
Virtual Pimp - A Real Time Pimp Simulator

Started by January 22, 2006 01:44 AM
55 comments, last by Sneftel 19 years ago
oh, and if you want to throw another gameplay option into the mix, can we also be able to move up the ranks in the police force, fighting the pimps?

This also opens the option of playing both sides at the same time. Be the two faced cop, taking bribes and stuff, and maybe even having your own drug and whore ring.
Old Username: Talroth
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Original post by Vopisk
Okay, so, all assholes aside... I've been thinking all day while at work of "What would I want from a Pimp Simulator?". I think that most of the bases have definitely been covered already, however, I'm gonna try and come up with some new ideas.

Firstly, can we change the name of the Cracker pimp to White Trash Cracker? He can run around in a wife-beater t-shirt stained yellow in both the front and the back, be missing most of his teeth (as a result of smoking crack) and his pimp-mobile would consist of a ridiculously big truck, lifted three feet off the ground with four-feet tall tires, roll bars and KC lights, among other features. The white-trash cracker pimp, being the ginormous hick/hillbilly/redneck that he is, would focus on peddling crack and brute force to control his "work force". His goons of course would be Billy Bob and Bobby Joe (or other suitable redneck names) who happen to be two obese twin brothers who run around in nothing but a pair of tattered, stained blue-denim overalls.

Note: I may be channelling my step-dad into this role, but if the shoe fits, why not wear it right?

Secondly, I love the idea of bating and enslaving homeless young run-aways, I would never have thought of the idea but it's a thing of beauty. Also, as far as items go, these should not consist of merely pimp-upgrades. A pimp should be able to buy every sick, twisted type of sexually perverted toy to enhance the pleasure of both his whores and his clients, who we all know are dirty little freaks. This can include bondage stuff, giant black dildos or any other sick things that can be thought of. These upgrades would probably be whore-specific, so you could basically "equip" a whore with these items and they would serve to boost her morale or her money influx as a result.

Also, it is absolutely crucial that as whores slip into becoming "crack whores" the animation changes to make them look ever-more like walking skeletons so that a player can have a clear idea of which whores are doing too many drugs.

Perhaps a pimp(the greasy guido italian?) could also own a strip club, and use it as a front for his pimp empire, as many do.

In an idea that actually happened to come from Mister Conservative up there, why not, when the pimp becomes succesful enough, allow him to branch out and begin to hire other mini-pimps to help handle his girls, collect the cash and peddle the drugs to school children.

I remember back when I was in high school there was a ghetto called "Little Africa" like right across the street, and there was a park where the local drug dealers and whores would all hang out.

Anyway, more ideas, I already love this game...


Wow. Its great to see such postive suggestions. I like your ideas for White Trash Pimp.

We absolutely plan on allowing pimps to be customized and even more so as gameplay progresses, including the purchase of properties on the city grid. Pimp types would also have type specific specially items such as the white trash brother goons you described.

With regard to whores, we intend to allow the player to range their whores from high class escorts to massage parlor girls to common street hookers to vampire bitch goddess dominatrix and more.

Also, if I hadn't been clear on this, gameplay can progress using a mission based structure. Missions are spread around the map and can be acquired by interacting with the environment. Completing missions open up more pimp powers, give you access to important NPCs, allow you to purchase properties, and expand pimp arsenal. These are not marked on the city map or screen. You must click on and interact with NPCs or on screen items to find them. Keep in mind that some NPCs move around.
Original post by Talroth
oh, and if you want to throw another gameplay option into the mix, can we also be able to move up the ranks in the police force, fighting the pimps?

This also opens the option of playing both sides at the same time. Be the two faced cop, taking bribes and stuff, and maybe even having your own drug and whore ring.

Sounds like a reasonable idea. Maybe Crooked Cop would be a selectable pimp type with a rank stat. He could have a shakedown command that allows his to take money, crack, and information from NPCs. Given these advantages, initially it would be more difficult for him to convert whores.

I definitely see Crooked Cop as different play style than the other pimps.
Crooked cop? Please! Dirty Pig! :) Absolutely ZERO morally redeeming qualities remember? Make sure he gets a stat bonus when in the proximity of donut shops and has a gut to prove it!
You're going to have to have a good variety of types of 'john', as well. Regular 'johns' could be tapped for favours - school principals to allow crack dealing in the school yard (increasing the incidence of runaways to the previously mentioned dumpsters and gang membership), evangelist ministers or catholic bishops could be tapped for cash or political influence... hell, throw rabbi's into the mix for fun as well. Can't be seen to discriminate in your offensiveness.

Of course different johns would have different whores in mind - the bishops go after the young rentboys, the ministers after the dominatrices, that kind of thing. Could vary it by individual, but I think the unmitigated and unfounded stereotyping has it's own kind of sick charm.

Every country has its own sheepshagger province, so you'll have to provide for them... umm. I'd like to stop thinking about this now. I feel a bit queasy.

There's a challenge - to make the first game to make someone physically feel sickened (and not by camera movement). I think this has a chance...
Winterdyne Solutions Ltd is recruiting - this thread for details!
Original post by Vopisk
Crooked cop? Please! Dirty Pig! :) Absolutely ZERO morally redeeming qualities remember? Make sure he gets a stat bonus when in the proximity of donut shops and has a gut to prove it!

Yes, Dirty Pig sounds much better. Donuts, good ideas. Perhaps eating donuts will also power up Dirty Pig.

Original post by _winterdyne_
You're going to have to have a good variety of types of 'john', as well. Regular 'johns' could be tapped for favours - school principals to allow crack dealing in the school yard (increasing the incidence of runaways to the previously mentioned dumpsters and gang membership), evangelist ministers or catholic bishops could be tapped for cash or political influence... hell, throw rabbi's into the mix for fun as well. Can't be seen to discriminate in your offensiveness.

Of course different johns would have different whores in mind - the bishops go after the young rentboys, the ministers after the dominatrices, that kind of thing. Could vary it by individual, but I think the unmitigated and unfounded stereotyping has it's own kind of sick charm.

Every country has its own sheepshagger province, so you'll have to provide for them... umm. I'd like to stop thinking about this now. I feel a bit queasy.

There's a challenge - to make the first game to make someone physically feel sickened (and not by camera movement). I think this has a chance...

Good ideas too. Although certain john types might pay more or more frequently often specific whore types, I wouldn't make it an exclusive relationship. For example the minister might seek out the vampire bitch goddess whore, but will also visit other whores, though ministers that visit vampire bitch goddess will give you more bonuses.

Also, the city grid corners you keep shop on can change over time based on how you play the corners. As I said before, if you mix whores and drugs on a corner too much it will turn the block into a slum. A slum lowers the number and quality of pedestrian traffic, but also brings out new NPCs in that area for you to interact with.

Can you point me to this sick thread challenge?

Oh, we would also like to have a lot of random stuff that happens in the city, like roving gangs of wild teens, and a jack the ripper NPC that shows up every once in a while.

Keep the comments coming.
I was kidding. :-|

Winterdyne Solutions Ltd is recruiting - this thread for details!
Original post by Vopisk
...Pimp Simulator...

I think that restraint will be the word of the day when you start making this one. It has so much potential to mushroom out of control. You start dealing with different classes of whore, a rank system, hiring and training security forces, the impact of venereal disease and diversifying into drug dealing, and you've got three or four games' worth of content. I think that pimping in a vaccuum should be your first goal. Pimps, hos, johns and dough. Then add in the 5-0 and some competition, and see how that works out.

Remember, an unplayable mess won't be enough to get the horrific content distributed. This needs to be genuinely fun and awesome to make its point.

Maybe this could be made as a Sims mod. Is the a dev kit for that sort of thing? I've always really wanted to see a "Zombie Invasion" game using the Sims 2 engine.
I have been thinkning more about this game and the actual dynamics of it, how it would really have to work in order to be fun.

First of all, set the game in the 60s-70s to conjure the right atmosphere.

First of, divide the city into neighborhoods which are in turn divided into blocks. Each block has different types of people livin' in 'em, and hence, different markets. Innitially, what you have to do is to cruise around and research the various blocks so you know where you can profit.
As you start your business on a block however, it will change and transform with
the way you choose to play it, which in turn, forces you, the player, to adjust
for succesfull pimpin. So you will want to play various corners differently - on some corner you may wanna keep it discreet and have luxury hoe professionals, in slum blocks shit wont matter so you just keep runnin as much drugs and hoes as possible (hoes here will be infected, but the costumers wont care since they're allready infected and can't pay much anyway).
So a lot of choises are available to the player, keepin' the game content rich, alive and kicking. I say, make a mock-up prototype where you make sure this shit works solidly first, so you have a test bed on which you can try new features and see how they fit in the game balance. This means you will want to make the game
design data driven on the technical side; design the engine so it is dependent on scripts (i suggest GameMonkey or Lua, will get you started quickly) and XML (tinyXML is a bliss) ... of course, this has the added bonus of makin' the game
moddable, so players can create their own add-ons.

Best regards,

Original post by Madvillain
I have been thinkning more about this game and the actual dynamics of it, how it would really have to work in order to be fun.

First of all, set the game in the 60s-70s to conjure the right atmosphere.

First of, divide the city into neighborhoods which are in turn divided into blocks. Each block has different types of people livin' in 'em, and hence, different markets. Innitially, what you have to do is to cruise around and research the various blocks so you know where you can profit.
As you start your business on a block however, it will change and transform with
the way you choose to play it, which in turn, forces you, the player, to adjust
for succesfull pimpin. So you will want to play various corners differently - on some corner you may wanna keep it discreet and have luxury hoe professionals, in slum blocks shit wont matter so you just keep runnin as much drugs and hoes as possible (hoes here will be infected, but the costumers wont care since they're allready infected and can't pay much anyway).
So a lot of choises are available to the player, keepin' the game content rich, alive and kicking. I say, make a mock-up prototype where you make sure this shit works solidly first, so you have a test bed on which you can try new features and see how they fit in the game balance. This means you will want to make the game
design data driven on the technical side; design the engine so it is dependent on scripts (i suggest GameMonkey or Lua, will get you started quickly) and XML (tinyXML is a bliss) ... of course, this has the added bonus of makin' the game
moddable, so players can create their own add-ons.

Best regards,


Mad, those are some really good ideas, thought my initial idea was to incorporate a mission type resource.

Basically different NPC saround the map will give you, the pimp, missions to complete some task, hand in some item, or to talk to another NPC. These mission givers are not labeled, they might actually be items, are randomly scattered about the city grid, though some may fall around specific locals. For example near a school yard there might be a mission to sell crack to the school kids, or near the fishing warph you might have a mission to send a whore under the docks to give the sailors blow jobs.

Yes, your gameplay affects the areas you frequent, so 'base building' is possible, but you do not directly create structures, rather they change over time based on how you play.

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