you use.
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With no experience, forget the cinimatics entirely and just concentrate on making the game. Alternitively get someone else on board who does have experience to do the cut-scenes for you, as producing cinimatics requires experience of all the 3D disciplines and to get good results is definately not for the faint hearted.
As for which softwear - it really doesn't matter, they are all perfectly capable of great results. If its animation heavy, then XSI has the coolest feature set for character rigging and its tools allow you to play with the data more extensively without terminal crashing and data loss than Max for instance..., but all three major packages have decent toolsets.
I forgot to metion it above (and I hadn't registered), but I'd seriously consider not bothering with cinematics at all unless your game is heavilly story driven. Even then, consider using the game engine to drive the story, so you can use elements you need to develop anyway, or use a more stylistic approach with Comic style illustrations and narration. There's nothing worse for a games chances, than naff CG, and without being pessimistic, with no experience, you will not produce anything even remotely good enough for todays standards for a long time. Trust me, I've been doing games 13 years now.... (and feeling old for it! :)

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